Evolution and is God Evil

Discussion in 'Faith and Religion' started by Ganado, Oct 9, 2016.

  1. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    Well... hmmm...

    theory.... hmmmm...

    here is a theory... and as such unproven and probably one that can not be proven...

    which IMHO also applies to the theory of evolution as well...

    The God particle... if I understand it correctly it is even smaller then anything they have been able to measure so far?

    and it exist... if it actually does... between or all around everything else... ?

    so here we go...

    what if those particles are God or God is something like those particles... in that God is around and all through everything?

    if that is the case... not sayin it is mind you just putting forward a theory...

    then that would explain many things both within the Bible and in science IMHO...

    we do NOT know what causes gravity but we know it is there...


    let us suppose the stuff in the periodic tables has been around a very long time?

    if these particles were God... or God is similar to or like these particles...

    why couldn't God pull together and create a entire planet using the very old stuff from the periodic tables in one day?

    kinda a Gods lego's kinda thing?

    if God were these particles or something like them it would explain how everything any of us do is known?

    the concept/theory at this point is nether provable or unprovable IMHO...

    just something to think on... if ya think on it there could be many other tie ins to this theory...

    but it's just a theory
  2. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    An interesting exposition OD, but the concept, as described could not be considered a theory: (a theory in the realm of science has a very specific meaning) However, if the described concept is unfalsifiable (unprovable), then the concept does not even rate as a scientific hypothesis...if, potentially the concept may be provable, using the scientific method, then the concept might possibly rise to the level of becoming a scientific hypothesis. A scientific hypothesis, and a scientific theory, though related, are quite distinctly different things. Hypothesis vs Theory - Difference and Comparison | Diffen

    Brokor and Ganado like this.
  3. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    The periodic table of elements is not like some container of building blocks to construct stuff with....it is simply an arbitrary system of classification (taxonomy) used to describe and sort in some relational way, the known elemental substances in this universe discovered thus far. As elements are discovered, the table is amended. It is quite likely that not all of the elemental substances that constitute this earth have yet been discovered, let alone what constitutes the universe: and so, the periodic table of elements is likely to be amended, periodically ;)

    Which god are we talking about?...before we can discuss the possibility of a god pulling together (elemental substances) and creating a planet (in any time scale) we might wish to consider the nature and characteristics of the god that is performing this cosmic act of creation. How do we know that such an entity exists that can perform this function?
    Ganado likes this.
  4. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Pretty much anyone who knows anything about me knows the only way there's a kid in my house is if I kidnapped one of the neighborhood vandals and have him locked in the cellar.... far, far away from any luxuries like coffee, chocolate, or sunlight and fresh air.

    The evil doer has a colonoscopy scheduled for Thursday, however, so I should probably cut slack on this round. :eek::ROFLMAO::rolleyes:
    Yard Dart, Ganado, SB21 and 2 others like this.
  5. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    said it was just a theory and food for thought... however for that matter...

    how do you know such does not exist or can do as... speculated?

    and IF God is the stuff between molecules why couldn't God cause them to do things like draw closer together or further apart?

    and as to time... with that kinda power... why couldn't it be done in what we call a day?

    the periodic table was intended as a example of what may have been around for a very long time...

    as to amending... LOL everything humanity has ever come up with eventually gets that treatment IIRC...

    as to them just being a table...

    doesn't everything that exist have at least one of them (in the table) in it?
  6. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    Things that make you go,,,,,,,,,,,Hhmmmmmmm,,,,
  7. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    Last edited: Oct 11, 2016
  8. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    I didn't feel it as a kid either. Let's just say that certain life experiences perhaps made me more sensitive to the universe around me. I'm glad I found that feeling because my life has been so much better since...even through tragedies.

    It might be like finding love - when you are desperately seeking it you can't seem to find it, but once you quit looking it sneaks up and raps you up side the head. ;)
    Ganado likes this.
  9. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    Oh, sorry...I forgot to give ya'll my sunglasses
    3M-TA3, Ganado and Brokor like this.
  10. GhostX

    GhostX Monkey

    Damn 007, you got crazy specs! Lol
  11. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I'll bite. Nobody knows if God exists. Not event the greatest thinkers, philosophers, scientists, or tacticians know if there is a God. But, a simple, common, everyday peasant believes to know that God exists, through faith. The issue is not whether or not God truly exists, it's a negative from the start, a nothing ("no thing").

    Another way to explain this, is to look at it from an older perspective (and there are many perspectives) using the Qabalah and tree of life diagram. The three veils reside above the tree of life and represent the outer limit of existence and the initial impulse of creation. -link-

    Our discussion pertains to what may exist above "Kether", or the "Crown" at the very top. For purposes of enlightenment, everything we see and experience exists at the very bottom, in "Malkuth", the world of formation. The first two veils are really only concepts to describe the totality of the third. Try to keep in mind that everything functions due to light. The more you come to understand this, the greater your perspective. Finally, this is not exclusively scientific, so please do not misconstrue. This is merely one avenue (of many) to give greater scope to this topic.

    Ain is the highest and first of the veils. It is literally translated as 'nothing', or simply 'no'; it is absolute emptiness, the opposite of existence, complete absence.

    Ain Soph is the middle of the three veils, and it proceeds from Ain by necessity. It is literally translated as 'no limit'. If there is nothing then there are no boundaries or limitations; this is the limitless foundation - the eternal in its purest sense.

    Ain Soph Aur is the lower veil, situated closest to the Tree of Life, and it proceeds from Ain Soph as a necessity. It means 'limitless or eternal light'. Without any limitations, all things happen by virtue of the fact that there is no reason why they shouldn't.
    Light plays a very important role in the philosophy and symbolism of Qabalah, and the Ain Spoh Aur is that light. Light means many things to a Qabalist - the light of wisdom, of life, of grace and so on, but in attaching all these associations it is important to remember that these refer to our human experience of light, and the way an inner communion with the eternal light can heal and transform you, but not the simple nature of light in and of itself. So what is the nature of this mysterious light? In metaphysics such questions can be over-analyzed; the light of Qabalah is the same as the light described in science and experienced in our every day life, it is just that it is experienced in a more direct (gnostic) manner, or to be more precise, in the manner that it experiences itself.
    As Einsteins theory of relativity explains, if you were to travel at the speed of light then strange things would happen to space and time, and you would experience yourself to be in all places and times at once. You would, in other words, be eternal. This is the experience of light from its own perspective.

    Now, having digested that, what can we say about "creation"? Either it was divinely inspired, or it was a natural phenomenon --the same place we were before I started. However, I do hope that I have intrigued you enough to consider the possibilities concerning light. If we were to be completely honest and break this down to the most basic elements, as humans, we only see a portion of the light spectrum (visible light), and much of the electromagnetic particles "do their stuff" well outside our visual perception.


    The greatest fallacy and illusion I have ever known, is the one which postulates that we (humans) know everything we need to know just because some other human says he spoke with God and received a divine revelation. The funny thing about a revelation --it's a personal experience. Given a scientific relevance, there exists a fundamental flaw when applying the causality principle; event 'A' never occurred, so it could not influence event 'B'. Unless, of course...you are the type to believe and trust anybody by their word. If this is the case, I have a beautiful bridge in Arizona overlooking the ocean I would like to sell you. Too much? Yes, I apologize. I like to think that we do not know everything...yet. This is why science is so cool. To think, not too long ago in our history as talking apes, it was forbidden and even punishable by *gasp* death! One day, even science may prove that God exists --and wouldn't that be exciting? I am serious, too. Who knows what we may find in the depths of the cosmos, anyway? But, first we must survive long enough not to kill ourselves with senseless wars and an endless greed to possess power. To conclude, I will say that we do possess a unique opportunity to unlock and discover amazing new things about our existence. I just don't think religion can bring us there.

    Let's turn this to more of a spiritual (and positive) outlook.

    This is the Andromeda galaxy. Scientists estimate that in approximately 5 billion years, it will begin to collide with the Milky Way galaxy (that's ours), and thus will create a new, incredible playground full of cool things for some other sentient life form to toy around with. You see? Even when I am positive, I am dreary. Sorry for that.

    We can obtain a lot from science, and if we are sensible, perhaps learn a thing or two from religion, too. Perhaps.
    chelloveck, GhostX and Ganado like this.
  12. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    @Brokor - I must be Nobody, because I KNOW God exists.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2016
    3M-TA3 and GhostX like this.
  13. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy


    As I have already said you are a interesting person...

    I find much of your posting to be of a certain... nature...

    there seems to very often be a slight to moderate ridicule toward others in many of your post...

    sort of like you are all knowing and all judging... and these peons are but toys for you to play with...

    I have also come to the conclusion that...

    to me... you post from a certain... arrogance?...

    and oddly perhaps there is a little bit of a certain... ignorance... perhaps it's academic in nature?

    don't really know... so can't say... but so far after reading many of your postings... I find I care little for you or them...

    it has to do more with my perception of you attitude then much of anything else...

    Now... for the record... I am not attempting to sway anyone to a specific belief...

    as I said just food for thought... do with it as you will... or ignore it all together... I don't really care...

    as someone once said TANSTAAFL...

    I was given something long ago... it has served me in a manner I'm not sure I understand... but it has always been there...

    for me there IS a God and that God is the Hebrew God of Mosses, Joshua, David, etc...

    that I reached out to for what I received... we should remember... it is said.... ask... truly, deeply, as a child would...

    for I was a child at the time... and I was answered...

    your opinions are... for me... now of very little importance... best wish's...

    n May God Bless, you and yours and keep you all safe and well...
    GhostX likes this.
  14. GhostX

    GhostX Monkey

    I have a habit of trying to imagine what people I meet may have been like when they were children. I wonder how we would get along if we both had met at a young age. Often you can see little reflections of the kid a person once was show through in times of emotional distress or joy. Imagining a person this way helps me to understand them more completely by recognising those little day to day habits they exhibit as adults.

    A fact of life I have come to recognise is that anything you do, you will inevitably get better at doing. Nothing is omitted from that rule, even things you don't realize you do. I believe this is a fact that relates to religion as well. Learning about the bible and having faith in God from a young age can deeply instill the belief within a person as they grow older. It becomes their state of normality and it feels right for them. It's part of the niche they aquire in life and becomes the foundation that they compare everything in life to (kind of like drying concrete). Whether or not this belief is true is irrelevant at this point because this is the way an individual is content with their life.

    I'm not out to shake a person's faith. I realize such an attempt would be futile anyways since it is their faith to keep regardless of anything I say. But I would hope that a person of faith would have the courage to glance up to see what's on the other side of the wall they put up every now and then just for the sake of knowing what's over there. It's one thing to be strong with one's belief but it's another to be ignorant of reality.
    Brokor, Ganado and chelloveck like this.
  15. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    He's actually a polite gentleman (at least in chat) and definitely isn't arrogant.
    He suffers from the same malady as I do --rubbem'. We seem to rub some people the wrong way.

    But, I also believe this is the time to focus more on the topic instead of members (just me saying this, as a friendly observation) and as a reminder, if we feel at any time estranged or picked on, or if we just need to seal a wound obtained from posting...feel free to start up a private conversation!
    Ganado, ghrit, GhostX and 1 other person like this.
  16. GhostX

    GhostX Monkey

    I did notice a few jabs made by chelloveck when I was reading his post that seemed a bit unnecessary. I can understand the kind of feedback he got in this thread from OldDude and chimo as would be the natural reaction from anyone who might feel that their intelligence was insulted. I think he makes a lot of great points and he is very knowledgeable in this area but I really don't find the attitude particularly productive since it puts others in a defencive position. I'm the [newb]here though and I want to maintain my respectful position towards everyone on this forum with a neutral perspective regarding people on either side of the argument.

    I just call them as I see them.

    This discussion would be more effective and beneficial for all if everyone could refrain from pointing out whatever character flaws they find unappealing about another member and just stick to the actual topic of discussion.

    Mutual respect is like oil for the gears of conversation while the lack of it is like rust causing them to jam up.
    chelloveck and Meat like this.
  17. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    Meanwhile a billion Chinese keep plugging away like they have been for thousands of years. Maybe they got it right. [afro]
    Ganado likes this.
  18. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    I think to some people here...being identified as "interesting" might mean somewhat different things to different people. The actual meaning might be clearer with the help of intonation....much the same as being described as "special" can be a positive thing...or otherwise. My postings tend to be fairly eclectic, but clusters of interests and standpoints do seem to become evident. Mostly I address myself to the issues and arguments being discussed rather than the persons discussing them. Sometimes folks are inclined to be a little snarky when they are called on fallacious argumentation, and I have been known to reply to snarky ad hominem attacks with some snarkyness in return, usually, but not always with a little wit and whimsy.

    If any ridicule is directed by me, it is most usually directed at some opinions and beliefs expressed by others. Often the problem is that some folks hold their beliefs and opinions as quite central to their identity, such that any perceived criticism of an expressed belief or opinion, is taken as a personal attack upon them, and hence, may feel aggrieved that opinions and beliefs that they hold precious to them are too robustly challenged. Sometimes that can sting. I get that. However, ridiculous, irrational, illogical, and harmful opinions and beliefs argued fallaciously, are not deserving of special, deferential respect. Nor should they be shielded by the possibility that the proponents of such beliefs might feel upset or aggrieved that their pet beliefs or opinions crash and burn due to not surviving close critical scrutiny.

    You are not alone in that perception, whether it is warranted or not. My inclusion on some fellow monkeys' ignore lists may be evidence of that shared perception. On the other hand, others find me to be a personable, pleasant person. I have fairly regular telephone conversations with one of my American monkey friends....the conversations are very amicable and mutually respectful...even if we may not necessarily agree on everything that I may post here.

    As no examples of this academic tinged ignorance have been given, it's difficult to offer a reply....I tend to try and define terms, where appropriate (it saves frustrating ambiguity, and the potential for goalpost shifting), I try and reference with links, material which elaborates or provides evidential support for what I am arguing. Some concepts being discussed might require some relevant background knowledge, and in some cases, it provides a means for those who want to explore the topic more deeply the means of easily doing so. If that is the issue that's concerning you, then I make no apology for that. p.s. I also try and fact check what I am challenging, as well as what I am asserting; It saves a lot of facial egg removal.

    My posting style is not everyone's cup of tea....nobody is obliged to like it, let alone drink it.

    As is often the case when making value judgements of other people

    My perception of you, is of a man of my vintage, or somewhat older; who generally shows care and compassion for most other people. Gentle in disposition, with firm faith convictions. Somewhat intolerant of Islam and its deity, Allah. A person of fairly conservative social values.

    I did not take it as an instance of proselytizing. Clearly it was an invitation to metaphysical speculation, with a little personal faith testimony thrown in for good measure. I accepted the invitation to reply to the metaphysical speculation, but chose, then and now, to not respond to your personal faith testimonials. I did with the topic as I would, but clearly that seems to have caused some kind of offence.

    No comment.

    I'm sorry that you feel that way, but I don't assume that my opinions will necessarily be of importance, let alone of interest to others....to do so, would suggest an arrogance that is entirely out of character for me. ;) I'm just happy if someone is prepared to engage with my expressed opinions, with some intellectual honesty, intellectual integrity and intellectual generosity. Interlocutory agility and acumen is also greatly appreciated :D

    I appreciate the kind sentiments which stand behind your parting benediction, in the same sense that you might appreciate an equivalent benediction in the name of Allah, were I a Muslim.

    Best wishes to you also, OD, and may you and yours remain safe and well.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2016
    Ganado likes this.
  19. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Brokor likes this.
  20. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    An interesting debate that seems to finally resolved itself amicable and hopefully with respect for differing opinions.

    I was much more interested in the falcons of the logic of the original post.

    I started to put it under general discussion but figure it would get moved since it did have 'God' in the original post.

    Mostly, in my opinion, not like it's the truth, there are holes on the logic for all religions an non religious
    It boils down to what do you personally believe. And we can all make a logical argument for what we believe, no matter how many in consistencies are in our beliefs.

    So arguing religion or politics is like hitting a rusty nail, you never know where it's gonna go. And it won't hold up well long term
    Brokor and chelloveck like this.
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