Everything We Have Been Taught About Our Origins Is A Lie

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Quigley_Sharps, Jun 25, 2014.

  1. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Well said "66"
  2. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    Not sure how to interpret that... or who its directed to...
    Truthfully, it could be looked at as praise or sarcasm with that little "trailer".
  3. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    He was referring to @cdnboy66 from last page.
  4. cdnboy66

    cdnboy66 Monkey++

    please don't take this the wrong way because I totally appreciate the fact you are passionate about what you are saying
    and I also can sense from what you write that you have your heart in the right place and what you write is what you believe

    Having said that, these are my observations about your writings and what you are trying to express, please take it as positive criticism

    You seem to know all the catchphrases and "ancient teachings" but there is something that doesn't jive with your presentation
    words strung together like a light string, and it's almost too bright to see.

    I have been prayerfully considering how to respond to you and I am at a loss. perhaps it is a mistake to respond at all

    Perhaps, and this occurs to me as I write this, it's because you speak of so much at once that it become jumbled.....
    but it's almost as if you are trying to jam a pound of cheese through a funnel and you seem to mix your metaphors and dieties.
    You speak of Karma in the same sentence as the power of God as if they were one in the same
    you speak of the judgement of God and normalcy bias, cognitive dissonance, the systemic irrationality of a reprobate mind.
    you speak of mammon and Mystery

    And maybe I have read the book from the back to the front ...but....isn't the story about redemption.
    If I know anything about Christ, and his sonship through God the Father, it is that there is now and there will forever be..


    ( not the kind as promised by your POTUS )

    but the hope of redemption, of salvation, of eternally being in the presence of a loving creator who longs to be with us because we were created in his image

    yes, there is much darkness in the world, and perhaps I do not know what you know, for as I have said, I am not a learned man

    having said that, I find some solace in my ignorance if the price of wisdom would be for me to lose my faith by reading the book of enoch

    for I would much rather have the faith of a child, holding the hand of his loving Father and trusting him for everything.

    not that I am there, but it is where I seek to be

    Again, I find that what I have written does not express what my heart wishes to say....so I will pray that the Good Lord will translate and allow my written words to reflect his heart.

    Peace brother, may it be well with you and may you be blessed with the peace that passes all understanding in his name
    arleigh likes this.
  5. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    Thank you sir, hard to relate without a link to a post a page back... unless you're one of the regular crew...

    Sorry if I have offended you, or anyone else in any way... however, as everywhere, it has become obvious to me over decades of life in this world, that truth is dominated by the lie for one reason... we prefer them over the truth revealing more about our nature than anything else.

    @cdnboy66 (1st, My POTUS? Huh? Nah, I hope he is... well... better not say that... You're canadian I take it, and speaking in the general terms, but, no, he's is not 'my' pres, because 'I' didn't vote for the POS... ;) )
    Yes, new think can be confusing... because nobody asks questions, they simply assume their old think is right, and I am 'mixing metaphors', when the metaphors were stolen from Gnosis to begin with...

    You are obviously a righteous person, and have read the bible, but, Which Bible? Who's Bible? Which Version containing which books? Do you know how many books were burned and rejected? And Why? Do you know the history of the church instead of simply reading old words and taking them to heart? I love the Bible, but reject its current form because its incomplete, broken and divided, and causes division in His people. I read old words too, older than the Bible, but, somehow, they are 'illegitimate', because some old guys with political agendas a thousand years ago didn't include them? Ever read the Kolbrin bible, the sanskrit vedas, buddhist, hindu, Hopi, Cherokee, Gnostic, Enoch? I would suggest you start with Enoch, before you think I am mixing metaphors and talking in jumbles. I talk that way for a reason, when the spirit moves, some would call it preaching, and maybe it is. It is because I have studied this stuff, for so long it is second nature, I don't stop to think of reading comprehension and backgrounds of the readers...

    To say the Universe and the Lord is solely about redemption is not exactly right, redemption from what? Sin? Sinful natures? What is 'sin'? What was sin even a hundred years ago, is commonplace and accepted now, but, the Church would still say something is a sin because its 'in the Bible'. Well, when a preacher told me, years ago, that the little buddhist boy, who died without knowing Christ, would be picked up bodily by Christ and thrown into a lake of fire to burn for eternity, I turned against those who declared they were the rightful arbiters of spirit knowledge in this world. To say, that to die without knowing Christ, is a sin, is the height of anti Christ teachings, but, how would any of them know, if they had burned the Original Teachings? What the natives, and pagans, and others in this world term; The Original Instructions... But, it is these 'tablets' that we, the white man, burned, and created a new false tablet of spirit knowledge called; The Holy Bible.

    With it we have wreaked the Earth, gone forth conquering and to conquer 'in the name of God'. We don't even know what our prophesies say because we have lost the language of the spirit, we have listened to material men and their orthodoxy for so long, they are the only legitimacy we know. Even those who reject 'organized religion', only have a Bible left as their spiritual touchstone... and what division has it caused? Is it become an 'abomination of desolation' set up in the True Temple of God, our minds? Even preachers can say, that the true temple of God is in our minds, as our connection and our conscience, but, how dare I make it 'real'? How dare I interpret the meanings of things sacred, in a way different from what we are used to? Well, if I remember correctly, there was a man, two thousand years ago or thereabouts, who did the same exact thing... He promoted a new way of thinking, and the people of the Law went crazy and hung Him from a cross.

    What is being rejected now? Not Him, but those who purport to represent Him. Those who say that their book, is The Word of God. Those who say that the little buddhist boy will burn in hell forever, simply because of an accident of birth, are the Liars. If there is a Lie of our Origins, it is a very old lie, and passes out free tickets to heaven, without even knowing the difference between heaven and paradise, or hell and the lake of fire. They don't know these things because they burned the definitions, the manual, the Revealed Knowledge, the Original Instructions. They created a false tablet of magic and mystery, they changed the Universe from Cause and Effect, to Crime and Punishment, with themselves as the Arbiters of Judgement. They created a tablet of knowledge, with many cracks and holes, but, made with poetry and pretty words, having lost all but the most vaguest of meanings. It is like anything that happens when politics enters in, "evil crept in unawares" from the beginning.

    Do not take my strident tone, as being personal brother... the spirit pushes me to speak strongly, as I am a witness to the light, yes, a witness to the door of heaven, as it cracked open in my vision quest. And much came spilling out, I was physically sick, no man can stand the light of the Holy spirit, trust me, it physically hurts. But, this generation is lost, not because of their needing redemption, for no man is perfect, because evil is part of our reality and ourselves in this reality of darkness, it is our trap, and our strengthening for higher purpose. For how can good become great, if not for the trials of drama and overcoming our own rebellious nature? Did God not create darkness as He created Light? Do we not know, as adults, that only when children are allowed to fall down, and get up, do they truly learn a Thing? But the Church merely says evil is a 'problem', when evil is necessary for growth. Evil is necessary for spirits trapped within souls, like fire is necessary to make steel from iron.

    We want to believe in a simple reality, when reality is not simple, so we wrap it up in mystery because we are fearful. It is fear that is the greatest sin, as I believe you'll find in that old gnostic tome; Revelation 21:8. But even in vs 7 before it, is one of the keys of misunderstandings. To say that man, is not a 'Son of God', that only Christ is The Son, is a great lie, as even their own Bible says.

    What is Sin? Taking joy from another.
    Karma, is merely the Books of Life and Death written on the skein of time. The 'here and now' of physical is directly connected to the 'then and when' of the layers of paradise, the seven 'heavens'. To say this is mixing metaphors, is what is sad, because it speaks of blinders. Blinders on eyes that can only speak one religion, and cannot see that all religions had an identical beginning, as revealed knowledge from 'somewhere', in a time even older than history reveals. Thus I speak in mixed metaphors not to hide, or to divide, but to unify. To show that we are all human, and the little buddhist boy, will be 'born again of the spirit', just like the Lord said.

    What is Redemption? Release from the wheel of the material.
    The Lord did not say "pledge allegiance to me and all is forgiven". What did He say?; "repent and sin no more." that there is no free lunch in this Universe. You don't get to go to church and seek absolution, justify your bad business deals, and sins, by paying off the preacher and next week, rinse and repeat. In fact, that's one reason the 'Protestants' broke off from 'Mother Church', only to create something even worse, the Daughters of the Mother of Harlots. (Protestants have forgotten, that they are merely 'protesting' Catholics, in fact, Ann Barnhardt, that scion of Catholic warrior women, considers them infidels... because there is only One True Church. She is no better than the Islamists she denigrates.)
    Paul, in this regard, was fought against by the Church in Jerusalem, he was considered a 'false prophet'. But then, that Church was considered 'heretical', and destroyed. Many of the Saints were hunted down and killed, and Christians today, have no knowledge of the early church. It was, in a word; Anti-Christ, and became The Mother of Harlots, and the White Horse, that went forth conquering in the name of God...

    There is much about The Bible, that is misunderstood, because bible readers have no foundation in the original works, the metaphors of spirit, images worth a thousand words, if we had the right foundation. But, we burned that foundation, and its teachers, and created something that turned evil into good, and good into evil, as we now reap the benefits of its immoral authority because Karma happens to nations as well as individuals.

    The young are turned away from her in droves, searching for meaning in a meaningless world, the Great Falling away has been happening for years as science and socialist education turns them away from the Mystery Doctrine and superstition, she becomes old dry bones. They see no need for redeeming because they only have one concept of sin, doing harm to others. In this they are right because the Church was the fulfillment of the Lords prophecy, that; He came not to bring peace, but a sword. The sarcasm present in that line is lost on churchmen, because they can't see that they are the cause of their own degeneration and decay. They can't see the sword of war and division, caused by their 'holy' Bible. The many wars, and the many denominations, the different doctrines and theories, the arguments between 'christians' is evident everywhere, if we pay attention. They cannot even interpret their own bible correctly, because it was written that way because of politics, vague and confusing, with cracks and holes. The people are desolate, because of the works of Rome, an abomination of desolation, set up in the true temple of God, our minds. Read the Letter from the Translators of the King James, and tell me what it says in one sentence, and agree or disagree with this; The King made us do it.

    We won't even touch the Land of Nod, the Two Lights, the Elohim, the list goes on.
    That's enough jumbles and mixed metaphors for tonight.
    But, since nobody knows how to conduct the Platonic method anymore, or seek the truth through discourse, I guess it doesn't matter. I do commend Kellory though, he at least went the distance until he threw up his hands because his paradigm was crumbling and he couldn't defend without ammo. I had hoped that his tagline from Galt, would have spoken more highly of his motives... sigh.

    To those who think I'm some kinda new age nut, and don't want to argue, don't worry, I'm not, just a disappointed Christian who walked out of the church of hypocrites and mysteries many years ago, and have found nothing to change my mind that I was wrong. I seek truth, from all and any who can help us find the way, together. I do not expect anyone to simply accept my words as 'truth', but if experimental results, that do help prove theory, are rejected, then that says more about men, than about the man... that the Lie is preferred over the Truth.
  6. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Sorry, I posted here by accident. Consider this a bump since I meant to do that anyway.
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