Everything We Have Been Taught About Our Origins Is A Lie

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Quigley_Sharps, Jun 25, 2014.

  1. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    thanks sir... you know what happens when you get older... only it really is harder to remember things you read 20 years ago... ;)
  2. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    Still poking me with that Newtonian stuff eh?... you still haven't answered the question, just regurgitating high school.
    You still think what you are saying is 'casual', while you are truly demonstrating your ability to wiki.

    But, that's ok, I understand... I take the tone of your post as accusatory, defensive and attempting to ridicule me. Seems you need to go back and reread some of my posts, beginning to end(without getting mad and stopping to zing me)... then, get back to me and tell me exactly 'what' transmits the energy as a wave which then magically transforms itself into a 'particle'... ;)

    Here's another one for you. Can a magnetic field slow local time?
    (IOW, create a localized time dilation, a bubble where time runs slower within than without.)

    Like I told Kellory, BT, I would have agreed with both of you a few years ago. That is, until I had an epiphany while working on a new electric coil geometry. I have actually converted a gasoline engine to use electricity, now I'm trying to defeat hysteresis, don't know if I'll succeed to a possible Galt engine, but early results look promising. (and no, I'm not announcing anything, just saying that things only happen because somebody tries. It only took Edison 1200 tries to get the light bulb 'just right'. I'm only on about number 6.)

    I can already see, this thread is doing what it always does, provoke the defenders of The Illusion. I salute the mods in this fine forum for not doing what other mods have done in most other well known forums, shut the thread down with some feeble excuse, after talking about seeking truth...

    May the Force be with you too my friend.
  3. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    I think the dialogue, discourse and disagreement amongst members, on the finer details of this world, deserve a bit of moderator discretion and I doubt that you would ever see a thread being shut down over a difference of opinion on theory.... and so on. Personal attacks are not allowed.... but disagreements of opinion to whatever are par for the course..... even thread drift is a specialty amongst some of us.

    We are all prone to follow our own illusions to how this world ticks... we may be right or way off base, yet at least we are thinking and contributing in that process of discovery... and hence we all learn something through the process... even sitting in the corner listening to the conversation. [winkthumb]

    Carry on.... YD
  4. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    I never claim to have all the answers, only my understanding of the answers. Good luck with your creations (I am a bit of an inventor myself).
    I'm not sure what to make of the diagram you posted, it could mean nearly anything.
    As for your theory, we are not yet on the same page. It might happen, it might not, but the process is in play.

    I have a tag line on a hunting site:

    "The only difference between a good tracker and a bad tracker is observation. All the same data is available for both. The rest is understanding what you are seeing."
  5. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    Thank you Kellory. If you are an inventor, then you understand the difficulty in developing an idea... everything works really good.. on paper... but mother nature is a bitch... ;) If I'm right, and its a barely proven if for now, there are a few cracks in the 'Laws' of Physics that were missed in the 19th century, when they papered over Maxwell and Tesla was stabbed in the back. Einstein saw it, but couldn't prove it, because he lacked one thing; The Waters of the Firmament... ancient misunderstood knowledge that was declared 'heresy' and dealing in 'darkness'. Dark energy is the key to everything, and it hides its secrets well...

    You are exactly right... but the diagram, as far as any layman is concerned, as I said, should ignore the math, the vectors, the whole thing is a mathematical diagram of The Hyper-Dimensional Cause of vacuum energy. What is termed; the Zero point energy.
    If you look at the very center, where all lines converge, the line between physics and metaphysics is crossed, and that is the essence of it.

    As Broker waxed so eloquently, for mankind to jump to the next level of civilization, two things are required... non fuel driven reactive engines, and a way to fuel them. Energy and motive power, the basis of civilization. But, also, the underlying foundation of money and economy. So, if I were to make a Tesla like break through, do you think I would simply announce it? What would happen? I can tell you, I would be hunted down and taken into custody along with all my 'assets'... and either coerced by blackmail or threatened to cooperate long enough for someone else to be taught what I know. Did you know, that any sort of energy device, that doesn't comply with the known laws of physics, is unpatentable? That the other part of the law requires you to relinquish ownership of any technology that the gubmint deems to be vital to national security? Study patent law, and see the fingerprint of evil. If I were to say I'm working on breakthrough technologies, that would come under instant notice... but, to say that i go to the barn to work on my device that concentrates the Holy Spirit... well, laugh.

    So, the need for ridicule is real, and humor is better, metaphor and metaphysics become a shield. I have already seen, that the evil ones use ridicule to hide their conspiracies, the good should learn a lesson. Einstein's greatest regret was the atom bomb, would I deliver the secret of the rocks into the hand of evil? I think the spirit is right, it is better to use their own ways against them, to find the Elect that have 'eyes that see'. Which comes across better as a bad science fiction novel and becoming a third person;

    The Piper searched for proof of God's fingerprints,
    by knocking on the door of heaven for 40 years,
    he asked, he sought, he gave up, he was gifted by The Light in a life long Quest,
    and the Light from heaven shined through,
    and he received The Epiphany,

    The Piper seeks the good in a land of evil,
    the Elect in the world of the Elite,
    like the stars of heaven,
    he seeks the lights in the darkness,
    so it can be on Earth as it is in heaven.

    The Piper works upon the skein of the Hypostasis,
    to discover the secret of the rocks,
    that ride within the Waters of the Firmament,
    so that Joy can come to the Earth,
    thus the Piper plays a tune of Reason.

    The Piper plays the tune,
    that the chorus may sing,
    and the people dance,
    so the forests will echo with laughter.

    Do you get the Joke, the... um... Holy Joke?
    May The Force, be with you.
  6. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

  7. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

  8. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    I will not debate God, ghosts, or aliens with you. Your question was "why do the rocks rise?" I think I have answered it to the best of my ability. Enjoy your own illusions.;) I think I will step out here.
    chelloveck and BTPost like this.
  9. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic


    Hmm... I'm sorry, I thought the question was everything about our origins being lies...
  10. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic


    Ok... I understand that a picture is worth a thousand words...

    I guess I'm done here as well.
  11. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    I'm not sure how you determined that "science" says that bumblebees can't fly according to aerodynamics. Simple observation would confirm that bumblebees do in fact fly: science through observation and experiment have worked out the method and mechanics of how bumblebees...and other flying insects with similar anatomical structures fly.

    The bumblebees can't fly urban myth, debunked as early as 1997, is less a matter of bumblebees knowing god...but evidently more a matter of humans grasping at straws to promote scepticism of science. If a scientific claim had been made that bumblebees cannot fly (according to aerodynamics) I would be interested in viewing the evidence published in reputable scientific literature.

    Bumblebee argument - RationalWiki

    Bumblebee Flight Does Not Violate the Laws of Physics

    Flight of the Bumblebee | Science News

    Evidently Mike Huckabee in his presidential campaign made use of the bumblebee cannard...how much it helped or hindered his campaign is an open question.

    Last edited: Aug 4, 2014
    BTPost and tulianr like this.
  12. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    That's a really bad quality picture, lol
  13. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    I agree, and disagree... ;) My old flight instructor used to use the bumblebee as an example of a pilot that depended on power to hold him in the air... "only helicopters and bumblebees" depended on power to keep them in the air according to him, and he was dead on. Any pilot, that doesn't learn the unpowered flight characteristics of the craft he is flying, may be in deep doo doo if he has an engine failure. The primary foundation of this was L/D, lift/drag ratio, the rate of glide, every foot forward for every foot downward; aerodynamics. He beat L/D into our heads, and The bumblebee is a physical example of an antinomy, a thing both true and untrue, a half truth. According to aerodynamics, the bumblebee's mass exceeds the area of its wings, ie its wing span or 'wing loading' is too high to support flight, have you ever seen a bumblebee GLIDE? Therefore, technically, under the laws of aerodynamics, the bumblebee does not 'fly', he employs power to weight to overcome the aerodynamic insufficiency.

    However, you are half correct in your debunking, ie; the power/weight ratio does overcome the wing loading factor(L/D). I throw those things in, in order to provoke discourse... not as a final proof of anything, just as an example that there is always more than one way to look at a problem. That it is not necessarily the power/weight or wing loading per se, but the scale of the bee vs gravity, like a flea that can jump a hundred times his own height, or an ant that can lift a hundred times his own weight. The larger something becomes, the slower it seems to move? Scale implies strengthening of energy and reduction of the pull of gravity... IOW, if you were to build a bumblebee model the size of a car, with accurate scale of exact p/w and w/l factors, would it fly at all? Would its flimsy wings hold up, be able to carry enough fuel to go anywhere, lift a load of pollen, to cover the necessary area that a bee covers in order to fill its sacks, and get back to the hive, without running out of gas?

    Birds, on the other hand, glide. They have been designed according to their 'Original Instructions' too, as the Native Americans say, for a different purpose with a different mechanism, because of the scale and purpose of their existence, they hunt bugs, some of them anyway. Why can planes fly upside down, when their 'aerodynamics' are supposedly designed to push them skyward? Because lay people don't understand aerodynamics. And because planes don't 'fly', they maintain their distance from the surface by a 'balancing of forces'. Forward velocity, airspeed, is balanced against gravity by what is termed; lift. But even this term is a half truth, otherwise, the plane would fall out of the sky when inverted... it is called lift for historical reasons, and we have another term that means something else; relativity. If you want to 'fly away' from the planet, then you simply point the nose in the direction you want to go, down... relative to the orientation of the aircraft. Of course, the G stress might tear your wings off, but that's another subject...

    It is interesting that people grab on to things they think they know, in order to put down something they cannot accept, or cannot understand. Internet debunking has become a new blood sport, anything can be an urban legend(in fact, I'm counting on that... ), healthy skepticism is a religion of its own, with its own zealots(but, it has always been this way). Instead of seeking ultimate truth, and questioning the questioner in the Way of Discourse and Debate, we seek to defend what is, and go to any lengths, any specious and illogical argument, instead of to become what we were meant to be according to our Original Instructions. We go to great lengths to maintain our illusions, even creating God in our image, this we call religion. We are so sophisticated, we do anything to make ourselves believe we are the smartest, while we destroy our planet, and kill the birds and the bees in the name of profits. Likewise the debunkers of things they have no association or experience with, only a pilot should make statements about aerodynamics. Specifically, glider pilots, like myself...

    You will never know flight, until you have been in a glider, hang glider or other type that feels the updrafts, and takes you towards the sky. You will never know the exhilaration of feeling the power of mother earth, push you up and pull you down, sharing a thermal with a hawk, getting whited out in a cloud and losing all sense of up and down. Vertigo takes hold and you cannot tell up from down, the energy of motion overpowers gravity... until you break out of the bottom of the cloud in a spin... As they say, been there, done that, got the stain in my shorts to prove it... :)

    A pilot who loses power in a winged craft, who has the L/D in his head, will simply know if he can make it to that grassy field or highway up ahead. If a bumblebee or helicopter loses power, you're going down right where you are, that's not flying. What the helicopter and bumblebee lose in aerodynamics, they make up for with power, and the bumblebee was given an overabundance of, energy.

    Well, there's that word again... energy.
  14. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    Agreed, on both counts.
    Not an artist... but if the message is detracted by the art, then the eye of the beholder cannot see.
    Our society is specializing in specious arguments, like; "Your theory is for sh*t because you misspelled a word."

    I had a conversation with my nephew last year, and he clued me in on what passes for 'higher education' now... he could not logically win the argument, so he simply starting calling me names and trying to make me mad. I smiled and asked him "is that how they taught you to debate in college?" and his answer was telling. "Yes. If you can't win logically, go for the throat with emotions, emotions cannot be debated. Make it personal. Destroy him personally."

    I just looked at him and shook my head "If you liberals can't win, then you will destroy everything, right?" He just grinned. I told him "be careful what you ask for, you might just get it."
  15. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    By this reasoning, I should have never open my mouth.
    By this reasoning, only lawyers should make or understand laws.
    By this reasoning, only maids or pressors should ever use irony.
    By this reasoning. Only the mute can understand silence.
    Be this reasoning, only women should ever discuss abortion.

    It does not follow as cause and effect. I HAVE flown solo flight. It does not mean I should know all about commercial aircraft because I have piloted a glider. False premise.

    And anyone who says what I should or should not be able to discuss, is WRONG.[kissit]
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2014
  16. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    ?Huh? I thought you surrendered?
    You can't argue with the logic, so use any means to attack the messenger...
    But, that's ok.
    You're obviously upset...
    And as to your reasoning above...
    Yes, a closed mouth gathers no feet.
    -a lawyer should be the only one to give a legal opinion, or else, you're probably going to suffer.
    -only a maid or one experienced in pressing should use an iron, if you want it done right.
    -only the deaf can understand the fullest ramifications of silence. Having had ear problems I can assure you, silence can be golden... and the restoration of sound can be like an assault...

    -no man, should have the right to tell a woman what to do with her own body, even if the fetus suffers or dies, that is between the woman and her child and maker. Its not right, but, too bad, get over it. But we don't, we think we have the right to inject ourselves in every situation. Having had my own child aborted, over my objections, I assure you I did not intervene any further. She "wasn't ready", and that was the end of it. I simply walked away and haven't seen her in 42 years. But I do know, she still carries the guilt to this day. But it is her guilt, not mine... The Truth is, we inject our own religious proclivities into our politics, yet too many deny it. We think 'God will judge' us for the millions aborted... which leaves us with a conundrum. Is a fetus a child? We dance around the issue, yet we don't do what needs to be done. The ancients handled it very logically... if the fetus had a heartbeat, it was a child, and no abortion could be performed. This was called; The Quickening. This gives a choice to the woman, but also a responsibility to the child. We need to define a human being, and the problem would go away.

    But, that's not how it works, is it? New think is not allowed. It is a wonderful issue for both the right and the left, to battle perpetually. In the end, it is the battle they want, and the issue, not what is best for society. Religion says the fertilized egg is a human being, but, they are only half right, since many eggs do not reach maturity and are spontaneously aborted. The Feminists say a fertilized egg is a parasitic tissue, and they, are only half right. Do we not think, that whether you believe that the spirit will know not to inhabit the body, or the last nerve cell is connected to start the heart beat, that a beating heart is the foundation of a human being, how can that not be murder in either case? That is the dance, but the issue is avoided because of emotions and politics. I felt like a murderer for many years after, and still feel bad about it, could I have fought harder?, involved her parents?, involved the court?, a counselor? what would it matter, I have finally resolved, if she, the mother, didn't want it? Its life would have been miserable, and so would mine. God works in 'mysterious' ways, I've heard...

    I do not wish to inflame you, I don't know what set you off, I wasn't even speaking to you. If you can't see the silliness of your arguments as out of context, then, maybe you should take your own advice, and withdraw. I placed the drawing of the rock problem up there for you, yet you attack the aerodynamics lesson? The point is, if you don't know what your speaking about, and draw upon internet resources, in order to appear knowledgeable, then at least be able to make a reasoned argument using available facts.

    Otherwise, pigs don't fly without help from cargo planes, and I thought this forum had rules against personal attacks... I guess I was wrong, I thought we were having an adult conversation... but you decided to moon me, and that makes it personal. So be it. From now on, I'll simply ignore you, and that makes me sad, you had such promise as an adult.
  17. fmhuff

    fmhuff Monkey+++

    I myself find OOPARTS and historical anomalies fascinating and love exploring them. Our history is far more than the powers that be admit or let us know. After all that would remove the power from them and give it to the people. We couldn't have that now could we ;-)

    Up front I am a Christian and I think Romans 1:28 accounts for much of the confusion concerning so called "scientific" reason which is oft times filled with wild speculation, selected release of information and at times misleading interpretations of the truth. And let us not forget the hoaxes that come at us from ALL directions.

    Sometimes it is inferred that it is "Science vs. the Bible". Perhaps when men like to put their own spin on it that is true. However more often in science those things that are awkward, unexplainable or buck the status quo are suppressed or discounted without evidence. Religions of the world sometimes suffer the same fate.

    Let's look at this for a minute. Those who dis God are always trying to find a wedge between his creation and the evidence. Like many liberals when their ideas are challenged the scream and rant until proven wrong and immediately move onto some other point as if nothing happened. Truth is truth and apart from Hegel's view that perception is everything, that truth is unknowableand and that the world cannot be seen objectively I would beg to disagree. Take the facts as facts and don't try to spin a story works for me.

    I for one don't believe that in the days of Noah that he was a caveman. If anything he was far more capable and advanced than we are today. It is our ego's that think we are better than all previous generations. So what would the world look like if all men were almost savants in every area of like compared with our entropic finale.

    If the flood were true and the world was at least advanced as our own were washed over and over again with tidal floods it would grind the then civilizations into rubble and trap many things under hundreds of feet of gravel, sand, rock and organic matter. Just like we see in the world today.

    What technology they see as important or worthless might be quite different in what we in the west deem important. There are just too many stories in the Bible and other religions writings not to believe a great civilization, even by our standards once existed in our dimly remembered past.

    As far as the timeline is concerned, there is still disagreement on whether a day or epoch. I know the arguments and just saying there are disagreements will offend some. All I know is that the whole of creation intimates intelligent design and therefore a creator. It is that creator that I give praise to. What others may do is not my responsibility. It is theirs alone.

    Those who dis God think that just because some misinterpretation of a historical fact or new discovery will kill Christianity once and for all. A very foolish thought. It has been tried over and over again and failed. For Christianity is not built on mans fickle mind but an immutable relationship with their creator. If aliens dropped out of the sky riding on magical unicorns it would make no difference. Not because of denial but because we as created beings do not and cannot know even a small portion of everything there is to know. Let alone our own backyard.

    What we can know, is the one who created us. If we've a mind to.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2014
  18. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I like your post and your spirit, and I do not present this argument out of spite, but to incite some additional thought instead. If we are incapable of understanding the complexities of matter and energy on a micro scale, how could we possibly attempt to understand, or even comprehend the immensity and proportions of an omnipotent being? Is it only because of what has been written in ancient texts, or is there a greater force behind all of this? Perhaps there is something to our ancestry and we have lost some crucial knowledge, or perhaps they were only mud hut dwellers who dreamed up this whole God business. Maybe the only thing that really matters is we try to focus on the future and keep asking questions and seeking the right answers. As long as religion remains a personal experience, it shouldn't matter what scientists or governments say. I think we only find a dilemma with science vs. religion when we try to force our beliefs onto others instead of encouraging free thought without expecting or demanding conditions to be made.

    If the whole of creation were merely mathematical and biological, and no God were to be found, it does not make religion any less credible. As far as I am concerned, God exists in every mind which has accepted the belief and hold it to be true. On the metaphysical level, and taking the quantum physics measuring effect into consideration, I would say this qualifies as a meaningful observer effect worthy of respect.
    tulianr and bagpiper like this.
  19. cdnboy66

    cdnboy66 Monkey++

    Wow, this is a great discussion on many levels. Kudos to all for keeping it civil.

    I read Much of ( not all of) what you have discussed and I must say, everyone has a different "light" on the subject.
    I am no scholar, and consider myself a sinner saved by grace, so allow me to provide what I see as my limited input amongst my learned friends. yes, my knuckles ocassionally drag

    I think that the title of the thread is very interseting when it uses the word lies. Though I can certainly see why the word was used.

    The opposing force to lies and deceipt is Truth. And I think there is a huge disconnect betwen the 2 that hasn't been discussed.
    That disconnect is revelation, or pehaps epiphany. The net result is understanding and discernment which leads to truth and the knowledge of what truth is.
    Just because you think that you have the truth, does not discount what another may know to be true. There is a great duality in this that exists at a much deeper level.
    There is a place between lies and truth, that is the yearning place, the place where the heart knows that this is not the truth, and seeks to discover the truth, that may last for a time, and then the heart ( spirit/mind/heart/being/person) may gain more understanding that they do not know all the truth, which begins the cycle again

    I think there is not now, nor has there been a man or woman who can safely claim to know all truth. ( except Jesus, as accepted as the Son of God; I just wanted to throw that in there to clarify, it is by his grace I am saved) and that also must become a factor in my search for truth

    I think, believe; may be a better description of what I knowingly feel; that there is just too much for us to "know" in our current form
    I believe that this period of our existence is a small window of time that we can only see through very small eyes

    and those eyes are often distorted through our hearts and pain, anger, hurt etc.... our emotions, and histories that cause emotions also cause for our input filters to reject certain things and accept others as we go through life.
    As we grow in various ways, intellect, emotional health, spiritual growth, etc.. those filters can change, and accepting or denying new things can happen as a result.

    Having said all that, here is what I believe on the any things discussed.......I JUST DON"T KNOW.
    I don't understand the completeness and temporalness of time....nor does my mind even begin to accept in a tangible way what eternity is, but if I believe in "time" as a measurement of something, I must believe it is either finite, or infinite
    If it is finite...I may see the end of it when I draw my last breath, and if it is infinite...I will never see the end of it
    We measure time only in the ability we have now, so...3,000,000,000 years from now, we ( i mean our species) may look back and laugh at the concept
    "ha, ha, ha ,aha .....bet they though the universe was flat too...man, how did they even learn to spacewalk??"
    so therfore...oddities, are free to exist in the ribbon of time as we understand it
    and in fact carbon dating itself has no accurate measurement of where time started or where it will finish,
    so where the middle of the ribbon is, and how long the ribbon is, is simply unknowable and to surmise that we can accurately portray it shows how little we really know or understand.
    I am struggling with my thoughts to formulate what I wish to express right now, so I reserve the right to come back to this later and add or edit

    ( and that statement right there sums up where I think we are as a race in our search for Truth and enlightenment)

    keep seeking, keep knocking, keep asking
    Byte, tulianr and bagpiper like this.
  20. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    The point of the rock problem, is to show that a deeper understanding of reality is possible. It was even prophesied and spoken of long, long ago, as 'revealed' knowledge, but, the Lie comes forth as the other side of truth, when 'authority' doesn't want truth, they want the Lie. This is the primary difficulty with the 'particle' and 'material' paradigms, they separate their realities into the observable, the measurable, and nothing else exists. The rock reveals that energy is the foundation of the Universe, and both science and religions agree, simply because nobody can conceive of a spirit that is not based in energy. Those who make biblical arguments, are not wrong, it is merely 'unprovable' except through the heart/faith. The argument of Romans 1:28 kinda says it all, but it is not just 'science' that it applies to;

    "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;"

    Like with all things human, we seem to assume too many things, as previous poster said, we grow, we learn, we change our minds... in my case, the Bible had too many conundrums and conflicts for me to accept that the hand of God wrote it. God doesn't make errors, even evil has the purpose of strengthening the good... even if He inspired it, the hand of Catholic's wrote the original Vulgate beginning with Jerome, who rewrote much it seems to fit in with the declaration by Origen that the church needed to abandon philosophy as doctrine and create a "new narrative for peasants". This becomes truth, only when you grow to the point of being able to read the 'Forbidden books', and discard the admonitions of priests and modern pharisees. They say if you read the books of Enoch, or the Gnostic 'private teachings' of Christ, you will lose faith in God, ... it is not God you lose faith in... it is the Churches. Your faith in God, is strengthened to the point of Knowing, which is beyond faith. The Secret of the Rocks is the key fingerprint of God upon reality, that is why it is so subtle and only few will ever understand. A preacher can say, 'God is IN all things.', but, try to prove it scientifically and you are attacked as being silly. This is because we 'love the lie'.

    When we say that we "cannot know" all the things of God, it is not because we can not know, Enoch said He wanted us to know... it is because that is what we have heard our whole lives, because it is the primary doctrine of the Churches, all of them... it is called The Mystery Doctrine, which is opposed to The Grail Doctrine. The foundation of faith through fear... this doctrine was imposed brutally, in many fires and stakes, by burning books and bodies of philosophers, scientists, seekers, called by various names; sorcerer, witch, devil worshiper, but the favorite was; Heretic. This was the source of the Lie, the Mother of Harlots, who's name is 'Mystery'. At least for western culture. Those who say such things are 'ancient history' are mistaken, the future is written by the past, day by day, and the future is now. The church maintained the approved books list(those that were allowed to be printed), up until the 20th century. The original Gutenberg press printed the Bible, and not much else, because they would have been declared Heretic. We would not have much of the works written by ancient Greece or before, if it wasn't for Monks who disagreed with the Churches policies. The Bible makes references to Enoch and Magi, in passing, but burned all their books, including the touchstones, The Grail and The Tree of Life of the Knowledge of good and evil, books that fill in many of the cracks in the Bible...

    So today, people say we cannot understand all that is, because that's what is still taught, 4th century magic and superstition. The Mother of Harlots, named Mystery, still sits upon the Beast named Babylon, The System of Materialism and animal feelings that overcomes the Mind and spirit of men. These 'doctrines of devils' keep men apathetic, and in 'submission to Godly authority', while morally validating the system with the head of gold, and keeping the people divided, confused, and ignorant of spirit things, because we're too busy worshiping our first god; Mammon. Mammon is not worshiped per se, but is necessary for life, and is kept 'short', to keep the head of gold in power and you in quiet desperation. To say that this is all in opposition to God's intended purpose for man and the Universe, is met with derision because it violates the first doctrine; Mystery. To say that God wanted the meaning of truth to be Joy, is met with ridicule, because joy means different things to different people, which is the meaning of Liberty, which is opposite tyranny, which, is the Purpose of power and Authority. So for the church to say that man should 'submit to Godly authority', I have always only one question; Where is your Godly authority? Does it live in New York, or Washington DC perhaps? Is this one of the symptoms of a 'reprobate mind'? Minds that see evil as good, and good as evil, because their touchstone was stolen and joy is dying upon the earth. Joy is dying because money is the source of material joy, the water of life itself, and it is not evil within itself, but the love of it is, this is greed, and greed and envy run the world. The tree tells us these are the dark emotions, the consuming emotions, the animal emotions, the foundation of The Beast in man.

    As Christians, it became obvious to me only after 20 years of study, that if we accept only the Catholic work product, as the Revealed Word, then we have sold ourselves way short, since, Enoch and the Lord's private teachings were burned as part of the process of writing it. The original teachings and meanings, were destroyed. Jesus taught reincarnation, but to say that out loud causes screaming matches. The meaning of 'born again of the spirit' having been completely corrupted by the Orthodoxy and especially its Daughters. Two men who ascended, who are venerated, but, their works were short changed in favor of some feel good private correspondence of a man who never studied with either of them, while their works were turned to ashes. Well, God must of had other ideas, since these works were found buried in the sands of time and are revealed as new again. This could not have happened, unless it was necessary and predestined. And within those works you find meanings that are consistent across the boundaries of all religions, and the ultimate religion itself, science. The churches are dying, and it is because of themselves and their own 'anti knowledge' doctrines. In the end, if the unbeliever and the believer, are ever going to be able to agree, it is at The Nexus of science and religion.

    That does not mean we will ever know all truth, but the foundation of lies, is born in the foundation of power and control, and that was described in metaphor in the writings of Daniel, but we refuse to see its depth. The statue of Nebuchadnezzar, was metaphor not just for the empires of the lost ten tribes, but the System of Babylon carried into the future. The Beast of animal emotions manifested in government that the harlot rides upon and gives moral authority to. So it cannot be the Church that is The Rock that tears down the statue of materialism, it is the Truth. And only Revealed Truth, can bring all the nations together, the nations being the ethnic nations, and this was the Hopi prophecy, that is probably thousands of years older than the Bible, yet they are considered barbarians. A prophecy that the Fire clay tablet, would come, and join all the other tablets of knowledge, that the Creator called; The Original Instructions. It is indeed curious, that the fire clay tablet of the Hopi, is a perfect picture of the Unified Field, infinite positive above, infinite negative below, the Circle in between. It is even more curious that their sacred medicine wheel, if looked at the right way, is a perfect picture of the DNA molecule, seen on its end. A perfect merging of science and spirit, the function of the tree of life, the powers of the Elohim, the architecture of the angels, emanating into the physical darkness, as an intelligent design pattern.

    But we white men consider ourselves the most sophisticated and superior of all, the smartest, the best, while our civilization degenerates and decays before our eyes because of emotions. We were the Chosen race for the spirit gift of the fire knowledge, look what we've done with it. Our minds created great technologies and even went to the moon, but our hearts remained locked in the 4th century, we are still in confusion, we are the most confused of all, we are truly of a reprobate mind because truth was stolen from us by the animals, the power seekers, those 'dark' souls who are 'of' the world. Power seekers we love, and want to be like because we buy into the Materialistic Dream, that profits by our confusion and division, while it maintains its power by keeping us divided by ideology and doctrines of submission. Why does a free man need a leader to tell him right from wrong?

    And New Thinkers, are heretics, the people cannot stand anyone speaking strongly to them, because they have become like clay, emotional, victims in waiting, succumbing to sweet words of honey on the tongue, and then get angry when it turns bitter in the belly. They cannot even discuss it for fear, won't touch it with a ten foot pole because it might stick to them. But it does, as madness grows because the mind and heart collide in lies, and the sun and earth groan in this energy shift, what will you do when your savior does not show on your schedule? When your preachers kneel in unanswered prayers and your joy is taken by the animals, you already sense it, you feel the anxiety in the air, you see the madness spreading and the earth groaning, the weather changing, the cycles growing more intense, yet you hide in the sure and certain knowledge that there is no explanation, it is all an act of God, magic and mystery, or judgement... God doesn't judge you, the power of God does, and the cups of karma are full, the cycle is almost complete, what goes around comes around, and you are the source of your own damnation as the object of your desire will be the source of your destruction, you judge you, you are a son of God, and we have been deceived, it is ourselves who deceive us. When we look in the mirror, we see normalcy bias, cognitive dissonance, the systemic irrationality of a reprobate mind.
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