Everything We Have Been Taught About Our Origins Is A Lie

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Quigley_Sharps, Jun 25, 2014.

  1. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    I doubt you are old enough to have followed, so to speak, the husband wife team who built a Titanium Boat to sail down a Lava flow!

    They are no longer with us. But the boat did float in the lava stream.
    kellory likes this.
  2. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    Some of the first Darwin Award recipients...
    kellory likes this.
  3. gunbunny

    gunbunny Never Trust A Bunny

    Yard Dart likes this.
  4. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    Thanks man... now I feel better... ;)
    I believe it was A. Schoenfeld(sp?), who said; "The Way of Truth is threefold... first, it is ridiculed, then violently opposed before it is accepted as self evident."

    It is mostly christian folk, who ridicule me, and one baptist preacher who threatened my life... he "wished he could get his hands around my throat"... this is typical in my experience, and holds firmly to the Way of Truth. Without some level of ridicule, this thread would not be complete, and I would think I'm in the twilight zone... I appreciate your kindly skepticism and bringing forth facts that seem to confirm 'The Cave of Illusion' but also help me think and give me ideas for explaining. The biggest thing people cannot get their minds around, is the idea of 'hardness'. How 'energy' can become hard or material. This is the foundation of the Illusion of reality, and its solution is simple, if you can accept that hardness = darkness.

    In your discourse on magma, you would be happy to know, that I agree completely. It should be curious, that water cannot be compressed, but, rocks can be... which implies that magma can be as well... else, why would it squirt out of holes in the surface, violently? We call them volcanoes, which implies that magma is compressed rock. If rocks could not be compressed, then atom bombs wouldn't work... It would be the ultimate end of the densification of 'gravity', think; star. The only difference is the homogenization or beginning purity of elements... Is it not curious that most of the free hydrogen, the lightest element, seemed to fall to the center of our new solar system, and by the process of densification or compression, unto the fusion of the very atoms, create a star? In stars, it is thought, the hydrogen fusion process at the center, is by the lightest element, right? The by products of stars, are all the other elements... so, why are those heavier elements moving towards the outside of the star while the lightest element falls into the center? The same reason big rocks rise above little rocks? IOW, have you have argued yourself into completely agreeing with me?...

    So how is all this tied into the greatest proof of all, the proof of God? In a word, energy. Where does it come from? Where does it go? How is it 'worked' into hardness? How are living cells affected by magnetic fields, when they are not 'magnetic'?(MRI) What would be one of the greatest proofs of God? DNA. What do the ancients have to teach us sophisticated modern men? Modern biologists say that DNA is a 'biological program', but the ancients said the same thing, in a different way. Science, wants to say that a million monkeys typing on a million computers, could have created the DNA molecule, this is the doctrine of randomness. It is absurd on its face, because we all know what a million monkeys would produce... gibberish, lots of gibberish. So DNA, being a biological program of the highest order, had to have an Intelligent Designer. Which implies from known science, that the Designer actually designed a process known as; Evolution. Which combines creationism and evolution into one, over the life of the universe. If I were to tell you that this is outlined in an ancient 'mystery' known as; The Tree of the knowledge of good and evil, that is manifested as something known as; The Medicine wheel... well, Christians have a tendency for their minds to explode.

    But, we are not able to show or convince anyone of anything of the highest, until we understand the lowest. That we are all energy, and even a basic concept of special relativity is referred to in the Bible...

    "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."
    -- II Peter 3:8

    "For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night."
    -- Psalms 90:4
  5. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    @bagpiper Do you really understand the technology that makes an MRI work. It really has nothing to do with Magnetism of the Subject Matter, and everything to do with allowing a Radio Frequency Emission, at the correct Frequency, to excite the Hydrogen Atoms, in the H2O Molecules, that make up 90% of the Human BodyMass. In their Excited State, the Electrons, associated with each Hydrogen Atom, spin in the opposite direction. As these electrons bleed off the Imposed Energy of the RF Field applied, they give off Photons, that are picked up by the Imaging Sensors, and those are turned into the Pictures by a Computer Algorithm. All this can only happen in a VERY Intense Magnetic Field.
    In Layman's Terms they stuff you in an Intense Magnetic Field, then connect you to the RF Transmitter tuned to the Hydrogen Frequency, and make your Hydrogen Electrons spin the Opposite way. Then as they vary the RF Power the Hydrogen Atoms fall Back, to their NORMAL Energy State, and in doing so give off Photons (You Glow) and those are received by the Imaging Sensor, and then turned into Pictures by the connected Computer..... Technology at work..... .....
    chelloveck and kellory like this.
  6. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Arthur Schopenhauer.
  7. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    Keep thinking that... enjoy the Illusion. You make a very good explanation of the HOW, but, not the WHY. I have only one nit, it is not that they 'spin in opposite directions', that is quite impossible since all matter spins in the same direction(left), if it spun in the opposite direction I think it would classified as antimatter. No, it is that they are polarized/aligned by the magnetic field into the same directions, not a chaotic direction... then, the RF does as you say. But, wouldn't that imply that each atom, is internally polarized? Hmm, that would mean an internal potential or magnetic polarization, eh? Which, implies that the quantum has a shape other than simply 'round', but, leads to chaotic interaction.

    You didn't read my post completely. I worked with these guys in the 70's, all they knew was the how, but why? No, that's the Illusion at work. Its the same thing with the Stern-Gerlach experiment. By shooting silver ions through a magnetic field, to display the spin of an atom... but, silver is non-ferrous... and not affected by magnetic fields, except at the quantum level... there are clues everywhere, but we cannot see the why because we are still arguing over the shapes of the shadows on the wall of our cave. Complexity satisfies smart people, simplicity repels.

    Tell me WHY a magnetic field can affect living matter in ANY way, and I will listen. Otherwise, the only way it can be, is if everything has a 'magnetic' component, even living matter. If we allow for that, then the question of energy becoming 'hard' becomes a simple matter... but, it requires a different theory of magnetism. (Isn't it interesting, that our particle guys haven't found a magnetic monopole, and I predict, never will, because it cannot exist.) At the end of the day, all atoms interact with magnetic fields, and big rocks rise from little rocks, and stars become stars, all because matter has a secret...

    BTW, exactly how and why does the RF field get carried to the atoms? What exactly, carries the energy?
  8. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Two things come to mind.

    One) a hard ball bounces much harder than a softer ball, because it returns more of the energy by deforming less. The larger rocks would likely deform less than the softer dirt, and would return more energy from vibrations. Since for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, and since the mass of the earth itself would backstop one side of the action, the rocks would rise do to vibration, and a harder return.

    Two) living things such as man require hemoglobin and iron is natural in the bloodstream. In fact iron deposits at the base of the brain have been linked to MS.
  9. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I think you need a refresher course in basic Newtonian Physics. There is basically No Difference between RF Energy and Photon Energy except Frequency. RF Energy is Imparted into the Hydrogen Atoms due to the Frequency of the RF, being the same as the Natural Resonance of the Hydrogen Atom itself. The RF Energy used to Pump, the Hydrogen, doesn't mean that the Atom will release that Pumped Energy in the same spectrum. Think Laser.... Same Principals, rule....Many Lasers, like CO2 Lasers, are Pumped with RF, and then the Pumped Energy is release in the Light Spectrum, as Coherent Light, and the efficiencies are actually pretty good, especially when Super-Cooled with Liquid Helium. In the case of MRI, The RF Pumped Frequency is very Specific to the Hydrogen/Oxygen Bonds in the H2O, and the Photons released back to the Sensor, are very specific as to the Spectrum Lines.
  10. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I have found the whole thought provoking, to imagine the universe as a single living entity which broke itself apart to try and understand itself. Of course, this is only philosophical for the time being, but when we look at the pattern of fractals and factor in the immensity of the microcosm (a bit of irony there), we might find a hidden genius, whether it be divine or biological or mathematical. This is why I have adopted the concept that science should support the foundations of religion, or vice versa. I am not saying they should go "hand-in-hand" and follow every step in each others wake, just accentuate what already is.

    The paradox involving the measurement problem in quantum physics is only a precursor, or foreshadowing for the many hidden layers we still cannot see or imagine. This type of study is still in its infancy for us, but you can bet your last dollar the 'powers that be' are many decades beyond where we are now. I have seen, with my own eyes, a spaceship flutter in and out of time space, and it was like no other craft ever reported to be seen. I have checked many UFO sites, and nothing, I mean nothing even comes close. At this stage, I will not succumb to accepting it is human or extraterrestrial, because it simply is, and that's enough for me. Yet, like all revelations, they are a personal experience and cannot be used as empirical proof on any subject. For what it's worth, the question this begs is, how can such a craft defy traditional physics unless those in control of it have unlocked our dimensional paradox?

    My mind wanders at the possibilities. Let us hope the era of the corporation does not effectively kill our chance to uncover the many mysteries of this universe.
    bagpiper and HK_User like this.
  11. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    I apologize for my absence... real life.

    Clever, at least you are trying to think about it, in fact I like that explanation, a lot, and there was a time I would have agreed and moved on( ... ;) ). But, you are thinking on only one level. If vibration alone were the reason, the vibration is equally distributed around the surface of the rock and gravity gets stronger the deeper you go because it is closer to the core, thus the vibratory returns should pull the rock down, like gold in a sluice.
    Iron in the blood... well, that is certainly a valid point! However, it is not the blood that is affected by the field, BT is right, it is the water molecules... or else, the MRI would not show nerves, bile, feces, urine... you get the deal...
    Again, the argument is not the HOW, but the why. This is not about what is observed, but, what CAUSES the observation, most people cannot get past an 'adequate' explanation. Adults will say "good enough", and be able to use the knowledge to do work, and move on... never having resolved the problem.

    BT, I need no refresher courses in Newton, because Newton was supplanted by Einstein, maybe you need a refresher course in relativity? But, you certainly need no refresher course in defending a paradigm, your 'how' is very particle school. You never answer my questions, you have done what all do, pick out a question that has an explanation of what is thought to be happening by the mainstream, while ignoring the larger questions... while technically, your explanation of MRI is textbook, kinda, it is not 'causal' to the Why it works, just the How it appears to work at our child level of understanding.

    I left the photon thing alone simply because I didn't want to provoke you... but, you see, there is no such thing as 'photons', or, magnetic fields, or even gravity per se, these are all part of the Surface Illusion of the Hypostasis.
    Now, simply by saying that, will provoke you into going directly to the ridicule defense of particle physics... ;)
    (I understand... I used to be where you are, and I would have said what you said above...)
    This is also, the reason why we can't move forward, because we're stuck in the 19th century... or maybe, the 18th century when people start talking about Newton, and the 4th century when religion comes into the discussion...like I said about creation vs evolution, if you believe in 'something else', then, well, you're just weird... ;) (I see it as simple theories for the simple minded.)

    I'm not talking about technology, or using the surface of reality according to known laws, the real jumps forward will only come when the underlying reality is understood. And that, defies science.

    I have had this conversation before, and it always ends in an endless loop, like now. I'm talking about the forest, and then people want to talk about trees. But, trees are part of the forest they say, and that is so true, so how do we move forward? By becoming "as little children"... the problems we are discussing, cannot show 'truth' while they are argued in stand alone mode, by themselves, 'reduced' and apart from the other known phenomena. Reductionism, is the Way of 'Modern' Science, but not the way of philosophy. Einstein argued in favor of the philosophy of science, not so much the reductionist approach, but the Wholeness approach(the root of wHoly). To treat reality as a jig saw puzzle, so that the 'reduced' pieces fit within the Whole. If a piece doesn't fit, you must change your theory to fit the data, not, as modern science does it by violating their own rules to fit their own ideas of a random universe that sprung up out of nothingness and ignoring data that doesn't fit their preconceived atheist notions.

    In order to provide an absolute truth, you must provide one solution that solves ALL the other problems, the relativities are the one and only proven 'causal' foundation, but even they are divided and incomplete... Nothing in quantum mechanics has been 'proven' because of the measurement problem, but even Einstein has flaws and he disavowed QM. The dual slit experiment, Aharonov-Bohm, Hafele-Keeting, Stern-Gerlach, Bell's inequality, quantum entanglement and entrainment, the Voyager and Pioneer probe 'problems', the fire problem, the gold problem, the magnetic field problem, gravity, inertia, entropy, weak, strong, and all known forces, if, you can combine all the phenomena into one single elegant theory, then you have cracked open the door to heaven, this was Einstein's great quest, the Unification of Forces, he wanted to "know the mind of God, the rest are mere details". So, again, the only question that matters, the question of the ages, is; Where does the energy to power the Universe come from?

    One last question then, not that it matters.
    Why does light behave as both a wave and a particle?
    What structure can be both?
    (Yes, there is...)

    (And yes, this question is critical to the understanding of truth and creation. )

    Why am I so sure of this theory? I have been chasing this for 40 years, I have run experiments to indicate different aspects of this theoretical framework. If I say I caused an object to lose a high percentage of its mass, and rise, kinda like a big rock within a bunch of little rocks, you would say I was mad... If I say I've caused a time dilation bubble, static, stand alone, with nothing but a magnetic field, you would say I'm misguided... if I tell you I've caused gold to actually rise up out of the mud a small amount, then you would call me a liar... But, I have done all these experiments with a modest amount of success, with almost no budget... and I care not if someone calls me a liar, since, I was refused publication by any journal, no chance of peer review or debate, so as far as I'm concerned, my truth is clear, to me, and that's all I care about anymore. This system deserves to fall, from head to toe, and I hope the knowledge of the rocks is part of it.

    For the biggest revelation of the rocks, is proof of the Holy Spirit that lives within all things, and that, through the two other necessary balancing forces, is why all things are. If you cannot feel the calming peace and your consciousness be drawn into being almost hypnotized by a simple fire, then the truth is not in you and nothing I can reveal will matter.

    Good night.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2014
  12. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    I did not consider vibrations to be evenly distributed around the rock. I believe vibration would come from the movement of the plates on a grand scale, some subtle, and some sharp, but always from beneath. This would impart an upward force.
  13. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    There is more truth here than you imagine, especially about corporations and defense of paradigm. Fractals, or nonlinear dynamics, chaos theory... our physics cannot fathom what it means, because it is non linear by definition. But what does it mean for patterns to form within apparently random phenomena? What are 'strange attractors'? When the answers to these many questions are discovered, will they show the increasing level of attraction as the scale of measurement reduces to the nuclear level, and 'some force' that connects and attracts all matter, a common force beyond those measured by today's primitive children with self inflated egos, thinking themselves godlike, who cannot see into the heavens for clues of superior truths floating around their heads... clues denied and ridiculed...

    Like you Broker, my childlike mind has seen things of wonder and delight, but I do not dismiss them because they are outside my reality, I include them as part of the WHoly. We have had visitors from other realms, whether extra-terrestrial or dimensional I cannot say, but I have seen things not described anywhere... a 'ship' of light, at orbital height and speed, shining bright, dimming, shining bright, then dimming, like a white signal buoy moving across the heavens north to south, then, blasting away from orbit into a dark funnel, darker than the heavens, with something left behind. And then there were ghosts.

    A dead father, and brother, who if they had both not died, I would have died there in those jungles of Vietnam. But because of them, I was sole surviving son. I was snatched out of a place that was overrun, by providence, or destiny, and have carried that guilt my whole life. Why me? But, I see them smiling now, as I know, I found a path I was born to, not many find the thing they were born to do.

    A dying step-father, who's mother came to visit. Yet, everybody left the hospital room with eyes wide, in fear... and afterwards, a man who had been struggling, clinging to life and afraid of death, was at peace, and succumbed that night. Nobody there, had the heart to tell him that his mother had died only a few days before... and in the midst of the fear and the tears, truth emerged. It was a truth greater than gross material hardness, but, was only a precursor, because my mother at that point, gave up. She had lost too much, a husband, a son, father, mother, friends, a second husband, at some point, we feel like there is no point to the struggle... as she lay there in the ICU, the vultures of her family already calling dibs on her stuff before she was dead, and the doctor said she was being kept alive by a machine, I could only respond "let her go home". I felt her spirit embrace me as soon as the machines indicated she was gone. I felt her joy at her freedom, ephemeral, not physical, but real nonetheless. Then, I felt her leave, and like that, the shell lying before me took on the appearance of somebody else, some thing else. But the feeling of being alone in the Universe overwhelmed me.

    A few months later, as I myself felt the strange attraction of giving up the physical, and felt I could not go on with the struggle. I did not know how or why it would be ok, I had no intention of doing myself harm, just, that I felt like laying down and not getting up. Grief can be cumulative I think. Then, that very night, I was called to, by mama... she called to me, and told me it would be ok, to come and watch, that this was what she wanted. It was unlike any dream I've ever had, I know the difference. This, could only be described as being 'out of body', and there she was, at the edge of a hole in the ground, dressed in dirty linen robes in a land of holes. Now, my mother was a righteous christian woman, a leader in the church, there was only one sinful thing she would ever admit to, smoking. She not only didn't want to quit, but would tell you it was her only sin she had left, and if Jesus couldn't forgive her of this, then what good was worshiping Him? But, it wasn't Jesus that 'forgave' her, it was the Universe itself, Jesus was out of the picture, although I had a sense that it was He who had given her the choice to purge herself of her dark desire. For how can darkness approach the Light? She, didn't want to 'ride the wheel' any longer, and wanted to go Home. So she descended down into the pit of desire, and I will leave it there, for we all deserve to keep our dignity.

    Not a month later, I was outside in the yard, and had a daytime vision, of a bright light beaming skywards, and the feeling of her great joy, and I understood... men see through a glass darkly, and argue over shadows and things which are only half truth and half lie, half real and half unreal. The Illusion is real, but it is all about Cause and Effect, the Universe of the Church is about Crime and Punishment. The Soul is darkness, and she had to be released from it, in order to gain the highest Aeons of Light.

    The God calculus says that the layers of the heavens, or harmonics of the energies, are entangled with intentions, desires, intelligence, knowledge, and only the truth will set you free. But there is no truth upon the Earth, and we are all light entangled in darkness, and that darkness is real, the Firmament of the Waters of Reality. The Darkness is the Key to reality, and even Einstein acknowledged it as "The Imponderable Aether" of General Relativity. The particle physicists call it; Dark energy, that they think is manifested as the Higgs boson, nicknamed; The God particle. But, God is not found in particle accelerators, He lives within the Rocks. He is not a particle, but a tangential force; the God Tangent, Pi. The Force of Cycles, spin, rotation, orbits... strange attractors and Chaos, entangled with all the knowledge of creation, what the ancients called; The Treasury of the Light that is manifested or emanated into darkness. They called this the Revealed Knowledge, or; The Hypostasis.

    Enoch even wrote it all down for us, an architecture of the Universe out of the mouth of God, yet, the Church burned it as 'heresy' and sorcery. Now the Church becomes old dry bones, and has a Great falling away of the faith, as The Mystery doctrine fails because it was designed for peasants, not modern men who have evolved in knowledge. Science and socialism takes men away from God, and the Church has no weapon against atheist Truth, except blind faith. Would God like such a situation, did His prophets predict such a time? When darkness would visit the Earth, and madness would reign supreme, as animal feelings dominated objective reality? A time when political correctness drove the world into a systemic irrationality and faith became enemy mine? A time when Sun, Earth and man, all seemed to go mad at the same time? Would He provide a revealing, an answer, a Way for the Elect to stand against The Elite?

    The answer to the growing madness in man, and the sun, and the earth, becomes obvious if you can see the Cause that connects all things as One. If you can see the Cycles of the galaxy, the Sun, Earth's climate and volcanoes and earthquakes, the madness of crowds, the anxiety and fear that ramps up since a little before 2012, which affects minds, and if you can see that the Church even set the year zero incorrectly, then we can determine that madness will have a peak of about 2033-40. This is the Time of Jacobs trouble, the Day of the Lord, the time of Darkness and Tribulation, Ragnarok, the Cycles of Madness that are tied to the very substance of reality itself. And it is not that the Good is becoming less good, it is that goodness itself is become dimmed by darkness and confused by systemic irrationality, and the good have nowhere to turn, except inwards, consumed by fear. The Elite destroy for profit, The Elect build, the builders time is done, the Destroyers now come using sweet words on the tongue that grow bitter in the belly.

    If there is a message of truth, it is that man, by himself, cannot do enough. That, our best efforts, by ourselves, cannot do enough to save us from ourselves. That the ultimate survival of God's greatest effort is the survival not just of the species, but the Revealed Knowledge of God's, our greatest inheritance, Ascension off The Wheel of darkness. In this purpose there are other meanings to ancient writings called myths, legends, mysteries, scriptures and prophecy, and a curious symmetry between all of them, but do we have the foundation of knowledge to understand their deeper original meanings?

    If the writings of Enoch, and the 'private teachings' of Jesus were uncovered mere decades ago, and these books of knowledge have pure symmetry with the Perennial Philosophy of ancient pagans, and have a metaphorical identity with modern scientific theories, is this not as close as man can get to truth, like a double edge sword that proceeds out of the mouth of The Lord? That if the knowledge of Dark energy is found again, that the Imp of Darkness is raised from the bottomless pit of Enoch. If the knowledge and teachings of the man are uncovered, and understood again, and they are in conflict with modern Pharisees, is this a metaphorical shadow of a second coming? And like the first coming of the avatar of God, men could not see because they were full of fear, again it should be the same because ignorance is our greatest enemy.

    My 2 cents is, that except for a remnant, this civilization, society, and knowledge, is fooked.
    Cruisin Sloth and Brokor like this.
  14. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Yes, there's a lot yet to be told and understood by humankind. I like to think we are ourselves becoming what we were always meant to become, and this is an experience worthy of thought. The "elite" are also a mystery in some ways, but we do have some understanding based on their deeds, or I should say, the deeds of those whom they have elicited. We should not confuse the minions with the masters, for it is important to see this as a necessary evil for change to occur and the making of order from chaos. I am not attempting to justify all that has been done in the name of "Democracy" and cementing globalism. I am merely explaining the bigger picture as I see it. For a moment, pretend as though you are in a position to dictate and control exactly how YOU would go about instituting world peace and unity, maintain a respectable population in accordance with also maintaining control while continuing a sensible and reasoned societal atmosphere. With any of our current day social structures, the task of achieving these things on a global scale would be most difficult, if not impossible. We would need to become a space-bearing race, peaceful and content with every human willing to serve one another and work toward a common goal, not to mention also being proficient in every aspect of academia and study. How would we do all of this as a divided world? How would a country like our own, where freedom can also be associated with "free-dumb", where every individual may freely choose to be a deadbeat or just opt out and not take part? Up until now, individual nations have competed with each other for dominance. They have waged war and sometimes come out stronger, better than before. This method of "kicking over the ant hill" has gone on long enough to prove it is not very effective, and at the least it is quite slow. With every attempt to make progress, there must first be a system based on parameters defined by its goals and objectives. This means there is no room for non-compliance, or very little at the very least. Can we establish a unified world, a technologically advanced space-bearing race and live in harmony as well as reach the goals we have set if we are divided? Can we do any of these things if we have warring religious factions and extremists willing to die for a cause they believe exists in some ancient prophetic tome written by men thousands of years ago?

    I see the wars and the age of the corporation, the age we live in now, as a means by which the "elite" have spun a web designed to bring about a crucible of epic proportions. I do not know how this will all end, but I am fairly certain there is plenty of blood on the horizon, and the people of this planet will be hard-pressed and very reluctant to give up their beliefs. Many countless will die for a belief in scripture and nationalistic pride before this is all over. I know the religions of old were methods for tyrants and men of the cloth who gained power in such a way to raise armies and profit. Many empires have risen and fallen just in our recorded history, and more will certainly follow. Perhaps to the elite, the entire prospect of religion was a literal Pandora's box and it won't be easy placing the Jeanie back in the bottle again. The question I pose is, and assuming the original question I asked earlier, what would YOU do to erase the mistake made so long ago? I know many religious folks will state that religion should not be seen as a "mistake", and will take offense. I do not mean to insult, only make a point. Individual religion is sacred, I hold it to be crucial, but organized religion is a tool, like any other.

    And so, we have a situation. We are faced with the possible extermination of the entire human race either by natural disaster or any extinction level events both natural or man-made. There are also biological disasters, nuclear war or other such scenarios, and viruses. As we continue to wage war and kill each other for various reasons, will we eventually realize how senseless it all really is? Chances are, unless we radically alter our core philosophies, we will be destined to continue on this path until we are all dead or the only people remaining forever swear off violence to one another.

    The "elite" may very well have a plan to control the world with corporations and fund wars on both sides until they get a global empire. But, what is the end game? Does it just stop there, or do they have a greater plan for humanity? Some people only focus on the negative side and see with eyes half shrouded. We are born into and raised in cultures which teach us, indoctrinate us, and mold us to conform. Some people can see where we have come from and know they aren't given the whole story, and something is amiss. Governments are corrupt and there is no common sense anymore, and the world seems like it has gone mad. We are inundated with conspiracy theories, alien abduction tales and strange sighting reports. The root cause and effect behind creating globalist policies can be pinpointed, and it always leads to the corporations and the banking cartel. But, this is not enough. Not for me.

    What if you, being in charge, were to be completely honest and open? You might say to the world on a broadcast, "I am here to fix the mistakes of our past, and I invite all of you to join me in my attempt to reach the stars." The radical religious crowd would go into a frenzy. The nutters would start creating theories about how you're a Manchurian candidate controlled by aliens. The comedians would certainly run a slurry of skits about your sudden lapse into science fiction fantasy and recommend you be led to a padded cell. And if you continued by stating, "We are waging war to control assets and establish power structures in order to implement radical change to eliminate religious doctrine and its practice, all forms of individualism and racial bias. This is only a phase, do not be alarmed. Now for the local news." Do you think it would be received with approving nods? Of course it wouldn't. The truth is sometimes stranger than fiction, but always difficult to bear. I don't know if this is the intention of the elite, to conquer and then transform the world into a harmonious place so we can advance as one, peaceful race. But, if it were ME in charge, and all of this was my doing, well...I would be striving to reach the stars.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2014
    Yard Dart and bagpiper like this.
  15. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    Kellory... having considered this question for years(off and on), I was, at one time, like you... that there HAD to be a physical and obvious reason for this 'Enduring Phenomena'. I once considered 'bow waves' and 'wake turbulence' as a possible reason(the Cause of your argument), but, it always, always, comes back around to the question of general relativity... what we think of as gravity. Do earthquakes, which are merely surface vibrations from tectonic movement, not shake the hell out of 'everything' equally, from all sides and directions? Is there a difference between a can of mixed nuts(the Brazil nut effect, alternate name for the Rock problem), and a farmers field that undergoes freezing and thawing? Is there a difference between those and an earthquake?

    If you analyze wave travel through a medium, think of a boat that's going through the water... the bow wave and the wake turbulence... does the bow wave impart a push and the wake turbulence a pull? Relativity is the only answer, that, water, and earth, can only be 'relative' to themselves. When you have a boat in the water, the energy difference or relative potential difference of inherent energy is massive(the difference in density between the steel boat, and the water), but we are talking about rocks vs rocks or nuts vs nuts, so all we can say is that general relativity has errors or limits. This small scale limitation, in my mind, has the same source as the long scale errors, that, Voyager and Pioneer have gone off course... may actually curve back into the solar system and have discovered 'magnetic bubbles' in the interstellar void. Is there a 'hidden' variable lurking at the bottom of the relativity well?...

    I believe there is, and in this 'old/new' theory of God's, the answer can only be found when general relativity is combined with special relativity, and mass is seen as energy of two different kinds, light and dark, but mostly dark. Thus gravity is imperfectly described as a static 'well', instead of a gravito-magnetic vortex that would explain many different phenomena. Even the aforementioned bow wave and wake turbulence metaphor is a perfect predictor of the dual slit experiment with and without observers. But only if you accept that all things are merely waves of energy... this is why I use the atom bomb as the only way of demonstrating the Light that is contained within all things, including us. When you take into account, that the founding of quantum mechanics threw out the necessity of the spin of atoms to be 'hyper luminal', or faster than light, you have the basis of Unification.

    Thus, if you accept that all things are energy, and energy is defined as having two components, hyper light and 'something dark', and these energies are 'spun' together into Chaos, then general relativity and special relativity can be combined into Hyper Relativity, or Holy Relativity. It is 'Holy' because The Light MUST come from outside the known universe, in a hyperspace if you will. Hyperspace then, must be a place of compressed time and infinite light energy entangled with all knowledge. This matches scripture and religion, because the Universe is then seen as layered energy harmonics and potential differences, the hyper-light is not slowed or worked into matter in one step, but 7 steps, or heavens. But, along with the many 'heavens', within 'hyper-space', there must also be a 'Sub-space' to balance or consume the infinite energy, or, many layers of hells, unto complete oblivion or, The second death. This is the opposite pole of the vacuum potential energy, the Tartarus, the Lake of Fire that consumes all. A black hole would be the best example of this, and is even implied in the ancient writings of Gnosis as; a Great Lump of darkness, a window into the Abyss where time stands still.

    The rock is important, as an indicator, a touchstone of the fingerprint of God. For its behavior is a mystery under the science of men, but a simple thing when seen in the science of God. Positive infinity opposed to negative infinity equals zero, the source of hyper relativity. Thus a large rock has a larger light energy density 'relative' to the surrounding smaller rocks, and is drawn, or ascends, out of the Chaos of the Darkness. The balance of the energies is biased locally, and the Chaos of vibration gives it movement as the gravito-electric overcomes the gravito-magnetic... and thus within the simple rocks of God a secret lies, the proof of the Holy Spirit that is in all things, an Imp of darkness that binds it and the Voice that created The All. The Sacred 3 of the ancients is the Light, the Dark, and the Voice of Pi of the White tablet of Enoch, the tablet of fire. But also the Yin, Yang and Tao of the Yellow tablet. The Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma of the black tablet. The positive, the negative, above and below the Circle of the Hopi, the Red tablet. The electric, magnetic and Causal spin forces of science. Is this a heresy? Or is it just time? Then in this time, who is it that preaches magic, mystery and superstition based in fear, that exhorts and divides all men to bow to a false 'Godly authority' and false prosperity? Where is Joy?

    In the end, it is this ancient knowledge of the secret of the rock, that will free mankind for the ultimate purpose of God, which is Joy through the survival of the species and the divinely revealed knowledge. It is predicted that the good must overcome the evil, the Golden rule must conquer the Rule of Gold, we must suffer through The Dark Times, into the Time of Ascension in the Logos of the Light, unify our dividing knowledge by restoring the hoop of humanity through the combining of the Tablets of God, The Tablets of Earth, Air, Fire and water(the Hopi prophecy term for The Ancient Revealed Knowledge), to form a new constitution of a confederation of a kingdom of God, to pound our swords into plowshares and our spears into pruning hooks, and neither learn war anymore, for the Earth lives in the darkness of Chaos, and one day shall be destroyed by fire, thus we must unify, gather the knowledge, build New Jerusalem and birth the star child, to find the New Heavens and the New Earth.

    May The Force be with you.
  16. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    An interesting theory.
    As for earthquakes, I lived in California for a while, and I have been through many quakes. There is a lot of shaking side to side, some up and down, and the up force was enough to knock you to your knees. It was both subtle and massive in scale, and powerful enough to split and lift the very ground (people were killed when the freeway split and they drove at freeway speeds into solid earth.) But even when the bridges failed, the pavement broached, and the building fell, there never appeared to be any down force besides gravity. It was clearly driven from below. Buildings fell because their support structure was knocked apart like a house of cards, their foundations and walls absorbed the shocks and collapsed, and their return softened. Gravity just pulled them down once their structure softened.
  17. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    @Broker ... [clp]
    You have nailed our reality, and the solution. How do we get there is the question. The only way, is new thinking. The only way to achieve new think, is to abandon old thinking. The only way to abandon old thinking, is to see the lies. The only way to see the lies is to find the truth, which requires an almost spiritual dedication to seeking cracks in the lies because there are always cracks in a lie. If there is any one truth in our current thinking, it is that it is dominated by materialism and its defense by ridicule. This argument is as old as men, as the "Brotherhood of Light" wars against the "Brotherhood of Darkness". It is not that one is merely good and the other evil, but that reality itself engenders our predicament, and many hate God. Most would never admit to it, so they do everything they can to keep a closed mind or keep Plato's Cave of illusion alive, for there is profit in misery, fear, ignorance, complexity and deception. We inherit the knowledge from the ancients that there are those 'of' the world, and those 'in' the world, and those of the world rise to the highest places of power and control. Which leads to the need for metaphor and humor in the hiding of conspiracies in the open. Evil has been telling us for many years what the plan is, as you have said, it is what it has always been, global utopia, led by the most powerful men on Earth, those who 'own' the money and 'rent' it out to the rest of humanity. The root of all evil, being the Love of money, many are deceived because they think they must go along to get along, and the Church keeps them in submission to 'Godly authority'.
    Nobody can see a way out of our predicament because we are all held in thrall to the Rule of Gold, that he who has the gold makes the rules... it is held in place by a system of enforcement by true believers, who are divided themselves into two basic ideologies of the rich men, capital and collective, the left and right legs. Nobody has stopped to think, like was discussed in the 19th century, that both ideologies end up the same way, a few guys owning everything and pronouncing themselves Boss. Then liberty and freedom always become casualties of this process, truth rises to the surface, breaks free, burns it all down, and the Phoenix rises from its own ashes, to pronounce itself boss again. This basic process is driven by the concept of ownership... either by the individual, or the state. This is metaphorically described in the statue of Nebuchadnezzar, the deeper meaning and very good picture of an ancient system. There is a way out, but it involves eliminating what is, seeing what was, and combining all into Oneness. Unfortunately, it is not us who can do this for we are a product of our times. This was the reason for secret societies of the past, and that is what it will take for the future. The rock tears down the statue, which grows to be a mighty mountain. But those who say the church is the Rock are deceived, because the church is part of the statue...

    It is clear you seek anything to maintain your hold on your own version of reality, and that is in keeping with a healthy skepticism... you fail to grasp the meaning of your own words... that, gravity pulled the buildings down. The broken pieces of the buildings did not simply float in the air waiting upon some external agency or force to make them fall down, also, this view holds strongly to the concept of reductionism and the Way of Knowledge of materialism, to divide everything into labeled boxes. Thus, 'my' theory, is simply 'interesting', a kind way of telling me to shove a sock in it... ;)
    That's ok... like I said, years ago I would have agreed with you. But, in order to advance, we cannot depend on Old Thinking to take us away from what Broker is talking about into a future that is necessary for the survival of the species. When I was a young man, we knew this, and were devoted to it, but we lost it somewhere along the way because evil men came to be in charge, and thinking became 'feeling'. I count as victims of evil all those who were led down the garden path of turning the space program into a ghost of its former self, finally destroying manned space altogether. We sacrifice our future by selling votes for evil men to give our productive capacity to the lazy. This is why I refer to the slow creeping process of systemic irrationality, which is political correctness masking truth unto cognitive dissonance of a whole society.
    So, just for you... ;) We draw a picture... simply notice the zero point, and what is the result of opposing energies. No, we don't expect to 'convert' you, or anyone else, simply that there is now a valid foundation for a possible jump into a new way of thinking.
    May the Force be with you...

  18. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    I said nothing so rude.;). We build to withstand gravity. We know it will always pull thing down, so we build in straight lines, and arches, to withstand a constant downward pull. Vibrations large and small though, come from beneath, and quakes mostly shake side to side, and unbalance what we have built. If we built super strong buildings that could laugh at a quake, it wouldn't be an issue. But we don't. We build with the minimum materials to do the job correctly, and when the shaking starts it collapses as it fails to hold it's shape. I understood my words correctly, no error. It is the structure that failed to maintain it's integrity, and the constant force of gravity pulled it down.
    Vibrations and quakes though are not constant, they impart movement, and mass had enertia. A mass at rest tends to stay at rest, and a mass in motion tends to stay in motion. It is movement that caused the building to fail, not gravity. Gravity was planned for, movement was not.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2014
  19. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Actually, now days Gravity AND EarthQuakes, are designed into, most NEW Buildings, in First and Second World Countries... Japan, California, and most major Earthquake Zone countries now Require such Building design Standards.....
    Brokor likes this.
  20. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Yes, I know. Standards are much higher in California than here....and far fewer buildings fall down because of it. That is my point. They built them stronger.
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