Everything We Have Been Taught About Our Origins Is A Lie

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Quigley_Sharps, Jun 25, 2014.

  1. nkawtg

    nkawtg Monkey+++

    Time travel
  2. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    That's an interesting post Bagpiper...and in some parts I am in quite some agreement.

    I like some of your metaphors, and you have some interesting things to say about the lies and falsehoods told us about our origins. I do get a little wary of some folks' claims that they are possessors of absolute truths, with little more evidence than the scribblings of ancients...(and not so ancients); who claim to be the middlemen (they are mostly, but not exclusively men) for god(s).

    Academia, like many human institutions is not without its biases, prejudices and limitations; but although some knowledge and truth may be forestalled or concealed or suppressed...it is none the less there to be discovered by those who have the perserverance and intellectual integrity to discover it and reveal it to the rest of humanity. Those who use methodologically rigorous scientific methods of enquiry are, I suggest, in a better position to discover useful knowledge than those who are channeling the ineffable via ancient manuscripts and personal revelation.

    Although Freudian psychology may be of interest to some....the field of psychology has moved on since then, as it has from notions of diving personality and character from bumps on the head (phrenology). Some here (not looking at you, bagpiper) bandy the words "anal retentive' around as a Parthian Shot at the sinking of a fragile, poorly argued claim. It's a lazy stratagem that doesn't much substitute for better arguing one's case with evidence that can stand scrutiny or isn't undermined by fallacious reasoning.

    Light and darkness reflect the relative effectiveness of the human ability to detect photons. The photons exist independantly of our own perception or lack of perception of them. If it were left to faith, we would most probably be left with "Fiat Lux", as the enduring explanation for light. Who knows whether we might have developed a methodologically rigorous form of scientific enquiry sooner, if many of the ancient pagan texts had not been destroyed or suppressed by the possessors of absolute truths?

    Some here seem to think that science is not incompatiple with faith....provided that science assumes the role of confirmer of faith claims. Where genuine science challenges faith claims...the usual reSponse is to attack the science...or float counter claims promoted by pseudo-scientific shills.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2014
    kellory and tulianr like this.
  3. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Typo.......he he he.:lol:
    chelloveck likes this.
  4. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    Typos....either accidental...or maybe deliberate just to demonstrate that I ain't as obBsessive as some folks may think. ;)

    Edit: I could have typed repose I suppose....which would have dealt with the typo issue....but it would be probably less intelligible to the reader than the right word mispelled.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2014
  5. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Nope ....wrong word.:lol:and yes, yes you are.
  6. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    --“When forced to summarize the general theory of relativity in one sentence: Time and space and gravitation have no separate existence from matter.”
    --"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."
    --"I wish to know the mind of God, all the rest is mere details..."
    --Albert Einstein

    Sorry, I was detained Kellory... weather caused satellite failure has been going on for DAYS, and I've been too busy to do any more than an occasional check... I generally don't leave the reading room because reading is my only relaxation, and, its innocuous and I enjoy its relative calm, but since this thread is about something close to my heart, truth and lies(and the forum mods sucked me in with that little ad across the top... ;) ), there appear to be other pure minds seeking truth here. You brought up the old saw of convection, so you will have to bear with me... To find truth in this world, first you must find the foundation of truth, which is; energy and atom bombs. So I decided to open up a little, and see if there are any truly unbiased and open minds here...

    The short answer to your premise of 'convection' is that; it must be reconciled with general relativity(GR) and that must be reconciled with special relativity because there is no such thing as MASS,(it is the Illusion) there is only; energy density. But first you must understand the nature of energy, or, energies. When it comes to this question of 'Truth or Lie', the foundation of reality can only be found in the foundation of reality itself; The Rocks. Rocks are made from atoms, but what are atoms made from? For this you can only turn to Einstein and atom bombs, where "the mind of God" lies, the rest is "mere details".

    Convection is refuted in many circles, as a desperate attempt of explaining the unexplainable... at least as long as you can only see reality in terms of particles, energy and religion... as separate irreconcilable entities... special relativity is the beginning of reconciliation, but only when both relativities are reconciled with The Hypostasis; or Architecture of Reality.

    The Way of Knowledge, is to divide reality, we 'reduce' everything into categories with added labels good and bad, instead of integrating all knowledge. (People get mad when you try to stray away from 'topic', even if your argument is to integrate facts.) To say that a rock, and convection, stands separate and apart from Einstein is the root of folly. The lies of our origins, rely and depend on the primary lie of our world; Proof of God. This is why Plato talked about our Cave of Illusions, and there is a reason for all the lies. It maintains man's identity apart from the Creation and the Creator, under a universe of Judgement. And no matter what, atheist or faithful, men think that you can't 'judge' the Ignorant.

    Thus the illusions are maintained with passion, and lies are the tools, even, lying to oneself. This is what causes Ridicule and defense of the status quo. Science is hell bent on proving there is no God, and has brought up an entire generation that believes that 'doctrine' of science. Religion on the other hand, still maintains 'mystery' and superstition as the primary doctrines and how dare you try to explain it. But, men have evolved in knowledge, beyond religion and science, so where do we turn? Even some here, have spoken of this fundamental truth, I call; spiritual evolution. Having evolved beyond the paradigms of the Rich hawkers of status quo, but, have no where to turn. Evolution or Creation, why can it not be that Intelligent Design created evolutionary processes? Because religion says no. So men "fall away" from religion, and science leaves them empty. Einstein was right, but mystery works well for money changers and religion and governments, they profit from our ignorance and misery.

    It keeps the rich man in charge, due to fear. What are the rich men selling? Fear and greed. This is how the Rule of Gold has always worked, he who has the gold, makes the rules. There is no room in this 'natural' reality for the Golden rule. There is only the 'mystery' of God, and the 'phenomena' of science. Religion gives themselves a free pass to heaven despite whatever evil they commit, and science denies everything that is unmeasurable. Thus, the atom bomb, is the most fundamental of fundamental truths... that all things are energy, it is the nature of that energy that is the question of the ages, and why physics has run aground on the rocks of complexity. Elegance, simplicity and truth, is not profitable, only complexity. They always run aground on the question; Where does the Light come from? The light they release during an atomic explosion. There is but one place it can come from, but, that would give religions some measure of validity and that cannot be allowed. This 'mystery' is unresolvable, by old think, because we are stuck, as Einstein said; "Science without religion is lame, and religion without science is blind." Thus, truth, can only be found when the answer to the question of where the Light comes from, is answered. Fortunately, that question was answered long ago, only it is hidden from us by lies and half truths.

    Religion and science, were not always two things... the only way to resolve old think, is for New Think to be found, proven, and accepted as; God's Science. This is the Holy Grail, the Unified Field of God, where the hidden ancient writings are shown to be a fundamental truth, with the tools of Einstein. Science must be given a soul, and religion must be given eyes, and that can only live at the Nexus of both.

    The rock problem, therefore, is the most obvious, simplest and most elegant of problems. In order to find absolute truth, we must begin with a minor truth, to create a foundation to build on. This begins with the Light, and what it takes to "freeze" light into atomic structures.

    If anyone follows me this far, and gives a damn, I will post excerpts from my book I'm working on, when I can get back online reliably. I will say, I have performed some experiments over the last few years, that have delivered an indication of Truth of our 'dark' reality. And convection, simply causes me to shake my head in sadness.

    Good night.
  7. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    We are in total agreement, and if it was just 'me', I would agree, but, the revelation of the necessity of 'dark energy', is THE Revelation.
    I do not claim a perfect theory, but, a firm foundation that as you say, validates ancient metaphors, with the theories and math of Einstein.
    @kell... nice try... not happening without some 'balancing' force... see The Forces, not the matter.
    chelloveck likes this.
  8. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    @bagpiper , if you think I am qualified to debate Einstein, I may have to revise my estimation of your intelligence downward.;) but( IICR) from my high school physics, it is not the reaction itself that causes the light, but the intense heat causing oxygen, nitrogen, and nitrogen dioxide in the surrounding air to burn. I would suspect even water vapor would burn off as hydrogen and oxygen.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2014
  9. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Nope, wrong typo.:eek: :lol: Should I mark it with a warning buoy?;)
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2014
  10. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    The "measurement problem" and "observation problem" regarding quantum physics versus classic physics introduces new questions that many physicists cannot answer, and this bothers them greatly. Humans MUST have precise answers and solutions, or their programming short-circuits. The observer effect has introduced a massive problem when attempting to quantify the microcosm.

    kellory likes this.
  11. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    @kellory, well, I thought we were just having a friendly discussion... ;)

    There is so much wrong with this I don't know where to begin. The Reaction is not a chemical reaction sir... that is why it is called (using the G. Bush vernacular) 'Nuk ler' fission or fusion.... ;)

    The matter is converted into its primal energy, brokers post is appropro... even water is more complicated than you have been led to believe.
    There is no need to 'debate' Einstein, the debate is done, the theory is now established science, the special relativity equation at its simplest e=mc2 simply says that (for the simplest case of a static rest 'mass'), the limit of the amount of energy that makes up the mass is the mass times the speed of light squared... !
    Thus a few pounds of uranium is 'converted' into the light of a thousand suns... and, radiation(particles). It produces two energy products, light, and 'something else'. It is this something else, that holds the atom together. It is what is called 'dark' energy, or the 'force of darkness'.

    The ancient Indian Sanskrit Vedas, which, are supposedly over 10,000 years old... speaks about air ships made of gold called Vimanas, that shot arrows with 'fire coming from their tails', that then exploded with "the light of a thousand suns"...

    Interestingly, archeologists have discovered a buried city in the Indus valley, that was melted... and they found fused radioactive green glass... curious... when considering the subject of this thread. What is interesting, is that it is not shouted from the roof tops, but, lays hidden in the 'one of those weird things' room... because it doesn't fit the modern linear time model of civilization.

    but, Einstein is kinda easy at the conceptual level. If you accept that all things are based in light energy and 'dark energy', then you go full circle back to what the ancients said, and, modern religion uses as a metaphor. The answer is right in front of our face, but nobody wants to see it, because it would cause old think to become extinct...
  12. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    No need...I can live with uncertainty and imperfection. :p
    bagpiper and kellory like this.
  13. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    We are, just don't expect quid pro quo.
    Lead on sensei, you have my attention.
  14. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    Ah Grasshopper, you have the beginning of wisdom... your eyes are opened...

    Broker, was talking about the 'observer' problem, and he is correct... like the dual slit, quantum entanglement, the Aharanov-Bohm experiment, and many others that change when different 'observers' or sensors actually have the nerve to watch an experiment, it changes... but, that is only if you accept that all things are fundamentally composed of 'particles'. But, science cannot tell you what a 'particle' actually is, or what its shape is, or how the light is bound together by this mysterious thing called 'dark' energy. They spend billions on something called; the Higgs boson, nickname; the 'God' particle.
    I predicted 3 years ago, that their search would be a billion dollar bust, because it is not, and cannot be 'fundamental'. Now, it appears some of their own experts and proponents, have abandoned the search and returned to Einstein, mainly, it appears, the teams in Europe at CERN, say, they have found 'proof', 99 %... hmm. When I see their explanation, I see... a fabrication of statistical data from many experiments that lead towards prizes, awards, and most of all... funding. Funding desperately needed, in a land that is broke... In short, I see a crock of shit masquerading as fundamental knowledge from people, whom I have lost all respect for. Even Hawking, has proved himself just an angry old man, who hates God for his predicament, and goes to any length to prove that God doesn't exist... including calling God names and saying that the Unified Field doesn't exist...

    It does, it just wasn't HIM who found it... it was God who gave it in a Vision Quest. Now, some will say 'So what. What good is it?' Ask then, what good is a newborn infant? If the theory predicts that there is no such thing as 'gravity' per se, then what would be the upshot? Since, we know 'gravity' exists, but, does it? Really? When general relativity is combined or reconciled with special relativity, minds explode, but, conceptually, it is quite simple... if, you have the proper 'model'... If you think in terms of particles, then yes, complexity becomes a nightmare. Otherwise, if you see reality as God gave it to Enoch, then it is simplicity itself. E is dual, El and Ed (energy sub L for light, and energy sub d, for dark), the reason why science is stuck on the particle paradigm is based in an old experiment called the "most famous failed experiment in history"; the Michelson-Morley experiment.

    So for tonight, I leave you with the questions; What if Michelson and Morley assumed wrong? What if they assumed a 'luminiferous' aether, and it was not?
    What does that leave? What does that allow? What does that connect together as One? What should they have assumed? Did 19th century science, miss something? Did 4th century religious zealots destroy The Grail? Would 10,000 year old, or older, scientific symbols and languages, have any bearing on modern science?

    Is there a; Secret in the Rocks?
    Good night.
    kellory likes this.
  15. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

  16. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    Higgs 'God' particle a big let-down say physicists - The Globe and Mail

    I detect a note of the skeptic, and that's as it should be...

    I could clarify, but, it wouldn't matter... would it?... the important point is, Einstein was right.
    The particle guys, cannot even 'see' A single particle without massive magnetic fields, yet, they gain no clue from that.

    When I was working with the guys who were researching/developing NMR technology back in the 70's( that was subsequently changed from NMR to MRI for political correctness reasons), my question to them at the time was, Why does living matter react to a magnetic field, when, it is not 'magnetic'? Dr. Jerry and the boyz at NC State had no good answer... except that everything at the atomic level, they thought, had a sort of magnetic shell...

    The particle guys have been searching for the source of magnetism and gravity (monopoles and gravitons) for a hundred years. They have been searching for their Higgs for decades, and it always means more time and money, they even announce that if they find the Higgs, they will still "have much more work to do". While anybody outside their club is ridiculed and denied funding... this is because they KNOW... that the Energy path leads straight to the hyper-cosmic altar of God... but we were concerned about convection, was it?

    So, if convection was the cause of this, the oldest phenomena of science, then it must operate within the boundaries of relativity, as a foundation, and mass should attract mass. The higher the mass, the greater the attraction, right? Then that means, convection, chaos, vibration, (freezing and warming), would cause the Earth itself to become more dense packed as the big rocks fall towards the center of mass, would it not? But then, the thought occurs, that sand and the smallest particles of matter, would rise to the top, becoming less and less packed as the large masses became more and more packed, and thus man and the things man builds, being more dense than sand, would simply sink into the Earth, having no purchase upon the surface. No matter what we do to compress or structure the foundations, our buildings would crumble and seek the center of mass of the Earth because the whole surface of the Earth would be quicksand.

    There could be no lakes, streams or mountains. Even vegetation would have to fight to maintain its place above the dirt. What would that do to the ability of the planet to nurture and bring forth life? hmm... It appears, when this 'argument' is taken literally using relativity as a foundation, to its logical end point, the results are not conducive to life even beginning on the planet. No. It is obvious that Einstein was right, but, so were the Ancients, that; All things are but frozen energy, and the energies are dual in 'nature', 'chaos held in balance'. It is the nature of that balance, gravity and anti-gravity,(a balance of light vs dark energies) that is the Key, and the Key is revealed by The Grail, that; God wanted us to know The Secret, but rich and powerful men burned it and declared it 'evil'. This is the essence of what I term; The Way of Knowledge.

    But then, it appears nobody is left in this thread, so I will go back to the reading room, and say good night.
    Brokor and Yard Dart like this.
  17. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    I listen.
  18. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    My edumacation does not allow to wade to deep into this pool, knuckle dragger don't you know... ;)
    But please continue as the topic is quite interesting!!
  19. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    It is very difficult to discuss, without, at least, questions or aspersions as to my genealogical lineage...
    this topic, in order to be useful as 'truth', must be seen as truth to the layman, must it not?
    Thus, the only way, to find truth, as the ancients said, was; The Discourse.
    I am, not a teacher or preacher... just a humble (ex) engineer... attempting to rewire the universe...
  20. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    You find discussion of rewiring the universe difficult without aspersions?;) no problem. " you're ugly, and your momma dresses you funny." Hope it helped. Now continue.
    If rocks continued to sink due to gravity, they would sink into the magnma and be consumed, as they fell through the plates.
    I know water does not compress, but I doubt anyone has ever tested molten lava. I would expect the same results though. So I don't see the core as getting denser.
    bagpiper likes this.
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