Everything We Have Been Taught About Our Origins Is A Lie

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Quigley_Sharps, Jun 25, 2014.

  1. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    @Minuteman --well, hundreds of thousands is definitely better than several thousand. You know, I was working on an idea I picked up on a while back, I only wish I had followed it through now, thinking of this subject. It involves scientific study and the religious aspect, taking each into account in well balanced form. The supposition is, that we must accept the idea that translation is not currently correct, but can meet the sound scientific findings with relative success. Case in point, the origin. Science's "big bang" is a heatedly contested theory, but when applied to quantum mechanics and time space, we gain a greater amount of possibilities. This does leave room for the single God concept of creation, and I would be very pleased if they both coincided. Of course, it's all just an idea I had only briefly been working on. Essentially, time becomes irrelevant, it's only the actual magnitude of the event which requires explaining. And, like it or not, if God can be quantified in scientific terms, it doesn't make it any less of a God, only more easily understood by our consciousness.

    On the greater scheme of things, if we are all connected like the smallest particles which seem to fade in and out of time space, maybe some answers can be discovered not by examining our land matter, but delving deeper into the microcosm.
    Minuteman likes this.
  2. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    "The truth is out there"

    If, and that's with a capitol I, I ever finish writing my thesis I think it will very handily merge science and faith in a real and easily acceptable theorem to both sides. I see science corroborating faith not challenging it. Though that means taking an open mind approach and a willingness to discard doctrine that is not, if not provable at least probable.
    My motto has always been "If doctrine must be sacrificed on the altar of truth so be it."
    peachsurvival and Brokor like this.
  3. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I couldn't possibly agree more. :)

    I like to think we are closer to the truth when we first forget all the falsities we have been taught. If we ever could scientifically find the "truth", I like to think it would merit all religious belief systems and not discredit them. To me, there could be no greater tragedy than to strike forever the fantastic idea of something greater than ourselves. That being said, we are pretty amazing, humanity that is. We are capable of far more than what we have been led to believe.

    Not too many people have dared to claim that everything is a lie. Only a nihilist would come so close. I choose to place my trust in accepting the notion that most of what we "know" is only a fragmented piece of a much larger puzzle.
    peachsurvival and Minuteman like this.
  4. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    The OP article partially copied and pasted to this thread seems to have been authored, as far as I can tell, by Graham Pick (a nice little irony there...Pick writing about inexplicable hammers) Everything We Have Been Taught About Our Origins Is A Lie - Malta Now

    I don't think that it is a case that "everything that we are told about our origins is a lie", I think it more a case of that some folks, such as Pick, would have us believe that everything we are told about our origins is a lie, and expect the claims not to be critically examined and evaluated. (Just putting a plug in here for the critical thinking thread Critical Thinking | Page 2 ).

    Straight off the bat...some questions about this claim occur to me.

    (1) What team of archaeologists analysed and dated it? Who were they and what standing do they have as experts in their field? What methods did they use? Had they published their results?Had their results been peer reviewed, and what if any comments did the peer reviewers make?

    (2) What methodology was used to establish the age of the rock encasing the hammer as being 400 million years old? Did geologists have any input into identifying the mineral content and structure of the "rock" surrounding the hammer?

    (3) Who identified the hammer as being 500 million years old, and by what method was that established?

    (4) How was it established that only "part" of the hammer had started metamorphosing into "coal"?....one might reasonably expect that the pressures necessary to metamorphose wood to coal would be uniform along the whole of the handle. By what method was the carbonisation established as of geological origin, rather than the handle merely being negligently burnt by some careless miner?

    (5) The claim seems to discount the probability out of hand that the hammer could have actually been manufactured relatively recently, by relatively modern humans, using relatively modern smelting methods. Had the hammer been examined and rigorously tested by a reputable metallurgist?

    I am tending to agree with Ghrit concerning hoof-beats, zebras and horses.

    The "London Hammer" artefact claims have been examined by by Glen J. Kuban
    The London Hammer: An Alleged Out of Place Artifact The abstract and his conclusions are excerpted below.

    Pick's article shows a picture of a clamshell as part of the "London Hammer" artefact accretion. I'm surprised that there is no mention of any paleo-biologist's evaluation of the clamshell being of modern origin or of ancient origin.


    Everything We Have Been Taught About Our Origins Is A Lie - Malta Now
    tulianr, kellory and Brokor like this.
  5. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    The Nampa figurine was revealed by John Wesley Powell (John Wesley Powell - Wikisource, the free online library as a probable hoax in the early 1890s. I'm surprised that Pick hadn't read the doubts about the figurine's provenance before putting finger to keyboard.

    Popular Science Monthly/Volume 43/July 1893/Are There Evidences of Man in the Glacial Gravels? - Wikisource, the free online library sections #322 and #323

    Forbidden Archaeology? The Nampa Image Hoax | Hot Cup of Joe
    (Contains extracts from Powell's Popular Science Monthly article.)

    The Nampa figurine | Bad Archaeology
    tulianr likes this.
  6. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Oh that's rich! Cite a known opponent of archeological discoveries that contradict accepted dogma as a reputable and unbiased source. Ha! I'm surprised the poster hadn't read the doubts about the figures documented bias before putting fingers to keyboard.

    from various sources

    "Powell firmly believed that the inhabitants of the North American continent before Columbus were in all instances barbaric and any evidence supporting a civilized society before that time should be discarded. This belief was known as the Powell doctrine and as a director of the Smithsonian he was in a position to enforce this view. His views became known as the Powell Doctrine, and were codified in his paper "On Limitations To The Use Of Some Anthropologic Data."

    The Smithsonian under his leadership began a directed effort to discredit any archeological finds that did not fall in line with their particular isolationist model. The evidences of Smithsonian cover ups and suppression of archeological finds is well documented.

    "The Smithsonian Institution was started in 1829 when an eccentric British millionaire, by the name of James Smithson, died and left $515,169 to create an institution “for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men.” Unfortunately, there is evidence the Smithsonian has been more active in the suppression of knowledge… than the diffusion of it for the last hundred years.

    The cover-up and alleged suppression of archaeological evidence began in late 1881 when John Wesley Powell, the geologist famous for exploring the Grand Canyon, appointed Cyrus Thomas as the director of the Eastern Mound Division of the Smithsonian Institution’s Bureau of Ethnology.

    When Thomas came to the Bureau of Ethnology he was a,

    “pronounced believer in the existence of a race of Mound Builders, distinct from the American Indians.”

    However, John Wesley Powell, the director of the Bureau of Ethnology, a very sympathetic man toward the American Indians, felt that American Indians were unfairly thought of as primitive and savage.

    The Smithsonian began to promote the idea that Native Americans, at that time being exterminated in the Indian wars, were worthy of respect and protection. They also began a program of suppressing any archaeological evidence that lent credence to the school of thought known as Diffusionism, a school which believes that throughout history there has been widespread dispersion of culture and civilization via contact by ship and major trade routes.

    The Smithsonian opted for the opposite school, known as Isolationism. Isolationism holds that most civilizations are isolated from each other and that there has been very little contact between them, especially those that are separated by bodies of water. In this intellectual war that started in the 1880s, it was held that even contact between the civilizations of the Ohio and Mississippi Valleys was rare, and certainly these civilizations did not have any contact with such advanced cultures as the Mayas, Toltecs, or Aztecs in Mexico and Central America.

    By Old World standards this is an extreme, and even ridiculous idea, considering that the river system reached to the Gulf of Mexico and these civilizations were as close as the opposite shore of the gulf. It was like saying that cultures in the Black Sea area could not have had contact with the Mediterranean"
  7. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I think, this is just "GOD" playing a "Little Joke" on mankind...... Sometimes we take things, and ourselves, way to seriously......
    tulianr likes this.
  8. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    "Everything We Have Been Taught About Our Origins Is A Lie"

    Plate techtonics, astroids and other geological events proves that.
  9. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    When in school in the 50's/60's--we were taught about the Cro Magnon/Neanderthal/etc men. Since then the "discoveries" have been proven false. An entire generation or two were fed this tripe by "scientists/archelogists" . I do not put much trust in any theories or finds anymore. They all are after the fame and fortune with truth taking a back seat.
  10. gunbunny

    gunbunny Never Trust A Bunny

    Plate techtonics- again, the assumption is made that the motion of the plates was done so at their present speed. No variability is taken into effect.

    Asteroids- yes they may be much older than the earth, nothing saying they have to be the same age, they are different entities all to themselves.

    Geological events- like the grand canyon? If you calculated the erosion to take place over millions of years, the grand canyon would be the size of the continental US. Many geologists are beginning to believe the event that formed the grand canyon happened in a singular, short period of time or there would be a delta present at the end where it empties into the Gulf of California.
    Minuteman likes this.
  11. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    All of that is gaining adherents in the young earth crowd among academia. A much more sudden and violent clash of tectonic plates, models are showing, could have actually created mountain ranges in only tens of thousands of years not the millions as previously believed. And geological formations such as the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls have been shown in models to possibly being formed rather quickly in geologic terms. I saw a documentary that was illustrating the theory of how Niagara Falls could have been formed in only a few hundred years. A massive breaking of a natural dam could have released millions of gallons of water that would have quickly washed away all the looser, less compact sediments and carved out a great chasm down to the harder layers of rock in a relatively short time frame.

    When we see these fantastical numbers of multi-millions of years I am always skeptical. Those date ranges simply aren't possible to confirm with known science. Radio carbon dating is highly erratic and unreliable after about 3500 years. The only reason we see these million plus dates is because that is what is required to fit the prevailing doctrine. Be it the age of the earth or evolution.

    Any evidence or findings that contradict the prevailing and accepted theorem are rejected and or suppressed. if it doesn't fit, it isn't right. They label the test results as false or contaminated and try,try again until they get a date within the range they are looking for. Or they label finds and discoveries as a hoax or they completely ignore them altogether. Many a brilliant scientist's career has been ruined due to doggedly holding to a heretical view.
    It is the academic equivalent to the Catholic Inquisition. Heretics are excommunicated and burned at the stake.
    And God forbid they really go off the reservation and proffer relics and evidences of a highly advanced society in antiquity. That just isn't acceptable.
  12. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    I think I did not present my thoughts in a way for others to understand.

    The earth has changed many times in many ways. Time is nothing to the earth, astroids hit and destroy parts or all of the life on earth and die themselves unless it is a glancing blow, plates of the earth move as the currents of magnum dictate at their own speed, they rise and fall and circulate into more volcanoes, the stars they too move and get hit by other bodies that spawn more debris to move about the space between the stars..

    The "Human Race" has been around a lot longer than first thought and is but a footnote in time, any time.

    No assumptions just an awareness.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2014
    tulianr, Brokor and Yard Dart like this.
  13. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    (edited to satisfy Chells delicate linguistic sensitivities and to be more palatable to anal retentive personalities.)

    Here are a few examples ( 8 of them)of evidences unearthed of vast inter connectivity of culture in our ancient past that have been suppressed by the Smithsonian and others due to them not conforming to their adopted "Powell Doctrine" of isolationism theory.

    1)A rock carving in Lake Assawompset, Massachusetts was temporarily exposed during a particularly severe drought in 1957. On it were carved pictures of ships of Phoenician and Minoan styles.

    2)A stone found in Morgantown, Tennessee in 1885 had writing on it that was deciphered nearly 100 years later as ancient Canaanite.

    3)The Micmac clan of the Algonquian nation has an alphabet that consists of 2,000 characters of pure Egyptian hieroglyphics.

    4)Called the "American Rosetta Stone" a tablet unearthed in 1874 near Davenport, Iowa contains inscriptions in three languages: hieratic Egyptian, Iberian Punic, and Libyan. It is noteworthy that this discovery came at time years before the Iberian and Libyan scripts were ever deciphered. So it cannot be written off as a forgery.

    5)Evidence of trans-Atlantic trade is abundant in the Great Lakes Region. The 5000 year old copper mines of Michigan and other areas around the lakes have produced numerous ground slate knives found only one other place, Scandinavia and the Baltic countries.

    6)Columbus, Georgia, a stone with Phoenician script not used since 2000 BC.

    7)The Bat Creek stone found in Tennessee in 1970 has been positively identified as Hebrew writing.

    8)1973 in Georgia, a woman digging in her garden unearths a metal tablet containing cuneiform script called Classic Ur II, which was in common use in the Middle East 4,000 years ago!!

    (please note that concludes the list of American discoveries suppressed by the aforementioned American institution)

    **disclaimer for anal retentaives (The following are examples of why those discoveries could very likely have come to be. Evidences that negate the isolationist doctrine. They should be read as an new direction of the conversation and are not meant by the poster to infer any connectivity to the above mentioned agency.)

    But we are told that the ancients weren't capable of trans-oceanic travel but;

    Egyptian open sea vessels were up to 350 feet long with as many as four decks.

    Ancient Chinese vessels have been unearthed that were up to 600 feet long and capable of carrying a crew of 600. Far larger than anything built by the later Europeans.

    Greece and Rome had luxury ocean liners up to 500 feet long that had temples, swimming pools, and dining halls.

    In Sumeria,one of the most ancient cultures found to date, archeologists excavating vast libraries found a dictionary in the Akkadian language that catalogued 105 Sumerian terms for various ships. Listing them by size, destination, and purpose. Another 69 terms referred to construction techniques, manning and sailing.

    On Easter day, 1901, divers working an ancient shipwreck off the Greek island of Antikithera brought up a metal artifact that was to challenge all the "accepted" theories of how technologically advanced the ancients were. Dr. Derek Price of Cambridge University is quoted as saying "Finding something like this is like finding a jet plane in the tomb of Tutankhamen!"
    After 50 years of painstaking restoration, the "Antikethera device" was found to be a highly sophisticated computer that could plot the movements of the sun, moon, planets and stars and their positions. It could tell the movement of tides and the exact time of day. You could select a planet or star, turn the dials and knobs ahead to any month or year and it would show through a hole in the case its exact position at that time. You could check your position from anywhere on the planet, night or day.

    The early Scandinavians used a "magic stone" that could pin point the position of the sun, even when behind clouds or heavy fog.

    Accurate compasses have been unearthed in excavations from China, India, Egypt, Mexico and Phoenicia.

    Ancient records show a widespread contact between ancient cultures.

    A Tibetan manuscript from 300 BC contains a map showing a "green land" across the eastern sea (the Pacific).

    Greek navigators wrote of islands in the western sea (Atlantic) with a vast mainland beyond (N. America). And told of a place where "for 30 days end, the sun sets for little more than an hour, and for several months the night is faintly illuminated by the western twilight", A country where it was night for 6 months.

    Many ancient writings tell of lands that could only be North and South America.

    An ancient Chinese writing describes an expedition to a land across the sea, and describes what could only be sea lions in San Francisco harbor, gold nuggets found in plenty in the Sierra Nevada Mountains and the Grand Canyon.

    Then we have the "Maps of the Sea Kings". Namely the Piri Re'is map. Drawn in the mid 1500's he claims to have used much older maps as a reference when creating his. It shows in great detail the Antarctic continent with accurate shorelines and bays that were covered in ice at that time. It also shows inland features such as mountian ranges and valleys that only in recent times, with ground penetrating radar, have scientists found to be exactly where he placed them.

    Then we have around the world evidence of ancient canals, harbors and ports. Many which were adopted to modern use but date to a time in antiquity.
    Ancient Canal Builders - Home Page

    (**warning! The scholarly and well documented material at this site may conflict with certain peoples world view. Read at your own risk!!)

    Then there is the account of America's "White Indians"

    In 1526, Spanish explorer Lucas Vazquez de Ayllon landed in modern-day South Carolina around the area of the Santee River. He visited with many of the Native American tribes in the area and recorded their customs, rituals, and ways of living. While visiting a province named Duhare he witnessed many unusual things.

    First, he noted that the people of this province were white not Native American. Second, he noted that the king of Duhare, named Datha, and his wife were much taller than the commoners and lived in a palace built of stone. He noted their hair was brown and hung to the ground. If tall, long-haired caucasian people living in a stone palace in South Carolina in 1526 isn’t unusual enough, the next observation certainly is. Ayllon noted that these people were in possession of some form of pyrotechnic devices including sparklers and rockets.

    As stated earlier, the province of Duhare was the first place where such pyrotechnic devices were witnessed and recorded by the first European explorers. The Spanish claimed the Duhare were white people who had herds of deer which they milked for cheese production as well as flocks of chickens, ducks and geese. While ducks and geese are native to North America, chickens are not. Thus these mysterious white inhabitants of South Carolina had fireworks and chickens long before such things are believed to have arrived in the Americas
    Further on the account mentions they possessed a twelve-month calendar, metal and olive trees.

    So who were these white people called the Duhare who raised chickens and possessed fireworks? One theory is that they were Irish. A researcher noted that the name Duhare could be the Gaelic word du h’Eire which he translated as “place of the Irish.” Actually, the dú prefix in Gaelic means “black/dark” and Eire means “Ireland” thus the proper translation would be “black Ireland.” Black Irish have been referred to throughout history and this description appears to refer to Irish with dark hair and eyes, just as the people described by Ayllon in Duhare. Interestingly enough, people referred to as “black Irish” have long been known in the Southeastern United States and were thought to be descendants of Spanish and Native Americans. The preceding evidence suggests this may not be the case since the Duhare were already in America at the time the Spanish arrived.

    While this may explain the presence of white people in the southeastern United States in 1526 it does nothing to explain the presence of fireworks which weren’t known in Europe until the 1650s.

    As noted previously, fireworks were invented in China and interestingly, researcher Gavin Menzies in his book 1421: The Year China Discovered America has argued that the fleets of Chinese Admiral Zheng He visited the Americas in 1421. If this fleet had reached South Carolina could they have given fireworks to the locals as gifts?

    There are still many mysteries regarding ancient America which only further research will solve.

    Evidence of Fireworks in Ancient America? | LostWorlds.org

    (Warning!! This site deals with speculative subject matter and may be considered by some to be a *gasp Conspiracy theory site. Read at you own risk!! You have been warned.)

    Last edited: Jun 28, 2014
    Sapper John, HK_User, kellory and 2 others like this.
  14. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    I'm not sure why you have chosen to feature a Greek artefact found in Greek territorial waters (edit: and displayed in a Greek Museum) as an artefact which was supressed by the Smithsonian? The artifact's purpose was not understood clearly until Dr Derek price identified it in the late 1950's. You have not provided any evidence that it had been ignored or suppressed under the alleged Powell Doctrine and clearly it is neither being ignored nor supressed by the Smithsonian presently.

    Old World, High Tech- page 1 | Science | Smithsonian


    Merely Gish Galloping (1) a number of claims from conspiracy theory sites is not in itself evidence that the Smithsonian was covering up "The Truth".

    1. (Pseudo-)Science Blog » Gish Gallop (fallacy of the day)

    I'm surprised that you would suggest that this particular artefact had been ignored or suppressed by mainstream science...a reading of the following web article Antikythera mechanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia would seem to indicate that the it had attracted quite lively scientific interest and research.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2014
  15. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Well Chell if you were reading my posts with the intent to hear my thoughts instead of trolling them searching for any inconsistency to pounce upon then you would have seen, as most who have read it have, that I stated here are a "few" examples of evidences suppressed by the Smithsonian and I go on to list approximately 8 cases where that was true. THEN the conversation continues on about other things. That is quite evident by the reading. To all except you I guess. I'm sorry but I just don't have time to provide a running explanation and tutorial just for your benefit. But, hey if that is all your trolling can come up with, go for it.
    But for future reference, to aid your understanding and comprehension whilst on your trolling adventures I will list the following

    If someone doesn't put something in parenthesis it does not mean they are claiming authorship
    Most readers understand when something is cut and pasted from another source

    Quotes contained in meme's are meant to be humorous or thought provoking. They are not to be taken as a true and accurate quoting and certainly not to be taken as an endorsement of the person quoted or their particular beliefs. Again, most people understand that and don't take them seriously.

    If differing topics are discussed in the same post you are free to assume that they are separate ideas and not necessarily in reference to each other.

    And not all websites that proffer proofs and theories on subjects that don't fit your particular world view are "Conspiracy Theory" sites.

    Okey dokey, have a good day. If you continue having trouble understanding my posts I will be glad to explain them to you. :D
    peachsurvival, john316 and HK_User like this.
  16. mitzip

    mitzip Monkey

    No, they can't. lol Though, it is interesting to see a non-evolutionary multi-billion year world-view. Kudos for being intellectually honest enough to give more than lip-service to the scientific method and empirical data.
  17. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Yard Dart and Brokor like this.
  18. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    Hello all...
    I must say, having the time to explore the site has yeilded this thread, a golden thread. I am impressed by the superior intelligence and open minded attitude of many here, even the anal retentive is useful in scholarly pursuits, for without some level of anal retentiveness, we can grow sloppy in our thinking, eh?

    Now. As far as the thread of context, I think there are some who might even be aware, somewhere down deep, that there is truth available in this world, but, that most truth is hidden in what I term; The Way of Knowledge. This is basically the hiding of knowledge by categorization, labeling 'good' knowledge or 'bad' and put in little boxes on shelves never (hopefully) to be found again. Either that, or the knowledge/fact/history/whatever, is mixed up in meaning, and truth is hidden as light is mixed with darkness.

    This process is as old as sin, as the rich and powerful know, that slaves cannot be slaves when they have knowledge... that power and control is based in knowledge. This process even extended to the beginnings of the Church of Rome, and their primary work product, what today we know as; The Bible. Those who say the Bible is 'perfect', and 'the written word of God', are blind as Einstein said. There is no talking to them, just like there is no talking to men of science about spiritual things. It is said that for a believer no proof of God is required, and for unbelievers, no proof is enough.

    This question of 'Absolute Truth' of our origins, returns back to the basic underpinning/definition of both religion AND science, which is COMMON... What is Man. What is his place in the Universe, and how does it all work? This question was answered, thousands of years ago, at least at the macro level. The Catholics, basically, burned it, and the libraries, and the philosophers, and anybody who disagreed with them was put to the torch. They destroyed thousands of years of knowledge, and set civilization backwards over a thousand years, or more. Where would we be if there hadn't been a Dark Ages? This is the main reason I refer to myself as a; Heretic. The Bible means The Book, in reality it is The 'Authorized Canon'. How many books were thrown in the fire? Thousands upon thousands, including something called; The Holy Grail. Which, was subsequently hidden in metaphor, story and song, layers upon layers of conflicting meanings, as the Da Vinci code came close to the solution of the problem. But, Brown concentrated on the story of the early church, not the contents of the Grail. The contents have been revealed, but, not recognized for what it is. Such is The Way of Knowledge.

    What did the bible writers intend to destroy, obfuscate and hide? Today it is termed, the Perennial Philosophy, the Gnosis, The Knowledge of the Divine. But, without foundation and context, without proof, it has no more meaning than any other fairy tale. And this has been my personal quest, hobby, interest, for over 40 years. The search for absolute truth, after I walked out of a hypocrite church at 14. I saw science as The Way to truth, but, it was not, for science is filled with mysteries and phenomena, and truth flees from them. But, like a splinter in my mind, I searched, I knocked on heaven's door for decades, and then one day, I had a dream... and all those bits and pieces of 'weird' knowledge I had accumulated came together in a vision, and I saw the forces of creation as One. But, The Secret of reality became clear, it was the Secret of the Rocks.

    I am led by the spirit, to reveal a portion of it here, because of who some of you are, and what you have said in this thread, especially One who seeks the Answer. He knows who he is, maybe he will even come back to this thread. But, for the rest of you, look up the following 'phenomena' of science; The Brazil nut effect, or the Rock problem. Within the foundation of the phenomena, you will see Truth, that; even the rocks worship God.

    Q; Why do big rocks rise above little rocks?
    A; The Unified Field of God, using the God Calculus, shows the answer as; The (wHOLe)Y (hyper)Light energy.

    Some will say; What is he talking about, is this a joke?
    And I must respond, Yes, a holy joke.
    You see, this kind of knowledge, must remain a joke, because evil must be shown it, but made to laugh.
    consider this one God calculus primary equation;

    (+infinity) + (-infinity) = 0
    What is the Cause of the Vacuum potential (aka the Zero Point energy field)?

    Ok. That's enough entertainment for one night. Let the ridicule begin...
    Minuteman and peachsurvival like this.
  19. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Last edited: Jul 18, 2014
    peachsurvival likes this.
  20. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    I do know that a lead balloon will fly, if large enough,( as it's cubic volume overcomes it's weight. And I know that sand has a higher coefficient of friction due to it's higher surface area to weight ratio, (if would actually work better to lay down sand then gravel, then rocks, but no one does. They go rocks, then fill in the gaps with smaller stuff.). I also know that rocks continually rise in farmers fields, even fields that have been used to farm for hundreds of years.
    I know that a farm house. Built a hundred years ago, is roughly 8-12 inched deeper in the ground than the day it was built, as the weight displaces the mud as the ground saturates. It does not sink quickly or too far due to buoyancy.
    I know, that a large enough foundation (shaped like an upside down Frisbee) will float an entire school building on swamp, (I went to school there)
    and I know, movement and vibration are constant factors on a living planet, so the "Brazil Nut Effect", is not really surprising. It has been documented with thermal imaging.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2014
    chelloveck likes this.
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