EDC in a non gun friendly area .

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by hank2222, May 23, 2011.

  1. dystopia

    dystopia Monkey+

    left the lefties in new york

    my memories of growing up in N.Y. are of locking up like fort knox every night, watching people try to break in and being scared off by my mother who did'nt even bother calling the cops because they probably would'nt even show up. When i joined the service i realized the rest of the country was'nt like N.Y., that you could defend your family and and get a pat on the back, not handcuffs like N.Y.. They can have that blooming idiot Bloomberg and Schumer. You could'nt pay me to go back there.
  2. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    There are jobs; but usually you will have to move to where they are. I watched it happen with my neighbors who got lucky and found a renter for their house.
  3. dystopia

    dystopia Monkey+

    Sorry, read falcon 15 reply about getting out of N.Y. made me think about all the shhhi, stuff that go's on in N.Y.. Got off subject, won't happen again.
    Falcon15 likes this.
  4. wags_01

    wags_01 Monkey+

    Depends on quite a few factors, really. Most people can't just uproot at a moment's notice and move across the country. My field has been hit particularly hard in this economy; it's one of the first to feel the downturn and one of the last to respond to an upswing. Unfortunately, it's also a fairly specialized, white collar field; I can't easily shift industries.

    I'm not complaining, and I don't 'want to get out of a (my) restrictive' location, I'm just saying how it is. I am working to change my situation, but nothing happens instantly.
  5. Wolfgang2000

    Wolfgang2000 Monkey++

    Everybody is different in their body shape. With a little work most people would be surprised at what you can conceal. I taught observation and perception at my old Dept's academy. I would walk into the class wearing a sport shirt and slacks. No jacket or vest. I had 9 guns and a whole bunch of edged weapons. Yes some were small but most were things like 2 GP 100s a 3" & 4", Glock 26 and 19 a J frame just to name a few.

    Dress around your gun (s). With the type of guns on the market today there is no reason not to carry if it's legal, and you want to.
  6. 45acpJHP

    45acpJHP Monkey+

  7. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    and blow away an errant wolf, or two...... that just happen by.....
  8. hank2222

    hank2222 Monkey+++

    the guys seam to think that the rule's do not apply to them and my edc bag is not a military bag or leo type bag and when it bought to them they go i my right and we go then you wonder why you are singled out by the local pd & custom personal when they are doing there inside the port areas

    stop acting like you better than everyone else and keep a low profile when you down there and you find that most of people who work down here in law enforcement are not a bad person who job is do keep try to keep out things that could hurt you ..

    so stop acting like you better than everyone else down here and stop and think about there job is not the best one in the area
  9. craneje

    craneje Monkey+

    I live in Georgia, a free state. One does have to get a weapons permit to carry a hand gun, openly or concealed, but it is "shall issue" and hassle free. No laws with regard to Class III except to comply with federal law. I agree with Falcon15, vote with your feet.
  10. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Frankly and directly in line with Constitutional law, as well as basic Common Law all the way back to "ye olde dim und mistee", it was illegal to carry a concealed weapon, and only criminals did so. The penalty for this was death under Common Law, with good reason. OPEN CARRY was both legal and required no licensing (Which, boys and girls is just another TAX, brought to you by your local and state administration). Some states, like Wyoming, have open carry without a license of any kind. Not because they can't live without the "tax money", but because their fundamental viewpoints on the issue hold true to the original intent of both Common and Constitutional law.

    Licensing was for concealing a weapon, which was a criminal act. We have fallen so far to the point where just to possess a firearm on your person, in most states, is illegal without licensing - this includes the new "open carry" legislation on the docket here in Texas. If the law passes, open carry will be allowed to people who have a Concealed Handgun License and no one else, which, IMO is still wrong. Do not misunderstand, I hold a valid CHL in Texas, and I am waiting with bated breath, as it were, to be able to legally open carry.

    The custom of shaking hands and waving "hello" were both borne out of people greeting one another showing they had no weapon in hand.

    Sorry to derail the thread a bit, however, I felt it important t understand what State legislation is doing to even those of us that live in a "Gun Owner Friendly" state.

    Long live the Republic.
  11. hedger

    hedger Monkey+

    Although I was born and raised in the Boston, Mass. area, I voted with my feet and moved to a state with more gun-friendly laws and citizens.

    I just went to a bookstore with my wife and was reading a humorous book of lists and one of the items that I took some savor from is that Boston is one of the slowest growing (ranked 4th slowest, nationwide) cities.

    Apparently, many other folks are making similar decisions about voting with their feet.
  12. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    In 1990 I took a job in the Detroit area; 23 months later I moved.
  13. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    You can't imagine the number of folks that have left Kalifornia.... The problem with that IS, they took their politics with them and have ruined the rest of the Left Coast. Some are even coming to alaska, but they mostly congregate in the cities, so I don't see much of them except during High Summer...... The more left they are, the less chance of meeting them out here in the bush.... Lefties just do not do well when they actually have to WORK, to sustain themselves..... ..... YMMV.....
    dystopia and hank2222 like this.
  14. Wolfgang2000

    Wolfgang2000 Monkey++

    That was happening as far back as the 70's when I was in Alaska. Especially in Uof A. Most of my professors were out rite commie's.
    hank2222 and BTPost like this.
  15. hank2222

    hank2222 Monkey+++

    today i saw my buddy mike who is on the Port of LA police dept inside the port today when i shipped out a container and i asked him if he knows i carry a weapon with me and why he does not give me alot of grief over it ..

    he answer was you do not make our jobs hard and do not go out of your way to make my life and others here life a pain in the butt like one group does here ..

    he also told me that alot of the local personal's we know who tries to not give us a problem about doing our job when it comes to checking the vehicles comeing into and out of the port along with the basic fact tha if you do pull a weapon it going to be in the act of self defense on your part or the act of protecting someone else life..

    he also say the one group that down on the one pier is that they go out of there way to cause problem down here ..
  16. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    hank2222 likes this.
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