Ecuador: Thinking About Retiring Here

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by TXKajun, Aug 2, 2017.

  1. Legion489

    Legion489 Rev. 2:19 Banned

    After reading the medical, murder rate, crime, "roof", courts, gun control in the majority of the posts, I wonder if any of you have ever been to the USSA. Like Taxachusetts, NYC, Chicongo and/or Ill (any were else in the state for that matter), Deriot/Dearborn, Massachusetts, Commiefornia, parts of Iowa, the list can go on and on. No, it is not perfect, but it is better than a lot of places I've been to overseas.
    TXKajun, Ura-Ki and Motomom34 like this.
  2. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I think you are wise to research and talk about what you are thinking @TXKajun. I am like you, I do not want to spend my retirement in poverty. I worked real hard and I want to maintain my standard of living. Yes, I have considered living overseas. Nothing against the US but if a better living is elsewhere then I am all for it. Personally I would choose Norway or Sweden but that have issues with illegals and the cost of living is through the roof.

    You are not alone TXKajun, many people are getting frustrated. I just got a letter from a friend who has had it. She doesn't want to work all the time so she can afford housing with nothing left for pleasure.
  3. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Do you have a real skill?

    NZ is very hard to get into, but, once in, it is the place to live. They even speak a version of English....
  4. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    the official intentional murder rate in Ecuador is 8.23 as of 2014

    the US intentional murder rate is 4.88 as of 2015

    Canada is at 1.68 as of 2014

    one reason some of the crime stats appear to be low compared to other latin American countries is that many crimes are never reported

  5. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @TXKajun So, lots of input here...Interesting topic also. But, let me shift gears and talk a bit about corruption and I am sure others will confirm for you what I have to it an expatriate overseas, I love it. I can get anything done that I need to do and do anything I want to do. Here in the states, corruption only works for the government or elites (perhaps they are one and the same) but overseas it is a level playing field. So what that your visa expired because you were on a 3 day bender with your buddy? No problem, a few dollars clears the matter up in an instant. This goes for about everything. In most these countries a few bucks works wonders and makes life nice and simple and it is a fact of life and accepted by all. The key here is that you got to know the system and play it and not let the system play you. Big difference.

    What else off the top of my head...I actually felt safer in most of these countries than I do stateside. For example, in most the third-world countries I have lived they did not tolerate terrorists or any type of trouble makers. They just disappear. It is that simple. You might read something one time in the paper about they picked up some guys and then - poof - nothing. Unless, of course, they want to make a point... Where you will find bad dudes, normally the hardcore religious zealots, are pieces of a country that are way out in the boonies where the governments have little or no control or in Western countries where our own laws protect them. But, Central America is mostly Catholics so not many terrorist per say but still plenty of bad guys there trying to make a buck.

    @3M-TA3 "I once accidentally paid someone with my left hand (I'm neitherhanded) in a market in Kathmandu..."
    Well, I am glad to see I was not the only one to do such a horrid thing. Yes, I did it also, honest mistake as wasn't thinking about it. It was my first time over there and was over there climbing a long, long time ago, young and quite insane, stayed at an old Hotel called the Blue Parrot in Katmandu, a real dump...But, yeah, left-hand (toilet hand) fopaux a few times until I caught least I didn't point the soles of my feet at anyone LOL!
  6. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    You've pretty much described New Orleans La.
  7. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    My Wife and I have spent several months at a time visiting friends and family in the Ukraine, and it's not as bad as Bandit99 posted, BUT, it helps to speak it fluently and it also helps to know people who know people. The one thing you never do is DRIVE, hire a driver with their own car and use that when ever you need to go places. DO NOT use a Cab service EVER!!! The Buss system takes some balls to use, but once you figure where to go and where to avoid, you should be golden. The Trains do a pretty good job, especially the bigger cities like Kharkov Kyyiv, and My fav, Odessa!!! You can live quite well over there, and once you know the local heavies and the cops, you get pretty much left alone. The medical is top shelf, and the costs are quite low, cost of living is dirt cheep, and if its Russian, they will sell it to you super cheep!!! Get used to ethnic foods, American versions have yet to catch on, but if you know how to BBQ well, you will become very popular!!!
  8. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    yep however there are some really hardcore terrorists in latin America, GITMO detainees were released to Uruguay by zero. Several others went to other countries all over ..

    terrorist groups, some of them state sponsored, are also operating in latin America

    the crime situation in Ecuador, as well as nearly everywhere else in this hemisphere, is really severe as the State Dept. report says.
    Motomom34, Ura-Ki and Bandit99 like this.
  9. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    Retiring to Ecuador??? That's just crazy 2A there man.

    Agreed, DKR. Australia is another option....but no 2A there either...Given TXKajun's circumstances, I'm doubtful that he'd be eligible for permanent residency. Australia has been tightening up on its immigration regulations. If he was a gazzilionaire, wanting to establish his multinational business enterprise headquarters in Yass, he might have a chance....oh by the way....there's a Maccas at Yass...for American style comfort food.....Google Maps

    Funny, unusual and bizarre Australian place names | Australian Lists
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2017
  10. UncleMorgan

    UncleMorgan I like peeling bananas and (occasionally) people.

    I guess it really all boils down to live where you have friends, live where you have power, and live where you're welcome.

    Not a lot of places like that for an American, since we tend to interfere with other countries a lot.

    Some places it helps to pretend you're Canadian.
    Ura-Ki, Bandit99, Tully Mars and 2 others like this.
  11. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    swedish shooting team.
    Sweden has a really good shooting team too..[angel]
    oldawg, Gator 45/70, 3M-TA3 and 3 others like this.
  12. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    New Zeland , Sweden , Norway , Iceland , Greenland. You normally don't hear of a lot of bad stuff coming out of these places , and a few of them actually like 'Muricans.
  13. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    New Zeland (y) (y) earthquakes :(

    Sweden (y) being invaded :(

    Norway (y) being invaded :(

    Iceland (y) economic plus political issues plus volcanoes :(

    Greenland (y) volcanoes plus weather :(
    Motomom34 and Ura-Ki like this.
  14. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    "GITMO detainees were released to Uruguay by zero
    Yeah...I wonder if they are still there in Uruguay? Or, any of the other places for that matter... Why can I not picture a Muslim man in Uruguay answering 'call to prayer' on his prayer rug? Zero should go see if they are still there... I wonder how much we had to pay the countries to take them? I bet a lot..."give us your tired, your poor, your hungry, your radical religious zealots..."

    "terrorist groups, some of them state sponsored, are also operating in Latin America"
    When you say 'terrorist' to me I assume we are talking about radical Muslim terrorists? The others are - well - maybe freedom fighters (against their own country and not America. Hey! There are a few!), maybe drug cartel, maybe your normal every day hardworking dissidents or criminals... Terrorist to me is Anti-American radical Muslim... But hey! Everyone hates Americans. I mean, it is not like we don't give them enough cause to do so... Oh well...

    "the crime situation in Ecuador, as well as nearly everywhere else in this hemisphere, is really severe as the State Dept. report says."
    Well, I am sure it is but I wouldn't believe a damn thing the State Dept. said about it, ever, no, no, no... As if they would even know what severe crime is... And, frankly all they are doing is getting their reports from the residing country and saying "Oh my!" Sorry, do I sound bias, unfair, spiteful and hateful to this pampered, pompous, and worthless agency? Good. That's how I meant it! LOL!

    @Ura-Ki "My Wife and I have spent several months at a time visiting friends and family in the Ukraine, and it's not as bad as Bandit99 posted..."
    Well Hells Bells! That is indeed good news! It is back on the list then if things go South here as I would also would prefer Odessa. But, only been there once, before Af'stan kicked off but had a hell of time...what I can remember of it. (heh-heh!). We drove up from Moldova (memory is also foggy, hmmm). I couldn't understand and still cannot why people there was smearing themselves with mud? They still doing that down by the beaches? No, I didn't try it. We got a family of Ukrainians here believe it or not (in Northern Idaho?!?!) that go to same church as wife. The wife and daughter went back for 3 months at start of summer to get medical stuff done as was too expensive here. They also said it has improved and that medical is really good.
    Gator 45/70, Motomom34 and Ura-Ki like this.
  15. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    [LMAO] @TXKajun I do not know if you can relocate. @sec_monkey is really doing a good job of trying to convince you that you are the safest and best off right here in the U.S. of A.
    Legion489, Bandit99 and SB21 like this.
  16. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Looked into their gun laws lately? Much of my collection would be illegal there.
    Legion489, Motomom34 and sec_monkey like this.
  17. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Visit New Zealand | Immigration New Zealand

    I'm in luck, I can apply for a resident visa as there is a Job Code for Technical Writer.

    Sadly, politicians can apply - as there is also a Job Code for Prostitutes (sex worker)

    To visit, US passport holders can just show up. For three months. After that, you have to leave - then, they come looking for you....
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2017
    3M-TA3, Gator 45/70 and chelloveck like this.
  18. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    In New Zealand,. this lists for $3.49 (Countdown Grocery) In the US - the same lists for 2 for $1.98 or just under 1 US Dollar per can at WallyWorld. Motor fuel is sold by the liter.....for NZ$ 1.86 (~$5.70 USD)

    The Official exchange rate is 1 US Dollar to 1.35 NZ Dollar

    Everything, or nearly so, is imported. Welcome to Alaska....
    Cruisin Sloth likes this.
  19. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    If one structures their finances right, Alaska is a nice place to reTired...
  20. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    Well I guess my previous post should be deleted , my choices have proven , unsatisfactory for retirement.
    sec_monkey likes this.
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