E-book Reader

Discussion in 'Survival Reading Room' started by Hispeedal2, Jul 25, 2010.

  1. shrapnel

    shrapnel Monkey+

    Kindle... But it broke... I have my books on an Ipad and on PC as well but I can't take them everywhere I go because they are heavy and fragile
  2. coinshooter

    coinshooter Monkey+

    I have a tablet made by Acer has Android. So I have the Amazon app for that starting to read so really good books.
  3. bassic

    bassic Monkey+

    Nook Simple Touch, rooted with touchnooter, with Kindle app, Nook Color with N2A microSD (turns it into a full Android tablet), iPad 1, HTC Thunderbolt, Kindle and Nook apps, and HP Touchpad, with Kindle and pReader...yeah, I'm a geek...
  4. bassic

    bassic Monkey+

    For battery life, Nook Simple Touch. For sheer capabilities other than reading, my iPad.
  5. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    I noticed Calibre was mentioned but spelled wrong above.

    It is a great converter and library manager...and a free download.
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