DW's primal journal

Discussion in 'Survival of the Fittest' started by ditch witch, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. Elessar

    Elessar Monkey+++

    I just gotta ask; do you wear those shoes? Babe, they're hot!
  2. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    I will if I can find them on Zappos! :D
  3. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    I ended up skipping lunch yesterday.

    TKD class last night, kept up the entire hour+ this time. Personally I think they're going a bit fast... I'm not the only one with sloppy kicks. Would like to slow things down a bit to work on form, but guess I'll just do that here at the house. The increased stretching is paying off. Am trying to remember the stretching routines we did back when I was a teenager in gymnastics... vision is hazy on that score but I remember more and more as I actually go through the motions. Can't quite do the splits yet but almost there, and I can now push up into an arch like you would to do a back walkover. I can't bend over backwards into it from a standing position yet, but still, the increased flexibility in my spine floors me. I don't see me ever doing handsprings again, but Magic 8 Ball predicts a sprained ankle or two later this year so who knows? :D

    Breakfast: 1/4c pepitas
    Lunch: garlic caesar salad with 3 pieces bacon and 1 hard boiled egg
    Dinner: grilled chicken quarter and baby carrots roasted in kerry gold butter
    After Dinner Snack: square of Theo dark chocolate w orange... maybe. It's my last piece and I have to drive an hour for another bar.

    Scale: -1.6
    Total: -28.4
  4. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    OMG I hurt.

    I've gone to TKD class 4 nights this week, and thanks to having a guest instructor come in to run us ragged for a full hour, after the regular one has already run us ragged for an hour, I hurt in places that have never hurt before. Between the black and blue wrist gauntlets I now wear and the blooming bruises on the tops of both feet, I look like I have a mean husband. But it's official. I can kick someone in the head now, provided they're under 5'9". [touchdown]

    The Mr. took me out for dinner afterwards, but I was too overheated and beat to eat. Ate about half what I ordered, rest is in fridge for tomorrow.

    Scale isn't moving ATM but my t-shirts are saggy baggy now. I didn't realize how much until last night at class, was kneeling down and sitting on my heels and discovered the shirt was covering my entire ass with room to spare. By the time my gi comes in, I'll need a smaller one. :D

    I still ain't ate that last square of chocolate.

    OH, and I did an evil thing tonight. All guys know better than to ever, ever comment on a woman's weight, right? Because no matter what you say, she'll turn it into a negative and an excuse to get mad. Not me, coz my brain is wired wrong, but that doesn't keep me from screwing with someone.
    Guy next to me in class: "I lost 15 pounds since I started this. You will too."
    Me: "What are you trying to say?"
    Nervous guy next to me: "Uh, this is good exercise. Cate ... lost a bunch."
    Me: (trying not to snicker at the panicked look on his face) "Are you saying I'm fat and I need to lose weight?"
    Terrified guy next to me: "NO NO, but, well, you, um. I feel a lot better now. Losing the fifteen pounds. I'm not implying you're-"
    Me: "Dude I'm just f$*#& with you."
    Nearly in relieved tears guy next to me: "Oh thank jesus."
    Yeah, I'm evil.

    Wednesday.JPG Thursday.JPG Friday.JPG
  5. Elessar

    Elessar Monkey+++

    Yup, that's evil...
    ditch witch likes this.
  6. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Spent the weekend working in the yard or on the couch on a heating pad watching House on Netflix. The pain in my hip seems to have settled into a dull ache that won't go away. Read up on bursitis and doing stretching/strengthening exercises to help it but so far not seeing any results. Didn't go to class last night, figured I'd give it three days off. I'll go tonight.

    In the meantime I haven't really been hungry. Skipping breakfast is becoming the norm, lunch usually comes around 1 or 2. I ran out of salad stuff last week and haven't been to the store to get anything. Will swing by tonight after class. The last two times I wanted to get avocados they looked like crap. Hoping they have some decent ones tonight. Grocery store has ranch style beans on sale .57 cents a can and I was all happy til I remembered I'm not eating beans, ha. Will get some anyway to set back. The Mr. will still eat them.

    The scale can't decide if I've lost a couple of pounds or gained five.

    Breakfast: skipping
    Lunch: caesar salad w/ a hard boiled egg
    Snack: 20g almonds
    Dinner: leftover brisket and another salad probably

    Saturday.JPG Sunday.JPG Monday.JPG
    Sapper John and Quigley_Sharps like this.
  7. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    I'm hovering .8 pounds away from 30 pounds lost and 2.8 pounds away from my goal weight. Not my end game goal weight, just the first goal weight I set for myself. I set a goal for 10 pounds a month and I'll have to push if I want to make it by June 7.

    Last night's class had a lot of punching work. My arms feel like jello today. One thing I like about this place is they aren't straight taekwondo, so one night might have 30 minutes of judo added on to the TKD, another will have boxing work. Last night also had some strength training work which I didn't care too much for because I'm a friggin wimp. Lie on our backs, legs straight and 6" off the deck for 10 seconds, then raise knees to chest, lower, lather rinse repeat until your stomach feels like it's going to rip in half. Pushups on fists instead of open palms, again, not making me happy. But I'd rather rip something than puss out so thanks to my ego I feel like I got hit by a Mack truck this morning. Supposed to have class tonight, but just got a text saying no class due to building maintenance. We've had mad storms the last few days so my bet is that old flat roof sprung a few million leaks last night. My plan is to go ahead and go through all the drills here at the house later this afternoon.

    It's 1 in the afternoon and I still haven't eaten anything. About to go make a salad. Last night was a pizza casserole, basically meat and sauce in a casserole dish, topped with assorted veggies and mozzerella cheese, then baked for 30 minutes at 350. I made enough so we'd have leftovers tonight since with class I'm gone from 5:30-7:30 or 8. The timing has put a bit of a cramp in my usual cooking schedule.

    My friend came by to pick up my gi to alter it for me and commented that I'd lost quite a bit, which was cool. :) I needed to hear that.

    Tuesday.JPG Wednesday.JPG Thursday.JPG Friday.JPG
  8. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Today's meals were planned in advance to accommodate today's activity. Avocado for breakfast, a lettuce wrap lunch at Pei Wei, and then a trip to Amigos for cryo-vac New York Strip on sale $3.87 a pound which would result in a couple of steaks on the grill this evening. Perhaps a salad to go with them. But the first stop in the city this morning was Tractor Supply, presumably for rabbit and chicken feed, some fly traps, and another rabbit cage.

    Or it was, until I saw this.


    You may notice they are both on my kitchen counter, and not on the rack at TSC. Also that the top has already been ripped off of the bacon jerky. That didn't even make it past the TSC parking lot. In my defense, the chips are for the Mr. though I will likely swipe one or two since Kettle is like my fav brand of chips ever.

    I also got the orange beef (no rice) at Pei Wei, which probably had more sugar and carbs in that one plate than I've eaten in the last 2.5 months. And then to wrap up my day of sin, we hit Starbucks and I got a Double Chocolately Chip Frappuccino "Light".

    I feel no shame! And yes, that maple bacon jerky WAS 'Mighty Fine'.

    Scale: -.8
    Total Lost: -30!
  9. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Congratulations on the 30 lost!!!
    Motomom34 likes this.
  10. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Today has not been a good day. I don't know why, but I have binged on chicharrones and dark chocolate covered pomegranate seeds. All. Day. And nothing else. I shudder to imagine how many calories I've inhaled. There was a reason I never bought this crap. Today I reminded myself of it. I feel sick to my stomach from eating it too.

    Haven't done any exercise today either. It's been raining buckets for days and apparently every injury I've ever had has gotten together for a family reunion today. Ankles, knees, both hips, one shoulder, and back have been singing the blues since I got up this morning. Hydrocodone and my bed calls. Tomorrow has to be better, if only because I threw away the last of my snacks.
    Motomom34 likes this.
  11. Elessar

    Elessar Monkey+++

    DW: sorry to hear that you're down. I too have suffered a set back this weekend and felt much as you discribe; like I've been hit by a Mack truck. Monday evening I started to feel better and I guess it could have something to so with the poor diet choices, though I would not have thought that would have such a shocking effect. Be well and be blessed. And start again.
    Minuteman and ditch witch like this.
  12. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Yesterday didn't do too great on eating, mostly because I had to spend half of it in the city between doctor's appointments. Cortisone shot from one, new Invisalign tray from the other. Went to Pei Wei for lunch, no rice but the caramel chicken is carby/sugary. Last night's class has me pretty stiff and sore this morning so I'm taking it easy on the couch with heating pads ATM, but I feel pretty good otherwise. Haven't popped any pain pills anyway. I'm going to start wearing socks to class tho instead of bare feet. The floor mats are thick, like tumbling mats, and not exactly slick. With the recent humidity it's getting harder and harder to get my foot to turn on back kicks and my knees are taking a beating from twisting.

    Scale holding.

    Breakfast: 1/2c cottage cheese, 50g blackberries
    Lunch: 3 pieces bacon, 2 fried eggs
    Dinner: 5 oz steak, garlic caesar salad
  13. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Feeling pretty good this morning. We've had a guest instructor at class on and off since I started, and I like him a lot better. He's leagues above our regular guy, and he also doesn't push us too fast. Maybe I'm wrong, but something tells me I shouldn't be doing spinning back kicks after only a month and that it's part of why I'm having so many injuries. The guest guy basically said as much last night, that he kept his noobs on front kicks for a while until their balance was ready for more twisty, complicated stuff. He's also big on technique, something I've felt has been overlooked with the regular guy. But what can I say, right? Oh excuse me sensei, I think you're doing that wrong coz I watch a lot of kung fu movies and think I know everything. Yeah that'd go over well. So I guess I'll learn all I can and enjoy the injury free nights while our guest guy is still in town. I know TKD is sort of the bottom of the barrel when it comes to martial arts, but it's a hell of a workout regardless so I'm getting my money's worth.

    Avocado for breakfast, salad w/ baby spinach, cheese, tomato, flax seed and caesar dressing for lunch. Thinking I'll thaw out some cajun seasoned chicken quarters to thaw for dinner, and add a bag salad to that.

    Scale: -1.2
    Total Loss: -31.2

  14. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    You are correct and your sensei is wrong. Speed is good in attack and defense, not in training how to attack and defend.
    Do it right, hurt the other guy, do it wrong, hurt yourself.
    BTPost and ditch witch like this.
  15. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    There is a reason Katas are done, very slow.... It is the technique that must be mastered, not the speed of the attack.... Notes from a wise Old Korean Gentleman....
    ditch witch, kellory and Yard Dart like this.
  16. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    The katas are at our own pace. It's the beginning of the class drills that are killing me. 10 kicks per side done in rapid succession; stretch, front snap, front to back snap, crescent, hook, ax, round house, front side, back to front side, spinning back, and one I don't remember the name but it's like a reverse crescent. The snaps, front side, stretch, hook and ax I can handle, but I simply can't keep up on the others without doing the wobble bobble or nearly falling. If I do manage to pull it off in time, it's generally ugly. I'm way too arrogant to be content just pulling it off in time.

    Tonight I just slowed down and caught every other kick, used the skipped one to focus on my balance and where everything was throughout the move. Still tweaked my knee a bit but it went a lot better.
  17. Elessar

    Elessar Monkey+++

    I really liked the train when I was much younger and enjoyed the discipline but I was never very good at most of the kicks. I admire your determination and commitment to doing it correctly. I intend to redouble my efforts at Tai Chi when I can find the time to convert my VHS tape to a digital copy. Grok on!
    ditch witch likes this.
  18. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Last night's class was hell. Usual frantic paced kicking drills, followed by this snap kick, two punch combo, 10 on each side, then drop to the floor for 10 crunches, then jump back up, do the kick/punch combo 10 times each side again then back to the floor for more crunches, lather rinse repeat 10 times. Once upon a time I could heave up off my back and snap to my feet. Now it's more of a sad eyed roll, tuck legs under, heave ass up. Not pretty. I'm used to coming home in a soaked gi, but this time even my double wrapped belt was wet all the way through. Ew. Spent a lot of time on blocking. Two face punches, two chest punches, two kicks one to each leg, and repeat over and over, gradually speeding up. Except my partner might as well have just been waving her hands around... apparently my face ranged from a foot over my head to one of my shoulders. Forget about her kicking me. Or blocking me. Afterwards I asked the instructor to go through it with me, since the only thing I get practicing with her is irritated. With him though, it just kind of gelled, like I found this sort of zone, a focus, and it didn't matter how fast he went I got him blocked without thinking. That was pretty cool. Class again tonight.

    Haven't been faithfully tracking everything I've eaten last 3-4 days but haven't eaten anything I shouldn't have anyway.

    Breakfast: Starbucks vanilla light frappuccino, bottle
    Lunch: Pizza Hut, minus the crust
    Dinner: 2 hot sauce soaked chicken legs and a left over pork rib from the weekend
    Snack: 1 oz dark choco and a bunch of chili lime pork rinds

    Breakfast: Avocado, 1/4 cup cottage cheese
    Lunch: Salad- bagged salad, garlic caesar, with flax seed and tuna added
    Dinner: baked meatballs and a salad probably

    Scale: -1.2
    Total Loss: -32.4
  19. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    In my opinion, blocking is more important than strikes. Takes less energy, and he can't win. Wear him down, pop him a time or two, then block till it looks good for another wake up call. Works well for me, at least. And have fun with it. The more you enjoy it, the better at you get. YMMV.
    ditch witch likes this.
  20. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Class is getting... well not easier, but more doable. Last night someone passed out and had to be laid out by the fans for the rest of the night. Sorry for her, but happy it wasn't me, heh. I'm running on 3 potential injuries ATM. Instructor blocked me on a side kick which sent me around the wrong way and wrenched the knee, and the ankles are pissed from all the rotating (the sock trick didn't work), but so far nothing that a couple acetaminophen can't fix. I've been putting in an hour, hour and a half every night at class plus another half hour on the off nights. I haven't sweat this much since I was a kid and mom left me in the car to go shopping. ;)

    I'm a bit bored with food right now. Part of it is because it's hot out. Been doing a lot of salads for lunch and dinner. I got some cottage cheese the other day for breakfast... anything that's cold sounds good. It rained last night and is cool this morning so did scrambled eggs and bacon. Will do a salad with tuna for lunch, and then chicken 'n salad for dinner.

    Scale holding and probably will be until next week. As I told my instructor when he questioned the black pants I showed up in, this ain't a white pants kinda week. Plays hell with the scale. TMI, I know, but you guys are lucky to be spared the frustration of seeing the scale shoot up 10 pounds overnight when you know damn well you haven't been pigging out.

    Thursday.JPG Friday.JPG
  1. runswithdogs
  2. Dunerunner
  3. Ganado
  4. cschattner
  5. Yard Dart
  6. Dunerunner
  7. Ganado
  8. DarkLight
  9. 3M-TA3
  10. Ura-Ki
  11. GrayGhost
  12. runswithdogs
  13. runswithdogs
  14. runswithdogs
  15. runswithdogs
  16. AD1
  17. Bigfoot1986
  18. melbo
  19. hot diggity
  20. hot diggity
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