DW's primal journal

Discussion in 'Survival of the Fittest' started by ditch witch, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    So basically I took a few months off and did nothing. Not entirely by choice. I have bursitis on my right hip, both trochanteric (on the side) and iliopsoas (just above my buttcheek), which hurts like a bastard when I do anything like running, stepping up or down, or exercise in general. Dr had me out a week, then two, then a month. Keeps coming back. I'm on pills now that help, but contain enough ibuprofen to knock out a horse and ibuprofen happens to be an asthma trigger for me so, yeah, lovely. Then I had a car wreck, followed closely by some minor outpatient surgery on one leg. All of that drama translated to almost a solid month on the couch playing candy crush and pepper panic, yelling at the people on TV, and generally doing nothing.

    That's all over and done with now and I was back in the gym last Friday (not Friday two days ago, the Friday before that), and went Monday, Thursday and Friday this last week. Some pain but pills and heating pad keeping it under control. The biggest pain right now is coming from my skinned knuckles, which were unprepared for all the heavy bag work we did in class. Plan is to go to class four nights this week and also get back on the free weights here at the house.

    Back on the Primal food wagon too, though I never completely abandoned it. Had a few tortillas, some chips with my hot sauce, and left the bun on a hamburger or two, but otherwise I did ok. This past week has been salmon, beef, eggs, pork steaks, and of course bacon, with plenty of coconut and olive oil, kerry gold butter, and lots of peppers, onions, mushrooms, asparagus, and salads. I already feel better.

    Last night we had hamburgers, which in my case was a half pound grass fed beef patty with caramelized onions and melted cheddar on it, and a couple of dill pickle spears on the side. I'd had a huge avocado with sea salt for lunch, and a big iced coffee for breakfast. Today's menu is iced coffee for breakfast, lunch is a hardboiled egg with diced dill pickle, mayo and tomato and some seasoning, and dinner tonight is grilled salmon with green beans with almonds and butter.

    So before I went all to hell I was down 49.4 pounds. During the time of the couch, I put on 5. As of this morning I've removed them once again and a bit extra. :)

    Scale: -1.8 (well -6.8 if you figure in the 5 I'd put back on)
    Total loss: 51.2 pounds
  2. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    I've been drinking this coffee that has herbs in it to help control appetite and boost metabolism and one of the herbs is supposed to keep lactic acid from building up in your muscles so you aren't as sore after a workout and you recover faster. I have to say it's working because I've been going to classes back to back, doing the weight machines after class, as well as working out at home in between classes, and while I'm pretty exhausted at the end of the day I haven't been sore at all. Which is awesome because being able to work out so much is making the weight come off a lot faster. :)

    Today is the Mr.'s birthday so I'm taking him out to his favorite place... Red Effing Lobster. We don't have a lot of seafood joints up where I am so pickins are slim. I checked out the menu and the classic Caesar salad with shrimp comes in at just over 600 calories, about 70% fat and 16 g of carbs, plus it's primal for the most part (who knows what's in their dressing). That's a lot of calories so I'm having chicken bone broth with added celery and carrots for lunch and probably again mid afternoon since that's not much to keep my stomach busy. Breakfast was an iced coffee with a shot of heavy cream and a shot of Torani sugar free English Toffee syrup which ISN'T primal but IS just this side of Nirvana in a shot glass.

    No gym tonight. Plans are to knock out 80 crunches, 30 pushups (I can do more but my right shoulder is a bit cranky ATM), and 3 sets of plie squats at some point today. Squats aggrivate my right knee so I have to take it easy on them as well. Getting old sucks, everything is cranky. :/

    Scale: -1.8
    Total loss: 53 pounds
    Sapper John, Yard Dart and Motomom34 like this.
  3. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2015
  4. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    No none of that. It's got Yerba Mate in it.
    Motomom34 likes this.
  5. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Last night's steak was seasoned with coffee, cocoa, salt, pepper, cumin, and garlic, turned out awesome. Today's lunch features leftover steak, sugar snap peas, and an egg, lightly heated in a cast iron skillet. Not the egg, I cooked the F out of that thing, ugh can't stand undone eggs!


    Tonight is pecan crusted pork chops from a recipe I found at Paleo-Zone: Paleo Pork Chops I don't have any butternut squash or apples so just doing a generic bag salad to go with it.

    Trying to keep everything at 1350 calories, 25g carb, 93g protien and 98g fat... I'm too OCD to just wing it so I'm trying to make MFP's calculator hit the macros and getting a bit obsessive again. Gym tonight, and we're working on some Krav Maga stuff so hopefully I won't come home all gimpy this time. Monday and Tuesday was a lot of jumping/flying kicks and my right hip isn't appreciating that shit.
    kellory, Motomom34, Minuteman and 2 others like this.
  6. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

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  7. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    It's cold and every injury I've ever had is feels resurrected this morning, from a torn rotator cuff to broke back, wrenched knees to sprained ankles. Really want to crawl back under the electric blanket with a heating pad and stay there until April. Gym tonight, hoping they have the heat cranked when I get there. Pretty harsh walking into a freezing building, barefoot on cold concrete after being in a warm car with heated seats for the last 20 minutes.

    Usual breakfast yesterday, then mostly turkey bone broth with celery in it after that. And a hunk of cheese. I'd planned dinner but when dinner rolled around I wasn't really hungry so settled for some chocolate instead, heh. This morning is iced coffee w/ cream... breakfast is migrating to lunch since I'm not hungry yet. Making a Zucchini Pizza Casserole tonight, found the recipe here Zucchini Pizza Casserole - Lauren's LatestLauren's Latest I'm adding a pound of pork sausage to it tho.

    Scale: -1.8
    Total loss: 54.8 pounds

    Sunday.JPG Sunday.JPG

    Attached Files:

    Quigley_Sharps and Motomom34 like this.
  8. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Sounds like the Moosewood Zucchini Crusted Pizza. It is amazing.

    Mollie Katzen The link also has other recipes. The Moosewood cookbook is the vegetarians bible IMO.
    ditch witch likes this.
  9. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    I'm spending T-giving sick in bed with a lovely bug I picked up from my gymmates. Thanks to the z pack I've been hoarding for two years, Musinex D, and Ibuprofen, I'm not nearly as wrecked as they all were.... it's good to be prepared :D

    On my menu today is jalapeno popper soup, which I'd been meaning to make ever since we stripped our pepper plants of their bazillion last minute peppers. It's warm, and spicy, perfect for being sick with a head full of snot.

    Here's the recipe Jalapeno Popper Soup (Low Carb & Gluten Free) - I Breathe... I'm Hungry...

    I made it a bit different. Doubled it, but only had a half cup of sharp cheddar so made that up with a packet of cheese powder from a box of macNcheese. Minced garlic and 10 jalapenos then sauteed them in the bacon grease, then poured the chicken stock, etc on top of that. Did 12 pieces of bacon, diced that up and added it to the soup, then ate the two I saved back for sprinkles because that's how I roll when bacon is involved. :D Turned out pretty yummy... would be good with chicken added too.

    Not getting on scale right now. Too dehydrated, probably retaining Lake Erie as a result.
  10. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    That sounds good!
    ditch witch likes this.
  11. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Happy Thanksgiving DW! Keep eating the soup or salsa. The peppers will kill the germs. I ate a whole jar of salsa and fought off the bug.
    ditch witch likes this.
  12. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    We rescheduled Thanksgiving to Saturday. Put a duck on the grill... wish I'd just done a chicken now. Made cheesy bacon ranch potatoes in the crockpot, and stuffing with celery and apples. The Mr. made this cherry cream cheese pie he always makes. I had a piece, (ok two dammit) and I swear I'm still tripping on the sugar and carbfest that was Saturday. And Sunday.

    Picked up a set of 10 pound dumbbells from Academy. Been doing 3 sets of 15 @5# for bicep/tricep stuff and not feeling it at all so time to up the weight.

    I have to go back to the vein clinic on Wed to see that doctor I can't stand, so am making a huge effort the next few days to drink enough water to float a ship so I'll drop whatever water weight I'm hauling around. Bastard makes snotty comments about my weight every time I see him. To see his nurses and support staff one would think he preferred his women in the 300-400 pound range so I don't know what his effing problem with me is. :mad: Three more visits with his rude ass and then hopefully I'll never have to see him again.

    This morning is iced coffee with cream. Lunch looks to be the last egg I have (hens all molting), bacon, and a zucchini that needs to be ate. Granny Smith apple for a snack. Dinner is steak w/ sauteed zucchini and mushrooms, recipe found Sauteed Zucchini and Mushrooms although I'm adding some crumbled bacon to it. Gym tonight, hoping it's time spent on the bags and not running around... want to go 4 nights this week but hip won't take it if he has us practicing jump kicks the entire time. They don't have a lot of weight equipment up there but will hit the leg curl/extension and rowing machines after class.

    Scale staying the same.... an effing miracle given all I gobbled down this weekend.
    kellory, Quigley_Sharps and Yard Dart like this.
  13. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

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  14. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Tues night reinjured hip. May not be bursitis, may be torn tendon. MRI will tell. Major surgery if it is. :/ Til then stretching and ice. So sick of being busted up.

    Chicken quarters on the grill last night, had an extra one so eating half of it for lunch, with mashed pumpkin w/cream/parmesan cheese/salt/pepper/garlic on the side. Dinner is pork shoulder steaks w diced zucchini and shrooms sauteed in butter and cajun seasoning on the side.

    Scale same
  15. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    That does suck DW. I hope the MRI comes out well with no surgery required.... hang in there!!
    ditch witch likes this.
  16. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Think MRI will say torn tendon. Till then back to ice, ibuprofen, blah blah blah. Class tonight, skipping the twisty jumpy stuff but will hit the weights.

    I am learning to eat mashed cauliflower.. it requires a liberal amount of cheese and pepper, does not taste like mashed potatoes in the slightest, but it beats eating a chicken leg and then watching the Mr. eat a loaded baked potato while my stomach demands additional fillage. But oh gawd it smells like something evil while it's steaming. I'm also making myself drink water, about 2, 24 oz bottles a day, in addition to the usual half gallon a day of iced tea.

    Been doing strength training regularly, just upped the weights on my arms/shoulders and added a bunch more ab work per chiropractor's instructions and I'm feeling it big time this morning.

    I made a "paleo English Muffin" which tasted nothing like an English muffin and looked even less like the photos. I guess if you're dying for something like bread it's ok. Microwave English Muffin (Paleo, Gluten Free, Vegan) In the meantime I'm looking for stuff to make for Christmas that isn't a horrible sugarfest but still something everyone should like. Came across German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe - My Humble Kitchen which uses coconut palm sugar instead of the usual bucket-o-corn-syrup so adding that to my Xmas dinner lineup.

    Scale: - .4 not much but I've been under orders to NOT increase my heart rate while the vein in my leg shuts down so I'll happily take it
    Total loss: -55.2
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2014
  17. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    I've been back and forth for half an hour on whether or not I want to post this. The before... let's just say I about threw up when I finally found it buried on my computer... isn't something I care for anyone to see. Years on the couch doped up on pain meds didn't do me any favors. And frankly the now doesn't make me tap dance with glee either. I'm still a horse. But then it hit me that I started this at a weight most women my age and size would call it quits and just settle down with a bucket of Ben & Jerry's and 100 cats. I went primal... with a few slip ups. I hauled that fat ass to taekwondo and boxing and evil cardio 3-4 nights a week, and broke out the free weights on the days between, and did it with a crap back, bursitis in three spots on my hips, a right knee that grinds and sounds like a bowl of Rice Krispies, and almost 2 months off for a car accident and two vein surgeries on my left leg (and another on the right next week). So if I can do it.... no one has any excuses left.

    And now on to the next 50 pounds...


    Start: 282.2
    Today: 227
    melbo, Sapper John, Motomom34 and 4 others like this.
  18. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    That's awesome DW very proud of you and your accomplishments! You look great! I like to follow all of you on here when I seem to be in a spot of hum drumm of working out its you and everyone else and the posts that give me something to look at and work into my life style too.
    What a achievement DW !
    ditch witch likes this.
  19. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

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  20. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I think you look awesome! Love the new you and admire your determination.
    ditch witch likes this.
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