Took a few pics today. I picked up a side gig for extra money and have been running 24/7 with that so the garden is way behind. I have potatoes and onions in the ground surrounded by weeds ATM, with cherry tomatoes, cantaloupe, and watermelon off to one side in tires. Still cool at night so they're not doing much yet. The garlic is going crazy with all the rain. Not exactly sure when it will be ready, had planned to put tomatoes in this bed in a few weeks but the garlic doesn't seem like it's in a hurry to give up the space. The strawberries all died when the -12F freeze hit our area. Those are assorted cucumbers sitting in it atm waiting on me to get them some tubs setup tomorrow. I was told that broccoli rabe was actually rape so I planted rape here for grins. I see a few heads here and there, mebbe it is the same thing. Should know soon. That's cilantro in the clay pot, bolting now because of the heat. Thanks to my idiot Doberman who thinks this tub is for him to jump in and dig up, I have to have a fence around it. It will just be flowers for bees and butterflies this summer but for now it's got cabbages in it. Left to right is green onions, a leek I'm letting go to seed, some carrots, with some San Marzino tomatoes behind them. Then Roma tomatoes in the middle tub, and last tub is Mucho Natcho jalapenos, habaneros, cayenne, and eggplant. Not a plant but omg they're cute! My Altex buns.
Inedible flowers will attract pollinators to pollinate the edible plants....also, some flowers are also edible. Expanding on that Idea, I have created a separate thread on the subject. Agriculture - Edible Flowers and more
Scored a pickup bed full of empty cattle mineral tubs last month, finally getting around to turning them into wicking tubs. Instead of $$ drainage pipe I'm using #10 cans I get free from the senior center's lunch room. Punch holes in the solid end, and along the edge of the open end, then put in solid side up. Couple of drainage holes drilled in the side about half an inch below the top of the cans. Gravel between the cans and the sides of the tub, leftover landscape fabric to go down in the well and lay over top of the cans, sand for the wick, straw, compost/coffee grounds/eggshells, potting soil, plants. PVC pipe to take water straight to the bottom. This pipe is skinny but I've got a bunch of automotive oil funnels that I can use so the water hose doesn't just shoot water all over the place. Bigger pipe is better, but I have a lot of this scrap left over after dismantling an old rabbit cage rack. Got 2/3ds of the cukes planted now, need to get 5 more cans to do the last tub. Holds a lot of water in those cans. Local garden center wanted $12 for one 5 gallon bucket of pea gravel. Guy at the local concrete place lets me have the same gravel for $1 a bucket... and half the time doesn't even charge me that. Not sure if he's giving me the boob discount or he just doesn't want to mess with paperwork on a few bucks, but whatever, works for me!
Neat. Everything I've planted outside of the greenhouse has been shredded by a gang of magpies that moved in this winter....
I am jealous! Your garden looks beautiful. I am just coming off a broken leg and need some exercise to get both legs back in shape. Today I piddled around with the few plants I bought at Lowes a few weeks ago, replanted seeds in the pots that had dead plants, and put in a few hills of eggplant, pickling cucumbers, cilantro, and watered all. Squatting and getting up and kneeling for a little bit and bending over to work was just what the legs needed. Next is transplanting pepper plants and tomatoes. It may take a day or 3 to get to them cuz of legs being so out of shape.