Dude feels like a zombie. In AMERICA

Discussion in 'Faith and Religion' started by Watchman220, Jan 6, 2010.

  1. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    being not really offended implies offense on some level. You either are or your are not.

    I didn't deny that he said anything like : "You should be preparing for hard times and asking God for wisdom".

    I merely suggested that this was VERY VERY VERY far from bible thumping.

    It's more or less like saying "Merry Christmas" to a Jewish person. You get the idea that he's just saying "what ever you believe in, a higher power or whatever it may be.. may 'bananas' help you out when you need it".

    Having managed the message board over at Majorgeeks.com from 2000-2008, which had ~50x the number of members that are here, I'd say I have quite a bit of experience in moderating and understanding gray areas like this.

    Are you going to block me for saying "God Bless You" when you sneeze? seriously..
  2. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    As a wise young man seeking peace, brotherhood and harmony once asked, "Can't we all just get along?" [beer]
  3. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    I have no problem with trying to get along, but I don't like it when the "little guy" gets picked on for no good reason.
  4. SLugomist

    SLugomist Monkey++

    The banana analogy was the good reason you seemed to miss.
  5. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    Actually, I think I understand it better than you think I do. I simply choose to take the extreme number of bananas required to make the analogy true to the point and make it relevant to the OP. Hardly a 1000 bananas..
  6. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    What; like you would give a rats azz anyway?

    haha. somehow he really thinks I give a shit. ****ing bed wetter."

    You missed the whole point: It aint about (9997,9998, or 1000) "bananas" or the literal "number" of anything.

    Whatever the details of my "close personal relationship with the creator" or lack there of; is none of your damn business,not open to inspection by humans on an internet chat board or debate. And mostly I don't care about your intimate details. You want to talk to God that would between you and him Don't tell me he wants to talk to me like you're some kind of self assigned emissary or something; he has my number.

    I guess I failed in getting that across.

    Like the GENIUS Carlin once quipped:
    the biggest load of B.S. there is "Religion":
    "There's an invisible man sitting in the clouds, and he watches everything that happens;

    but there's a list of 10 things he doesn't want you to do; if you do any of them he'll send you to a place of fire,and burning,and pain for all eternity :

    But he loves you..."

    Sorry, just can't see why I have any problems with that...

    "He loves you and he needs money".

    "F'k it" this is the kinda problems this topic causes.

    I never shoulda' looked back here.
  7. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    Sure, being offended is up to you. But being offended is black and white. Even in some superficial manor, should you feel somewhat or "not really" offended, there is an inclination to being offended within the context of the "not really" offending material. In which case, you are offended.

    The banana's analogy is directly tied to the number of times the offending request occurred. In the beginning, it was just shrugged off. In the end it was completely ignored.

    Perhaps, if you followed the same paradigm, you might have just ignored his post altogether. But it sounds like you're a glutton for punishment. In which case, I see your replies as completely hypocritical.

    While I realize, the vast majority of people here are not 17, neither am I. Perhaps acting like an adult would suite the situation nicely.
  8. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    I digress and plagerize as well ..... but the most wise words heard by me in this entire thread was.... CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?
  9. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Oh Tango...that was just COLD.

    I am staying out of this one. lol.
  10. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    He's just an angry person.
  11. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    Yup, let's close this one, I concurr!
  12. Watchman220

    Watchman220 Watchman

    Sorry for all the trouble. But some people really do identify with this guy and this post.

    I will not be posting any more overtly religious posts. I have been fairly warned.



  13. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Moved to the new "Faith and Religion" forum under General Discussion.
  14. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    I have no dog in this but if you do a search on the OP's posts, you'll see that all the threads he has started all lead back to


    Nobody wants religion shoved down their throats.
  15. Watchman220

    Watchman220 Watchman

    Thanks for moving it Admin. Sorry if I posted it in the wrong place. And for all, I do not wish to push religion on anyone. Sorry if you felt that way. My apologies.

    This guy struck me kinda wierd though...in the video. I and others I know have felt this way lately....like a zombie that can not communicate with the people around them...because the people just don't get it.

    Perhaps they will...soon.


  16. medstud

    medstud Just a pilgrim

    I am actually not a big fan of bananas. But I do eat them on occasion because I know they are good for me. Actually, have any of you eaten any bananas that you buy by the roadside in Africa. Hmmmmmmmmmmm those bananas are goooood. It is amazing how fresh-off-the-tree bananas are so much better than the kind that ripen in the back of a truck on the way to the store.
  17. Ivy

    Ivy Monkey++

    Well said :)
  18. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    Confessions of a Former Bananaholic

    Confessions of a former b::holic

    I would have to say, that I was initially rather intrigued by Watchman’s thread headline, and was hopeful that it might lead to the promise of something meaty, like a besieged band of valiant preppers battling a horde of Mutant Zombie Bikers…or something similar….but was sorely disappointed when all I discovered was a teaser for a message on behalf of the big fella in the sky. Despite my disappointment, I ploughed on down the thread, hoping on hope, that I would discover some mutant zombie biker action….and lo and behold….when I got to post #14…I was illuminated by a wondrous flash of insight, as I read T3’s parable of ‘Banana Roger’. I recognised instantly that I was no longer a bananarist…..whether an agbananagnostic….or an abananatheist…..I find it hard to tell. I forgot completely about zombies….I was on a mission of self-discovery…..
    <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com[​IMG]</SPAN>
    I hadn’t always been a bananarist…..when I was born, I was delivered into this world without any knowledge or experience of bananarism. My mind was virtually a clean slate, unfilled by any belief….other than that breast milk was good and nutritious, and that the softness and warmth of breasts was comforting and consoling…as an infant, my mother was my world and my goddess.

    As I grew older, my knowledge of bananarism was pretty rudimentary. From time to time I would go with friends to their banana school, and the stories that we were told in banana school really weren’t all that much different to the Just So Stories, Jungle Book Stories and the Aesops Fables that my teachers used to tell me in Infants school and primary school. Talking snakes, talking asses, good guys, bad guys, stories of miracles and some pretty amazing tales…all pretty harmless stuff….or so I thought at the time. The Big Banana of course was portrayed as a warm and caring fatherly figure, always looking out for me…he was my protector, my guardian. I could never see him, but I was assured that he could see me, and not only that, that he knew what I was doing…even at night when it was dark. When I reached puberty, I worried somewhat that he could see what I was doing…even when I was under the privacy of my own blankets.

    When I was 13, my parents thought it was a good idea for me and my younger sister to go to the local banana mall. After some months, and the appropriate banana rituals, I was formally inducted into the local congregation of bananarists, and become what some here in this forum would recognise, as an Episcobanalian. At the time I couldn’t understand my parent’s sudden interest in sending me off to the Banana mall for my weekly banana sundae, particularly when they themselves weren’t observant bananarists, and never attended the banana mall. It was not until much later in life, when I became a parent myself, that I discovered my parent’s ingenious plan. A conjugal morning glory on the Big Banana’s Day is ever so more enjoyable when not interrupted by the thumping on the bedroom door of bored children with nothing to do!

    I wanted a relationship with the Big Banana, I wanted to serve the Big Banana, and my prayers to the Big Banana were long and often. Yet, the Big Banana was silent. I couldn’t quite understand it, but I guess I felt it was like having a girlfriend who was being coy and needed to be won over by showing steadfastness of faith, commitment and loyalty. So I persevered, even though it felt like sending text messages to someone one admired, but who never sent any reply.

    For the next couple of years, I participated more than just regularly at the banana mall, I had contracted bananamania…it was good feeling the joy of being with like-minded people, listening to the uplifting words of the banana curate when he addressing banana meetings. I read the sacred banana books through banana coloured glasses, and joined in discussions with my peers in youth bananagroup about the Big Banana, and, although I couldn’t quite get my head around the concept of the triune banana split…I just took it is fact, and got with the banana plan.

    My interest, commitment and faith in Bananarism waxed and waned over the years. I won’t bore you with my experiences as an Episcobanalian and my gradual evolution to bananapostasy, other than to say that the more I read banana history, and read critically the sacred banana recipes, both the old ones and the new ones…the less convinced I became that bananarism could be true. I read quite widely the sacred recipes of gefilte fishism, and Qababism, also finding that their doctrines and dogmas were altogether just as implausible. I haven’t given much thought to bananarism over the years, other than to reflect with sadness upon the harm that the various foodie faiths have inflicted upon humanity over the millenia.

    Perhaps the biggest lesson that I have gained (regardless of whether the Big Banana exists or not), is an appreciation of the wonderful gift of being. If the Big Banana doesn’t exist….then the gift of being is just as precious…just as wonderful and just as valuable. If the Big Banana does exist….the gift is the same, and just as valued. If the Big Banana does exist however…I am inclined to think that he/she/it/they are secure enough within themselves to not require adulation, adoration, the carrying out of sacrifices, the blowing up of infidels, the murdering of heretics and apostates, or the persecution of humanity because they don’t share the same flavour of belief. Perhaps the Big Banana is wise beyond measure in remaining silent to me and allowing me the opportunity to discover these things myself with the intellect and the gift of being, so granted to me. Perhaps the Big Banana might be more than content knowing that I try to use the gift of being wisely, making earnest efforts to live a moral and ethical life and taking appreciative pleasure in the wonderment of the universe that I, for a brief time, am a part of.

    So ends the confessions of a former bananaholic.

    P.S. For those bananarists who may see me as a project to bring back to the fold of bananarism, please save your time and my time by not bothering. Even Bananarama and Bananageddon couldn’t drag me back there ; )


  19. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    "Sometimes, a banana is just a banana...."

    Whether one enjoys the rich goodness of Bananaism or not, is a personal choice. Some prefer Kiwism, some go the Peachism route.

    Some shun ANY form of fruitism altogether.......

    Folks search for 'meaning' in life, something greater than the droll humdrum of daily toil to make it all 'worthwhile'. One of the most common evils in today's society is to deny them that........... :rolleyes:

    Never felt like a 'zombie' myself, but I sure see them around me at times.
  20. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    I hate fruits...I prefer veggies...
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