If it floods here, there are larger issues to worry about. I have not seen any volcanoes around in quite some time. If a hurricane hits here, there are larger issues to worry about. If i had to beat feet in a hurry, I would suspect that the treats would fall pretty low on the priority scale. You seem quick to judge my preps without knowing anything about them. Besides, I am very rural. That means I have wild game, wild plants, farm animals, and huge gardens that produce large quantities of food. I dont forgo the actual survival supplies to buy treats. I gave up the morning cup of joe at the gas station, I gave up the tin of skoal, I brown bagged lunch instead of eating out. Besides, i can flip a couch cushion and come up with $1 to spend on a bag of candy for my kids. Basically it boils down to this, you prep your way and I will prep mine.
I think the ISSUE here is the difference between BASIC Preps, and Personal Preps..... Prep'ers that have ALL their Basic Prep's in place can affort do add the others, where if you do NOT have your BASIC Prep's in place then the other stuff is not that important, in the Great Scheme of things.... .... YMMV....
And that I agree with 100%. But to assume someone is passing by the beans to buy candy is kinda silly. That wouldnt be prepping, that would be buying useless crap that you dont need. The thread is about buying drink items. Arguably any drink item other than water would not be a "needed" item for survival (coffee included) but a creature comfort or luxury item. Since we are on the subject of that little extra one would put away to make post SHTF survival more tolorable, I was mearly pointing out what folks could do to have that little treat when you are weeks or months into a SHTF situation. You have an extra $5 bill in your wallet after loading your cart down with rice, beans, and canned goods for storing and easter just ended, grab a few bags of jelly beans. Maybe they arent your favorite candy. But if you are 2 months into a situation and would like to have a little treat after a hard days work, a hand full of jelly beans will put a smile on your face while tending the fire. Hell, even MRE's come with a candy of some sort because it does boost morale to have that little something and if you have kids you are prepping for, you need to think about them and provide for them. To me that means more than just giving them the bare minimum to survive.