It works. It works for me. I have found underground water pipes. Also located several water sources. Doesn't seem to work for some people, but if you have the touch it does work.
Randi offers million dollars for dowsing proof - Psychic News™ That's a lot of preps, folks. Set yourselves up for life. Prove it.
Righteous? No ma'am, just hooking a monkey up with the best deal of the century. If so many believe in it and if so many here can do it, then this should be easy money.
Dowsing is one of those things in which the mass of "evidence" for is found in the testimonials of those who have used it or seen it used successfully. Evidence that those who wish to discredit it will never accept. They will discount it as random chance. I don't put any stock in The Amazing Randi's challenge. He is known for making these challenges with such tight parameters that no one could hope to ever successfully complete them. 80% success rate? I drill for oil using the most up to date scientific methods available and am not successful 80% of the time. All I can "prove" is that I have used it successfully and have seen others use it successfully including my grandfather who I watched "witch" the water and septic lines at an old house with an overgrown yard and no visible surface indicators, no point a to point b or any other thing that skeptics tend to use to try and explain it away.
"The challenge came after Dr Marshall made some controversial comments on Australian radio on the subject of dowsing. He said, “I’ve seen people do this with close to 80 per cent accuracy.”" Ok, what are the true test conditions? I submit, if i were to dowse over an aquifer or a swimming pool, anywhere i dig, would be successful. So how to test it scientifically? You could have a dowser pick the right spot, then dig there, and dig in a grid pattern around that spot, in all directions. To see if it made any diffrence to the results. If the dowser picked spot has the best results (and this is repeatable) then dowsing has validity. If the results are better away from the picked spot, then it would have seemed to have failed. For the million bucks, see if that includes the drilling costs.
Looks like you have the plan. Let us know how it works out. Chasing anything that Randi proposes is a fool's (unemployed jesters?) errand.
.... now I all I need is the land, the drilling rig, and a successful Dowser. The first two might be possible, but I have never yet seen a successful Dowser in operation. (I have seen a few failures though.)
Advertise. "GoFundMe". Offer to split the winnings. You are on your own, we await your results in this thread. You can post up with progress reports if any, nothing needed before then. It'll be interesting to see how many people you can do a PTBarnum on to support the effort.
Naw, the first one i would have to convince, would be myself. I've seen it tried for pipes, and buried wires. (They weren't even close, and we had a pretty good idea where they aught to be.) I was not involved with any search for water, but i don't expect any better results. I am science based, and expect results to be repeatable, as per scientific method. It can't be magnetic (there are existing tools to measure magnetic fields. There simply is not a theory that can be proven at this point. Even my method would only show the end results, not the method of detection, and that is not enough for proof. It would only show as a possible link, or may be related to. Status. I'll pass. Feel free to prove me wrong, i insist....
Well, you took the bait and spit it out. (Look up "ghoti" for some edification if you've never been accused of being one.) If you have no intention of taking the challenge, why did you bother putting a scheme out? Take your repetitious last one up word on Randi and your scheme, then sit back for a while. Yes, this post is off topic, and will be my last on that particular subject. It could actually earn me sanctions, at least a warning anyway. Then again, we know others that ignored warnings, don't WE?. Y(and all others)MMV
Me? I simply offered a means to some free money for the true believers. (i ain't one of them). I did not offer up the reward. By all means, continue.
you can play innocent all you want but I for one am not buying it. This is another one of your zingers aimed at other people. You tread a very fine line and this type of behavior is very passive aggressive. Remember you can only nail holes in the fence so many times before the fence can't be mended.
Though I have seen it done but I am not a believer. My Dad did it, then dug the well. I finished a well in November. Just picked a spot close to the house and the well man dug the well. Hit water at 95 feet, bottomed out at 165. Likely could have done the same anywhere on my property, +- a few feet.
If a deal is too good to be true ,it probably is . seen plenty of con games in my life time, I won't be goaded into one. I am satisfied my skills work, and that's good enough for me. I've told you how it's done , do it.
It works for me on a lot of different levels. I started dowsing before I was 10 to find Civil War artifacts as I lived on a CW battlefield. Then I did underground pipes, wires, where the game animals I'm hunting are at, where the fish are when fishing, and even found some lost items for people. During the Viet Nam war our Marines were issued dowsing units similar to the bent coat hanger rods to locate underground VC tunnels and caches, and vets have told me they remember using the things to successfully locate tunnel entrances. I guess it is one of those things where YMMV.
For myself ,,I need a running water or flow . I will turn on a tap to create flow in the pipe i need to find . E2TOwn
Something I feel is worth noting ,not sure if it is relevant or not but. Years ago when I began fixing things I got a Simpson 260 multimeter and learned something amazing . Setting to mili volt I held the test leads in either hand as was producing a noticeable voltage . It varied with how hard I held the test lead. Through the years I have tested others and they cannot even get the needle to move even slightly. except my son, whom by the way can find water as well. Never thought to test my dad. "Hind sight" I watched the you tube test, and there's no way what they did is right, with out first testing the area they stood, to know if there were water sources below.