it is a local guy i call sg.troy and its the correct price and real green plastics MRE we trade them often.They come from georgia,in truckloads. It honestly has to be where you are because your price of the civilian stuff is even higher then the prices of my civilian stuff. IE. Sportsmans guide has 56 and120 serving at120.00 and 254.00 . which is high as hell. I dont trust them for long term though its basicly the same. cheaper then dirt is not so cheap sir. I have never asked where he gets them specificly by name and I am not sure he would tell me after knowing him 10 years. I aint trying to start a fight but I am unsure how its illegal to possess MRE`s since its simply food, to say its illegal for bases to sell them I am not disagreeing. I am thinking its leal to buy/sell them if you have the right connections/classifications and know how to locate wont find them on the internet. just thinking .. if its illegal then I certianly wont ask where he gets them.
have you guys ever seen or made a incendiary device out of the MRE instant heaters? they are nasty when done, we were shown how and it was good fun back in the days. Also I am dying to know this. how have you guys seem all these episodes of NATGO doomsday preepers ? We have only seen 2 weeks of showes.
Yeah, no. That price is pretty standard. You are sadly mistaken. Even Sportsman's Guide is selling 12 FULL meals for $62.97 - and that is IF you are a member of the buyers club. So, your information is again wrong, unless you are talking about entrees only, then it is not an MRE, per se. It is also illegal to SELL real, MILITARY MRE's. However, the companies that manufacture the MILITARY MREs manufacture "civilian" MREs. Sure-Pac is one of the major manufacturers that sell "genuine, compliant, Military grade, GSA compliant" "civilian MREs. They are packed a little differently, but Sure-Pac manufactures a large majority of the MREs eaten by our soldiers. Since you are obviously unaware of that, you have been informed. You can not "legally" buy the ones that say "Property of US Government". I am calling BS on your MRE info - perhaps you can get some "Property of the US Government" MRE's. However, given the fact that I can confirm the pricing you are quoting from retail outlets is wrong I am flying the BS flag. No fight, just facts.
if you read before calling BS YOU WOULD SEE I priced 120 meals at $254.97 or 25.50 per 12 Discount price $229.47 or $ 22.95.NOT $600+ your cost. so in fact you posted mis-information then when I posted a cheaper price I B.S. If you want to dispute my MRE`s as military , have them contact me and I will present them with my ability to possess them legally. sorry you cant possess them. I wasnt looking for BS and arguments so to clear it up sportsmans guide Pg. 7 catalog # 229978 when looking in the catalog its located on the left page lower right corner. with it the sizes are avalible in 56 servings for 119.97mem=107.97 still around $25.00 a dozen
I could not see going on a show like that. Having my face connected with having a large stockpile of food and weapons on national and international TV is just asking for problems. You don't want everyone running to your house when SHTF. And having supplies confiscated by authorities would stink.
Provide a stock number. I believe you are still looking at ENTREES ONLY, which can be gotten for a lower, "discounted price" - actually $35.97 for 12 ENTREES ONLY. ENTREES. As in MAIN DISH ONLY. You need to double check your information, and make absolutely sure your catalog is up to date. In fact I just got off the phone with Sportsmans Guide (800.882.2962) and they confirmed the pricing I am posting here. So, to be absolutely CLEAR, you are posting INCORRECT information that misleads and misinforms. As for your ability to "possess" real military MRE's - that is not the point. The point I made, if you read all of my posts carefully, is that it is illegal to sell any MRE marked "PROPERTY OF THE US GOVERNMENT". As for possessing them - I own 10 cases of Military MRE's. "Gifts" from friends in the Marine Corps and the State Guard.
When Milo Minderbinder suggests asking no questions...think! I don't know about the USA *, but it is illegal in Australia to sell Government issued combat ration any configuration. The Dept of Defence issues combat rations to its service personnel for their exclusive consumption. Under very specific circumstances, combat rations may also be issued to civilians as emergency disaster relief for individual consumption by those to whom it is issued, but again, such rations cannot be legally resold. The reason for not being authorised for sale is simply that they were purchased at the expense of taxpayers: and secondly as a security measure. There are only two ways that Australian combat rations may be legally disposed of....into the toilet, once it has passed through a soldier's alimentary canal...or destruction, once the rations are life expired or are not safe for human consumption. * I am pretty confident that it IS most likely, as Falcon suggested that it is illegal to sell US GI (Government Issue) MRE rations intended for issue to US Defence personnel. Refer to the EBAY sellers advisory excerpted on the following link. - US Govt. vs. eBay Auctions Apparently on the site it is suggested that there may be provision for ex service personnel to purchase Govt spec MREs from base commissiaries, for their personal use, provided that certain conditions are met...I am guessing that one of those conditions will be a prohibition on resale or any other means of disposal to unauthorised third parties. Purchasing MRE's resold in contravention of the authorised person's conditions of original purchase, may at best be worst...still illegal. DSC Philadelphia should be able to resolve that conundrum also I would guess. 1. Being "just food" not the issue...being government property IS. If the GI MRE rations have been stolen...or sold without official authorisation.....then that can make purchasers firstly, possible accessories after the fact to theft...and secondly possibly at risk of prosecution for receiving stolen matters little whether the MRE's were sourced from a "contact" on base...or sourced from an employee of a waste disposal contractor who's job it is supposed to be to dispose of condemned GI combat rations in a landfill may still be stealing. 2. If you agree that it is probably not legal for "bases" to sell them legally, by what contortion of logic does it make alternative sources legal??? Unless the provenance of the sale can be verified as an official authorised government sale, then you may be taking some unneccesary risks, in buying from that source. 3. "having the right connections/classification, and knowing how to find "them"", may not save one from prosecution...particularly if their contact is just a Milo Minderbinder, who's after hours "good little earner" is selling GI MREs and silk stockings under the counter, to folk who aren't very inquisitive and tend not to ask too many questions. Unless the gear is rock solid legit...and I am kind of doubting that it extraordinarily cheap deal, may actually end up being an excrutiatingly expensive deal in other ways if it is not in fact on the up and up. (4) Probably for very good reason....It is likely that such deals advertised on the internet would probably attract the attention...and interest of tptb....and that's probably not such a good thing for someone who is trying, to keep a very low profile. (5) If it is illegal...then playing "wink wink, nod nod, say no more", may not save one, if one is found to be in posession of Government property without proper authority...nor will some dodgy bill of sale necessarily keep one out of stir...but a plea deal for rolling over on one's supplier might be a wise option to be kept in mind. I hope that for your sake, that you are correct. The Defense Supply Centre Philadelphia can of course provide a definitive answer...they do have a duty officer available 24/7. I am sure that their e-mail address would not be too difficult to track down. Having thought about the matter, and having given consideration to my research online...I am beginning to think that the following paragraph of this site's CoC ought be considered. I am tending to feel that some posts in this thread may be heading in the direction of contravening paragraph 4 of the SM Site CoC.
That is, of course, a good observation. The subject has wandered way off the original topic. Might be a good idea to go back on topic rather than continue to flog the price of MREs, partial or complete or not, legally sourced or not. Please. (And don't forget your own OPSEC.)
(Dragging the thread back on topic....) So did anyone else wonder why the young lady from Houston didn't even own a bicycle? I mean, a bike would allow her to travel the same distance in a fraction of the time (or even make multiple trips in a fraction of the time, and in a less exhausting manner), and provide a backup method of transportation if she simply tosses it in the back of the pickup. (Even my wife kept asking "why did they have to make the one from our town the craziest of the bunch?")
Jeff, I also thought that, along with the fact it appeared her BOV was parked out in the open, for all to see. If there was a case where she needed to bug out, I'll bet that vehicle would have either been hotwired and long gone, or stripped of anything useful. Anyone catch the episode with the guy from the NY FD? While he had his oxygen tank on and going to their supply location he said he was 1/3 of the way there but more than 1/2 the time availble for O2 had expired. But some how he made it to the storage shed and back with O2 left in the tank? Also if it was bad enough that you needed to be on an oxygen tank to get to the supply location,I'll bet you'd need to stay on O2 while there. That would mean you would need to keep a 2nd tank at the storage shed fro the return trip home. Oh, loved his "prop" knives he had for self defense.
Yeah, Jeff, my wife and I were wondering the same thing. We also kept repeating "OPSEC" and "Oh, man she is so dead".
Crazy is as crazy does... I think that that is a question on many minds in your town....that and a quick look at Google Street View for future reference purposes.
LOL. I just took it for granted that hardly any of them cared about OPSEC just by virtue of being on the show. Either they hadn't heard of it, didn't care about it, or felt they were covered enough to ignore the risks involved in exposing themselves. In 90% of the cases, my money would be on the first two. I only recall one person who hinted that he hadn't shown his whole hand. That was Mr. LA Botanist, and what he showed were some good skills to have, but hardly a full plan. From what he hinted at, he probably didn't show his entire plan, but what was shown was obviously incomplete. I also recall being impressed by the setup of the SLC traveling salesman with the full blown underground bunker and a heavy-duty blast door entrance. Not completely invulnerable by any means, but definitely better than average setup.
I have been reading about the the doomdays prepppers on us weird web site and they go on how crazy they are but in there last few sentances say they should take some of there advice and prepare
Jhonny.. some of the advise on the show is good advise. However It is up to the individual to decide which advise is good for them. Even on these forums you can get varied opinions and what is the best way to go on a variety of different topics. As with anything research and personal preference will ultimately help you decide as to which advise you should take.