Doomsday Preppers ???

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CaboWabo5150, Jan 31, 2012.

  1. Redneck Rebel

    Redneck Rebel Monkey++

    Lord knows the bulk of Americans will believe the most unbelievable trash they read on the internet so when a talking head on CNN or Fox says it, it must be gospel.
    Dogfood, Nadja and ColtCarbine like this.
  2. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    It came across that way to me and it did not help that some were complete nut cases.

    Especially, the idiot from the group that did not feel any need for firearms protection. His solution was he would poison them or wait for them to go to sleep and slit their throat. Friggen Einstein.
    Nadja, STANGF150 and BTPost like this.
  3. kckndrgn

    kckndrgn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Not only that, you notice that ALL of the people on the show only prep for ONE disaster/event?

    NatGeo does that, keep them limited to one thing to prep for. What about the group in the northeast that don't believe in guns? hippie dude that was interviewed said "if a group of thugs come by we'll just invite them in for dinner and if they really are bad guys I'll cut their throats in the night" (paraphrased of course). uh, yeah right you will.

    the family in the shipping containers: lets shoot our home with .22lr and see how they hold up to gun shots - uh, you really think if someone is attacking you they are going to shoot at a steel shipping container with .22lr, and on the corner post where the container is strongest? :rolleyes:

    I'll continue to watch it cause it's like driving by a car wreck you just can't help but watch
    Nadja, oldawg, Gator 45/70 and 2 others like this.
  4. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    If what he says is true about being forced to go to the doctor, he got screwed.

    It will be interesting to hear NatGeo's spin on him loosing his guns, if it's mentioned.
    Nadja likes this.
  5. xls

    xls Monkey

    it is all a case of mis-information and a way for the non preppers to get a laugh and mark off the need to "they are all nuts"

    I laugh at every one of the so-calls
    the container castle tested with a .22 can see 800 yards from ground level and up to 2 miles from up top...... and is defending this area how???a .22 and a open sighted mauser. I know a..338 L. to 50 cal would pin them down at these ranges .All it would take is a group of 5 advancing the dead ground to cover(the busses)at night and come set time a Large caliber round(.50 cal.)ringing the doorbell.
    the girl how joined the military after the show...... bet this will help her prep .

    I see the show as 3 types and 2 classes
    simplest, rationalist and rambo and the clases are delusionalist and realist.
    Which guy got his guns took?? was it goverment seized or was it stolen?
    I am currently prepped for every possible realistic scenario for my area and have no need for the TV.
  6. Redneck Rebel

    Redneck Rebel Monkey++

    dsarti1 on youtube... If I understood him correctly they didn't actually take his weapons, just ruled he was no longer fit to possess weapons. I think that would mean being charged with what is called "Possession of weapons under disability" here in Ohio. I'm sure every state has a similar law.

  7. wrc223

    wrc223 Monkey+

    I watched about 20 minutes of a couple shows. 40 minutes of my life I could have spent loading 5.56mm rounds. So, the way I see it, Nat Geo owes me about 250 rounds of ammo. Rotten sons a beeches!!

    The only thing they do on that series is make anyone who chooses to ensure they are ready for whatever life throws their way to be complete whackjobs.

    I guess I am just too negative..........
    Maybe I should be more open minded about others' choices in how they prep.........
    Perhaps I should try to give it another shot and instead of picking it apart I should try to learn something.............

    Nat Geo owes me 250 rounds of 5.56mm!!!!!!
  8. xls

    xls Monkey

    I was in haiti when the SHTF and that was a learnig situation. we arrived by my boat about 22 hours before to visit family who owns a villa in the countryside there. We arrived at porta-prince, was docked .we had spent the hours before with the family at the boat moving personal items to the family`s place, me wife and daughter stayed on the boat... they would not allow us off the boat after the even,we had no real supplies....
  9. xls

    xls Monkey

    what came next , I never seen durring service.
    death by 100`s maybe 1000`s we floated for 14 days before the family was located and we were allowed to be transported inland. all was well on the family land(was damaged but all was well) the stinch of bodies being blown to the ocean was bad for me and for my wife and daugher age 7 it was hard to explain the heat, dead and when combined with/ blood has 1 hell of a smell come day 8, it got hard to ration the food and water by the end. most people cant grasp how fast 250 gallons of water goes with multipule people and high temps .
    we had to stay 14 days inland before we were supplied enough fuel for the trip to mexico to refuel and come home.
  10. xls

    xls Monkey

    I love the simplist guys on the show who grew foods who braged about growing them up high on his1/10 acre, had no guns and when I looked you could see the interstate or some highway`s bridge within i say 500 yards . In my mind this greenery would stand out in the gloom if you ask me inviting the hungry to a free meal.
  11. xls

    xls Monkey

    I am a serious survivor/prepper/title unknown and I would like to ask the pros how do you/ natgo determin the amount of time a person/group can survive on the food they have?

    what are they basing it on so I can have an estimate. Is it calorie based, by weight,
  12. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Ultimately it is by calorie count, per person. That assumes that you have a complete nutrition range, in your Prep Storage. it also assumes you have the equipment, to convert Grains, and carbs, into a human usable form, and required preservation equipment. (Grain Grinder, Canning equipment, Meat Grinder, etc) ..... YMMV....
  13. GrandpaDave

    GrandpaDave Monkey++

    I like that word "Doomsday" Of course I like the word "Cucamonga" too...

    if were talking about a true "Doomsday" all you need is chapstick so you can kiss your "A" goodbye anything else we can preep for
    Cephus and BTPost like this.
  14. xls

    xls Monkey

    so , just asking. I currently eat 4500+ cal. a day,in shtf mode whats the average needs?. I have never seen figures for it. I recall our MRE`s were 1200 calories but now the gov say our military is fat and the new ones are less .
  15. Jeff Brackett

    Jeff Brackett Monkey+++

    Just watched the last two episodes of this show. The best thing about it is that it got my wife thinking, and she is now after me to put a BOB together for her. Of course, she doesn't know that I've had most of it done for some time. :) Now though, I can be more open about prepping with her. Used to have a bit of grain and food stored, but containment was ruined when we moved a few years ago, and never had the time/money to get back into it. However, the book is doing well, bringing in some extra cash, and she is more inclined to get into the swing of things.

    So from my perspective, the show isn't a real waste. It, combined with the daily news, has brought my wife into a prepping state of mind. :)
    pcw907, Falcon15 and BTPost like this.
  16. xls

    xls Monkey

    I am trying to figure the specifics on the food and water because like most prep-oriented folk I am self -taught and I have 10-15 out post setup for a 5 man unit with a month of supplies currently completed.
    I also have a COB that will hold 85-250 people for a goal of 10 years that we are currently stocking .
    Currently 300 people know where it is, 8 have been asked to come in any event, local floods, tornado warnings ect . but only my family knows whats in the site.
    it is 208`x 208` in size has sleeping areas, private rooms, common room, gym, hospital capible of birth/ basic opperations, full kitchen, bath/showers,nursery, local goverment,security with cells. it will have full electric capabilities in key rooms and minimal light along halls.
    To the common 250 people they were told to bring what personal belongings they want to save in a common duffle bag and to bring a duffle of canned,bagged , boxed,or dehydrated food that will fit with a case of bottled water .I know a few hunters will bring hunting devices as well if SHTF.
    currently we have around 50 families who come out when a tornado watch is in effect and camps the night socializing as a group.

    If the GOV. FINDS THIS LATER DONT WORRY.we only have steak knives for defense....and a few hunter who brough shotguns and rimfires but more then likely forgot the ammo in the bottoms of their gun cabinets. :)
  17. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    A human water needs calculator. It calculates the needs based on body weight, amount of daily exercise, and generic climate. This like anything is a good place to START. This also does not include water for sanitation (bathing, cleaning etc.). This is only how much for drinking.

    Human Water Requirement Calculator
  18. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Each MRE (by MILSPEC requirement) provides an average of 1,250 calories (13% protein, 36% fat, and 51% carbohydrates) and 1/3 of the Military Recommended Daily Allowance of vitamins and minerals. A full day's worth of meals would consist of three MREs.

    That totals out to an "average" of 3,750 calories, 39% of your daily protein, 108% of your daily fats, 153% of your daily carbs, and 100% of your daily vitamins and minerals.

    For extra calories, try making up your protein deficiency by eating high protein, light weight, energy dense foods like power bars, jerky, pemmican, "gorp", trail mix, nuts, peanut butter, etc.

    You'll beef your protein intake as well as your caloric intake. Additionally, you must remember if you are not very physically active now, any increase in physical activity will mean you will eventually reach a point where you burn more than you take in. That is called losing weight. If you could do to cut 20-30 pounds off, this would be ideal. Keep your caloric intake down and your physical activity level up until you reach the desired weight. Then restore your caloric intake to normal and adjust your intake until you are neither gaining nor losing weight.
  19. xls

    xls Monkey

    Falcon your right in the total calories over the day. when I posted the 1200 it was per meal, I was unsure the totalof 1250 per.

    but as I poset the mil says their soldier are getting fat and the new mre are lower in total daily value and i am no longer active so I have nod heard the new totals.

    what are you MRE guys paying for them per bulk unit/box? we are going $67.00+tax per 120 servings.
    also I am shocked at all the TV Preppers and their food storage, using a MRE`s it is unsafe to goover a month with it being you diet. and military says 21 days. what will the side effects be on day 365 ??
  20. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    The meals you are going to be able to purchase, XLS, will be manufactured under that spec.

    No one can buy actual military MRE's (legally, I should say). I have no clue where you are buying the 120 meal case of "MRE"'s at, but it is far below the cheapest price I have found:The going rate for the 120 meals of MRE's from Cheaper than Dirt is over $697.00, not inclusive of tax and shipping (approximately $69.70 a case for 12 servings, 10 cases would be 120 servings, $69.70 times 10 is $697.00) so I think you made a little mistake here. I am exceptionally dubious about that dollar amount versus servings. Citing a source would be nice. I would be all over a deal like that like white on rice.
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