I wish everyone was perfect like us ... Also dont believe everything u see on tv This guy could have been the only smart one and not put every weapon he owns on TV or the internet for the world to see... Aint it prepper code to not let the MAN and the world know what ya got ...
I have just started watching season 1 cause the library had it, and have watched the first 6 episodes. Some of those people, IMO, are close to having good strategies in 'doomsday scenarios', others to me seem to be just 'winging it' and really having NO plan. I think their biggest problem is that they are only considering once type of serious disaster in their plans. The first one they had, the guy and his family who live in a compound made of the shipping containers, they don't seem to have a plan in case of poison air(I didn't see any kind of barn for their livestock), or many other issues. Their getaway plan has one main issue as I see it, they're expecting roads to be maintained.
Do not have high opinions of these people.. No one should know what you have and what you do not have . Nor should anyone outside your group know any of your plans, locations, or capabilities!
the show is entertainment .... plain & simple ..... if you are watching it for any other purpose makes you a bigger fool than the participants ....
@kellory BINGO!... you hit the purpose of the show square on the head.... think about it ... ;0) (second sentence)
What if I'm watching it to learn what NOT to do? (like tell/show the whole country, if not the world, where your stuff is). Though I did think it was sweet that the couple in San Diego, as soon as the husband found that his cave bug-out location brought back bad memories for his wife(Cambodian genocide refugee), he shut down the idea and decided to find a different location.
VH, if you are serious about Shipping Containers, you should look at Refer Containers, as they are already insulated, and basically the same price, used.....
Have not watched the show since the first episode. Only thing that came to my mind was " trailer trash".. Sorry if I offend, but a bigger group of clowns ....
Have started looking into them. Get a kick out of them being nicknamed 'reefers'. I would love to start telling people I live in a reefer
Some of the "preppers" are people who have a business that can benefit from prepper customers, like the guy I saw last night who just happened to own a sheet metal fabricating business and was fabricating a sheet metal underground complex. It was decent publicity for the guy. I can't blame him for that, but, in general, yeah, those folks are idiots and the producers must be able to barely contain themselves at the spectacle while making the show. I saw an episode a couple years ago where some guy had a type of survival tool he was showcasing, and he just happened to be the manufacturer of it and had them for retail. I don't blame the ones that are using it for publicity for business. They are small business in the USA and I say more power to them.
don't know if you guys heard the latest ... the DoomsDay Prepper episode with the treehouse that was hidden with mirrors .... that guy has a UTube about his BOL being wiped out by a thieve(s) .... everything was stolen and the rest vandalized .... big surprise there ....