Does anyone include a Flare gun in their preps?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Tully Mars, Feb 28, 2017.

  1. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Short answer, NO. I do have one on the boat, but I prefer the .12 gauge shotgun versions. Fire Danger is too high to be of much use up here, and with the mountains and winds and such, not worth the risk,effort, and space.
    Tully Mars likes this.
  2. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    or bottle rocket battles. :D

    no flare gun here, shotgun works fine.
    Tully Mars likes this.
  3. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    Don't have a flare gun, but have seriously considered a couple of road flares. Would be great for that last ditch "wet wood WILL NOT LIGHT and I'm gonna freeze to death otherwise" situation. Yes, I know, and I do try to stay out of those as much as possible, but you know, Murphy seems to have a GPS tracker on me sometimes.
    Tully Mars and Ura-Ki like this.
  4. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    I think I keep the old Very Pistol in the cigar box with some of my old jewelry..............

    arleigh, VisuTrac, Tully Mars and 2 others like this.
  5. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    When ours expired offshore we would blast them into the sky to get rid of them, Until one day the next field sent their supply boat and helicopter to check us out.
  6. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    BTW found two of those old gun rings at garage sale for $1 sold them fir $2,800 for the pair to a collector. Was so tempted to fire them..... But a little voice in the back of my head kept saying..... No this will blow yer finger off and put a new hole in yer hand lol.
  7. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Thanks for the picture I've been looking for that..
    chelloveck likes this.
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