<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/aOIJtS4gbaY"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/aOIJtS4gbaY" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
Systema is a perfect combat style of fighting that actually works quite well. Any person can order the videos online now and even take some classes, which just wasn't available ten years ago. I was fortunate enough to be trained by one of the very few grandmasters. I have trained in CQB with several systema experts, along with advanced CQB AK47 training, which is awesome. The Russian Spetznas is no joke. I have also trained in the modern day Army Combatives. They took some of the most effective moves and counters, and applied them in a very successful way. The Army even has a program for those who wish to advance, by competing for the UFC. No matter what you choose, I feel that judo, aikido, jui-jitsu, ninjitsu, and systema are all excellent and sound choices. Having trained in all of them, I have to admit that even I have had difficulty in a fight or three. The very best way to avoid getting your arse kicked is just to avoid a fight whenever possible. Especially when you are outnumbered on a street corner 5 to 1 at three in the morning. *cough* But, train hard. Discipline yourself, and excercise daily, even when you are sore. Train your body and you will avoid unecessary injuries. When in a fight, do not hesitate. Go for the opponents' weak areas -his knees, throat, and groin. In combat there are no rules, no gloves. Some of the older experts of my art refuse to play part in arenas like the UFC just because it is a different world than what we train for. When an expert in Systema enters the octagon, which will never happen I imagine, the other guy will end up seriously injured or killed, because combat training and competitive arts are two completely different worlds. As a third degree blackbelt in jui-jitsu, I was trained on learning all the pressure points, I had to know every muscle, every bone, every function. In a fight, I never really think of these things, as it becomes second nature and almost instinctive. I think that the ninjitsu approach is very helpful, where it teaches you to evade and use the shadows to wait for a perfect opportunity to strike. Even the most expertly trained can lose to a sniper or by being outnumbered. The greatest tools are the ones that help you to avoid a fight if possible, and when engaged -to be ruthless and unforgiving...just kill effectively, without hesitation, and in silence. Using fear in battle is also a valuable weapon. But that's a whole topic of its own.
Systema Bullshido and not (maybe?) complete bullshido http://www.bullshido.net/forums/showthread.php?t=20962 I don't know. I like judo for conditioning. Getting hard on me old bones that Judo.
systema bullshido....Next time you" see my soul" ,tell it to call home once in a while, and have the witchdoctor give me a "cheering up strike ", ok...bwaahhaaha... ( Il'l bet they have a DVD of a proven easy, SECRET combat system that will make you the master in all situations...).
More "internet bullshito:" (specnaz" "Spetznaz"):http://www.metacafe.com/watch/143577/specnaz_traning/ The comments are great too, " no people this is real," not the"force"; use the "schwartz" luke!!!... Alright all you 33rd degree mason's, what's the escrema defense for the dreaded spetznaz "rifle sling across the nose" demonstrated above??? "e'ery buddy wannabe a ninja...???"
So.... You think they're soooo good, that they aren't stepping up to claim the prize money and prove themselves because they don't want to hurt or kill someone? We'll they certainly do have a lot of integrity now don't they? It's a good thing for UFC champions like Liddell and Cotoure that the "real" masters are letting them enjoy the spotlight and not hurting them. Just like those psychics that refuse to pick winning lotto numbers. Sorry Brokor, not trying to provoke you, I like you, but I've got to stick to reality man.
Sooo sorry.... "chosen one"...but your gopher-chucks are no match for me... . your kung fu is no good lets fight....hiya.....
It's alright, guys. There are skeptics for everything, and this is no different. I have nothing to prove anymore. My only advice is to get some hands on experience. I am a soldier, and I have no desire to compete in sports. I am living the life, and I can honestly say that I have been fortunate enough to have some of the very best combat experience, and have had plenty of chances to put it to the test.
Theabsolute lastword on this subject!!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nqtt-b0cmBI&mode=related&search=
An hour of loading over dialup and I got to watch half...... Just in case your attacked by a maniac with a pommegranite
"wo about a pointed stick??" Ohh -ohh- ohhhhh fruit not good enough for you eh??" One of my favorite python sketches, you tubes got all of em... suppose i should've at least explained it so you knew what you were downloading...
I take MA classes (Filipino MA and Wing Chun), I teach MA (LINES, Women's Self Defense, and Knife Defense) I attend a few seminars a year, and I practice almost every day. I wrote what I think about it here: http://vikingpreparedness.blogspot.com/2006/12/martial-arts.html