DOD Bans Sale Of Surplus Brass

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by RouteClearance, Mar 13, 2009.

  1. SLugomist

    SLugomist Monkey++


    Argh Matey[​IMG]
  2. WestPointMAG

    WestPointMAG Monkey++

    I am starting a new thread on this so we are not hi-jacking this one.
  3. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I want to say to those that offered some justification for the DOD shutting down the sale of used brass, stating examples of exploding firearms, etc., in spite of the fact that literally hundreds of similar things happen with factory loads too, especially Plus-P loads, that you are a major reason that so few will mount a concerted effort at making a change. If you think is is acceptable to "Infringe" the rights to ownership of any weapon, including machine-guns or so called "assault" rifles, you don't get it and never will. You people that are so ready to accept what-ever crumbs the from freedom-loaf that they decide to leave us, with what-ever "it's for the better' platitudes you throw up, should be ashamed of yourself. When a dog lays on his back and shows his belly to his attacker, the fight is over and the alpha-dog is free to piss on you. He wins without a scar or lesson learned. I may loose a lot of fights but I will not roll over and be pissed on. Our liberty, our country, our way of life is under attack from several directions and those of you that would roll over and accept it with nothing more than a little whining, deserve what you get. Me, I have decided to be as proactive as is possible right up until we either get our country back or I die. Remember that the 2ond is there to defend the 1st!
  4. Tracy

    Tracy Insatiably Curious Moderator Founding Member

    I applaud those who used their voice to save the day.

    Too often, folks sit by and whine about how one person can't make a difference. I beg to differ. Everyone can make a difference, good or bad, and collectively... we can change the world!
  5. SLugomist

    SLugomist Monkey++

    The only reasons I can see for a limit on spent Mil brass is if there is a brass shortage, so for strategic reserve or if the mil wants to reuse them. It'd be a refreshing change to see a sector of gov being frugal.

    Sorry for my side rant felt like a kid in a candy store. I was originally looking for the brass auction and found one but it included all other sorts of scrap too. Have to ship from Iraq. 44,000 lbs daily or something crazy like that. Said they'd offer mulitple winners etc.

    Infringement , means any limitation. As some take the bible literally I take the second amendment literally, as to protect all of my god given rights from anyone who so shall attempt to take them.
  6. Grey Wolf

    Grey Wolf Monkey+++

    +1 brother
  7. Mountainman

    Mountainman Großes Mitglied Site Supporter+++

  8. TenGrit

    TenGrit Monkey++


    I look forward to every one of your posts and often agree with you, but since I think this post was aimed at me I feel obligated to reply:

    I gave no justification for it, nor did I defend it. I merely pointed out that a) this wasn't something new cooked up by the Obama Administration and b) what entitles anyone to buy once-fired brass at scrap prices?

    I stand with everyone else who is glad that this policy was reversed. I called and emailed both my Congressmen in hope that this would be reversed.

    I am against anything that infringes on our rights and personal freedom, and have committed much of my time and resources to this cause.

    My post was to simply point out that some that cried "foul" were crying because they stood to lose their profit margin, not because their rights were infringed.

    I get it. I get it a lot more than you will ever know.
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