This is just more data to herd in the sheep and certainly something the government doesn't need to run the country the way it is set up to be run. They need to focus on other basic unsolved problems and quit blowing tax payer money on science fiction projects like this.
Any of you ever have your blood drawn? Exactly how influential in the medical field is our government? How many of us know and trust the chain of custody once that blood leaves your site? If they want it, they've already got access to it one way or another.
I trust the chain of custody. What I have my doubts about is what the custodians might do with the specimen other than what the prescriber asked for. Then one might ask, how long the specimen is retained "just in case."
My dad was a med tech in one of our local hospital labs. I know exactly how fluids were handled for precisely one hospital and for only the time period he worked there. I have no idea what new requirements some non-elected government health panel might put into place that could affect any of this. Nor will anybody tell me were something to drastically change. HIPAA standards be damned. There is just too much uncertainly to be certain... It's too easy for a storage policy to be put into place that sounds reasonable to those maintaining such a "just in case" archive with no real accountability to me and mine.
Don't know about the Government angle but I do know it is a vital tool for Tax Payer funded grant hounds to prove they have one drop of Socially and Economically challenged minority blood. More Grant Dollars if you do and easier to land the grants.
Being descended from George III is probably not going to fly very well with much of your fellow citizens.... I'd keep quiet about that if I were you.
Personally, no, I do not think this is a gov't set up. Yes, it was a good thing I was sitting down when I said that too. I DO think it is a BIG PHARM/INSURANCE set up however. THAT would make far more sense to me, although I do admit that East Germany set up a DNA/scent (smell) bank of as many citizens as they could.
Most Americans were educated at public schools and wouldn't have a clue about who George III was. Now, were I descended from any of the Founding Fathers, that would be different. In that case I would be a racist slave owner who felt that blacks were only worth 5/8 of a white man. I'm likely pretty safe - everything we have learned so far about our roots points to 100% peasantry.
One of the reason often cited by local/States gov't for the back log in DNA testing - of rape kits for example - is the expense. I've seen $6K per test quoted locally by the fuzzheads in the local PD.. So - you send in your blood and boxtops. How is it the the "DNA test" you buy costs a fraction of what the PTB claim is the real cost? You are getting ripped off? Or is the testing company collecting some serious $$ for that data? Or is the gov't so inefficient and bloated, everything costs a huge wad of ducats??? I'll never send mine in, I already know who my ancestors are back to the 'old country. Past that, who cares?
YE GODS AND LITTLE FISHES!!! Big pharm colluding with DNA, price fixing? PLEEZE say it ain't so!! Monopolistic collusion just does NOT happen here. Does it? But your probably right, dot gov is cunning but not smart.
Agreed.....we're all descended from Apes....just that some of us haven't evolved very far from our ancestral roots...
These DNA Tests we are talking about, do NOT go clear down to the individual Genes, but look for Common Ansestry Genetic Markers for different Rac es of people... Like Scottish, Irish, Nordic, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Arabic, Jewish, African East, West, Cenral, & Southern, Persian, Chinese, Japanese, northern Asian, and the like... They do NOT usually get more specific than that...
The reports are notparticularly detailed, but the data is out there for deeper analysis and matching. What's that Dr Suess said? I do NOT like it, Samiam.
What would this do to benefit the "gubmint" in any way, form, or fashion ??? Pull the Reynolds Wrap off your head. Nobody is "coming for you". Nobody cares OR wants to know your family DNA tree.
My only question is about the accuracy of the test. How can they be so sure which markers are truly from a specific region ?? There has been a buttload of "migration" since the tower of Babel.
Very much a statistical business. With enough data, the computer program can come up with some pretty good, accurate information. There has been a huge amount of research done, and slowly but surely it's getting more and more detailed and accurate. We ALL came out of Africa, like it or not. Now, which valley in Austria my ancestors were hatched in, I have no idea, but we got here from Africa via Europe.
Wow, I dont have reynolds wrap on my head, and I could give a S**T if someone is coming for me. As far as other people that would want to know about my family DNA tree, well that just weird. I know enough of my history and where my family comes from that I don't care to spend the money to do it. If you would had read the beginning of the original post, I said that I'm not a conspiracy theorist. Just had a thought, sorry that I pissed you off for sharing it. I don't know who pissed in you cherrios today, but sorry my post set you off.