Dixie Chicks Bush-whacked at record stores

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Quigley_Sharps, May 31, 2006.

  1. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

  2. Infidel

    Infidel Guest

    dispute, do not denigrate
  3. Valkman

    Valkman Knifemaker Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I probably lived in CA for many more years than you have (47) - tried buying an AR lately? Series I Kimber? Full Auto Uzi? Have a CCW? No? I have all those in NV, and no one taking them away so don't blow smoke up my ass and tell me it's better. It's not if you like freedom.

    Ah yes, the "I KNOW WHAT HAPPENED but can't prove it" syndrome. I know what happened too - Kerry lost and you guys can't get over it.

    You're from CA, so you should know what "death from a thousand cuts" really is - they take away your rights slowly but surely in a way Bush never has or will. Are you fighting against the new law to ban internet ammo sales? Didja fight against the .50 ban? No? Then you deserve CA.

    Your crap sounds like it's straight from Democratic Underground - bet your a member there too, aren't you?
  4. Infidel

    Infidel Guest

    [For the "Can't prove it argument" look up "building 7"]

    I could not care less for guns truly. I got a mossberg 500 and that is good enough for home defence. I can make a passable shooting stick with some shotgun shells and some tubing and did once and broke it apart. if one needs a 50 bmg to do something. well you better be ready to be on the receiving end of whatever you need the 50 bmg for. why the hell woudl i want a 10000 dollar rifle that can shoot through tanks?

    to fight the who? the what?

    when was the last time you seen a tank? looking to wreck havok on the citizenry?

    sorry, slaves are more useful alive not dead.

    I would like to point out the fact that the person instrumental to attaching the part about limiting magazine capacity to the ban in 94 was a retired ceo of either winchester or smith and wesson

    and guess what. their sales of all other firearms went UP after that ban

    so follow the money my friend. there are people that fan the flames of "they are going to take my gun away from me" meme. they are the gun manufacturers.

    but all n all you deserve the leader you voted for. he made your children indentured servants by spending thier money. and all you cared about were firesticks.

    about that democratic underground whatever that is.
    no i am not a memeber.

    please do not try to peg people you are disputing with into some imaginary category prefilled with your disdain for them already. it makes for a poor argument, as you are attacking me and not what i have to say.

    and just because you would like me to be a member of some idenifiable group that you disagree with does not make me one.

    also the dichtonomy between Demoblicans and Republicrats is silly at best. It is the same party for crying out loud. centrist. some slightly to the left, other to the right, but both have this set of unresolvable, pretty evenly split issues to entertain you come election time.

    examine who you voted for, why he is in the office, what the stated goals are, what has he done, how does that compare to the stated goals, where the difference lies, what other events that happened seemingly without direct involment of the leader/government that seem to resemble the actual acts and not the stated goals and then try to examin it from the most critical perspective possible as to WHO BENEFITS AND WHO GETS HURT

    You sir owe all of us around 30 000 dollars. just from the spending of this current government. and the money they spent went onto the pockets of pretty much the same group of people that entertain you with your firesticks.
  5. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    It's not called the "Bill of Needs" last time I checked. Also what you are stating is illegal.

    I am no fan of the politicians either, however my senators and reps. have voted in the way that I wanted them too. Special interest runs the Gov. and our country, lets face it. WE are special interest. NRA member, TSRA member, 2nd Amendment Foundation, etc. etc. Is oil worth fighting over, yes if it keeps me being able to drive, runs the power plants that supply my house with energy and does not hold my country hostage. Think we already are being held hostage? Try checking the price of a gallon of gas in Europe.

    I find it really humorous, that someone from Ca. would give us a lecture on rights. I also take offense to calling the rest of the people in the US "gray people". What the hell does that mean? I guess the liberals out in kalifornia are more your style. Fighting the death penalty while supporting the murder of the unborn, infringing upon the rights of their citizens, supporting free love, free drugs, and political correctness all while giving each other a reach around from their homosexual partner. Let me guess, you must have flowers in your hair right now. If everyone else is a "gray person" then I am glad to be one.
  6. TnAndy

    TnAndy Senior Member Founding Member

    Politicians of both major parties don't give a crap about your rights......they will seize them at any time it is convienient for them to do so.

    As for the 2nd amendment, your rights come as part of the package of being a human....."Natural Rights"......no piece of paper 'gives' them to you.....at best, it merely acknowledges they already exist. We should be prepared to do battle at any time to preserve our natural rights against governments that exist mainly to deny them.

    As someone said above, there IS only one party in power with slightly different sub-divisions.

    Voting only encourages them and leaves you with the illusion you might make a difference.
  7. CRC

    CRC Survivor of Tidal Waves | RIP 7-24-2015 Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Just came back from a 2 hour walk on the beach....Sometimes you just gotta do that to clear things in your head...

    Ran in to an old friend....She is going to her first concert ever...EVER...(and she's 35!)

    Dixie Chicks...

    I say everyone is entitled to have an opinion ......and if that's theirs , fine..

    It's the not going to a concert until you're 35 yrs old that I have a problem believing??

  8. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Infidel, you are living(?) breathing(?) evidence(!) of why the RPK is pretty well known for harboring (and growing) fruits and nuts. Appears to me that you don't want to survive either the Apocalypse or the next eartquake. We can help you get to nirvana sooner, if you wish. You might try that homebuilt shotgun trick holding it close to your ear so you can hear the hammer fall. We have other ideas if that doesn't work to suit your expectations. [no]
  9. Valkman

    Valkman Knifemaker Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Andy, I agree with most of that but not when it comes to gun rights. Many liberals have made it their agenda to take every gun they can and they don't care how they do it. The Republican controlled Congress has not done that, will not do it and could've reinstated the AWB but did not. When liberals are in charge we get more gun laws but not always - Bush Sr. did us no favors, and guys like McCain, Ahhhnold and Guliani have no problem with gun control either. But I look at Democratic-controlled New Orleans and what happened there, and the people of CA had better remember the CHP was right there and they had no problem at all disarming people.

    Most of the time no - what poloticians want and what the people want are two very different things. The whole immigration debate shows that very clearly.
  10. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Funny how no major federal gun control legislation was passed while the republicans have held congress and while George W. has been in the White House. There are some good people up there, maybe not the majority of them, but there are some. Secondly what they do respond to is the special interest that got them where they are. Special interest like the NRA, 2nd Amendment Foundation, TSRA, etc. They are inherent rights, I do agree with you. Unless however these rights are protected they will be trampled on. I don't like the same-sex marriage ban. Why? Not because I am for letting homosexuals get married, but because that is something that should be common sense. Unfortunately the radical liberals have pushed it to the point that we will have to have an amendment to protect the sanctitiy of marriage. Or at least let each state have the right to set their own laws and customs.

    I wonder what our soldiers that have fought and died for that right would say to you about that statement? The vets I know that served in war always vote. My grandfather who served in WWII was very proud of that right, and he used to tell me that if you didn't vote, then you shouldn't bitch. You know we do have a lot of problems with politicians and the Gov., but I don't know of a country that is better. If you don't like the mainstream candidates then find another to support. Don't just take the easy way out and bitch about everything while doing nothing. Find someone to support, or run for office yourself. Local, state, national, whatever. Enough like minded people can force a change.
  11. sniper-66

    sniper-66 Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Piss off you sack of crap. I'm one of those "grey" people you are talking about and you can take your ignorant lips and kiss my grey ass. I have been to every state in this union and California holds nothing over any other state. Your sadly mistaken if you think Californian women are "prettier" than any other. What is your malfunction? You come to this board to start a fight? Bring it on! Where is Magnus when you need him?
    Magnus, we have another Meyah here, bring out good old Chopper. This is a ignorant turd that needs to fall off into the ocean when California does.
  12. poacher

    poacher Monkey+++ Founding Member

    I almost hate to ask this infidel but by chance do you have a amored wheelbarrow??

    Oh and being one of the grey people in Kansas may I suggest that since Ks, Ne, are known top wheat producers you not eat anything that contains wheat. Furthermore I'm sure that the "grey Texans" would prefer you not eat any beef.

    Lastly I'll dispense with some friendly advice. While your still a newbie (and anyone with under a 100 posts is) you refrain from whiping it out and peeing on the house carpet. It tends to make one alittle less than wanted. Yes I know I have less than 100 posts so don't worry about making a huge point out of it. If anyone feels the need to slap me down for making the comment above they will so don't go getting worked up over stating the obvious.

    Oh a quick side note, Yuck Fou.
    Take care Be safe Poacher.
  13. Valkman

    Valkman Knifemaker Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    One can only wait for the day when SHTF and all these liberals are caught with the deer-in-the-headlights look. The rest of us will be armed and hunkered down and I can't wait for one of these "guys" to ask for help. I'll call in Sniper "need a little cover here!" and wait for the .50 [LMAO]
  14. Infidel

    Infidel Guest

    Infidel, you are living(?) breathing(?) evidence(!) of why the RPK is pretty well known for harboring (and growing) fruits and nuts.

    > You forgot flakes. Fruits, nuts, and flakes.

    Appears to me that you don't want to survive either the Apocalypse

    > Do not believe in that. Not going to happen. Sorry. Most people here might get lucky and die in their beds. Most who post here will survive short term shtf that might happen here. I lived through one (Crash of the Soviet Union) and from what i gather here it might be worse in some things, better in others, But if for one minute anyone thinks here that their collapse of their political / economic system is going to be that much worse that what anyone in history has experieced.

    I say "Pass the Koolaide"

    or the next eartquake.

    > Well prepared. year of food, month of water, another at parents, for my family and theirs. more food there too. they got gens and fuel for 3 months. I won a bet that made my dad buy it. some boxes of random emergency list supplies too long to list. Being a californian does not make one stupid.

    We can help you get to nirvana sooner, if you wish.

    > Why insult and or threaten? not that i believe it is a threat. but why insult

    You might try that homebuilt shotgun trick holding it close to your ear so you can hear the hammer fall. We have other ideas if that doesn't work to suit your expectations. [no][/quote]

    good job


    i'm not the wheelbarrow guy. I think it was a tactical wheelbarrow not armored. still not him


    "He has f$#ked up on things too, but we are 1000 times better off than if we had Gore/Kerry/Hillary in there. Then this country will become like CA and NY - a place you don't want to be."

    as for grey people - i must appologise. it came when i responded to the comment above. said cali was nice. apparently people do not like being called "gray". Truth be told I drove through the texas panhandle though some small town there and I stopped to get some gas and then went across the street to get a bite to eat.And all I saw were these people with really bad skin, of enormous sizes, white trashy looking. That is all of texas I saw and it was night, or dim light. and that was the impression. they were gray.

    as for women in california being better looking. sorry im spoiled. living around hollywood. if you follow the logic of pretty women and men migrating into a concentrated area throughout last century all wishing to be movie stars and then not getting there and settlling down to be cops and firefighters and haircutters and waitresses then you come to a conclusion that people here must be prettier.

    especcially women. i been to ny, and carolinas and wa and ok and vermont and i can attest to the fact that women in los angeles look better.


    Poacher, I do not give deference to anyone really because of seniority. if someone is wrong i call them on that. got me fired once. f em. i was right at the end though. my superior was let go of too.

    If the premice of this conversation was not

    "Dixie chicks are selling poorly because they felt ashamed that the president of the USA is His Chimpness"

    if not to reinforce the same idea that no one should disagree with their leaders then I have no clue as to why the article above about Dixie Chix was even posted here on SM. who the hell gives a rats ass about dixie chix. on a survial board

    So clue me in please. Why was the article posted?
  15. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Because it was a news article.

    And if you only have seen the people at a gas station in a town in the panhandle, then you haven't seen Texas. It's a whole 'nother country.
  16. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Tienamin Square, a perfect example of gov't overstepping it's bounds. I expect something similar here and there as the libs continue to nick and hack at the Bill of Rights. Maybe not next week, nor next year, but it is coming if we let the PRK or the PRM lead the way.

    True. Is it your desire to be a slave? It ain't gonna happen to me. Period. But it does sound like you would rather live as a slave than die free. Be my guest, you can do that now in certain places in Africa. The slavers will feed, clothe, and shelter you.

    Seems to me that the point was wasted on you in the first place. And, it strikes me odd that you took off on our President in a thread that has to do with a group of loud mouthed, disrespectful publicity hungry bitches with whom you appear to agree. We do a pretty good job here of hijacking threads without your help.

    Why not join? You should fit right in. For details, just google it up. Memberships are available for several layers of goodies and recognitions, depending on your contributions. Can't find them? Take your name off the do not call list, they'll find you.

    It is far less of an argument with what you say than how you said it. There is hope for you yet. (I think.)

    That part you got right. [applaud] As always in a republic, you, as a citizen, need to make your own choices and balance the parts you like and the parts you don't. For my part, the bad sides of the demmies recently far outweigh the bad sides of Bush and his ilk.

    And I am not grey either. I'm damn well black and blue (with a dollup of red and white to go with the blue) from a whole series of things in this life, not the least of which was serving during an unpopular time to be in the service. I suspect, but do not know, that you avoided serving, or your approach and attitude would be a whole lot different. Drawing a pretty poor comparison, are your colors red and yellow? (Think flags of a foreign power that once said they would bury us.) I really don't think that is so, but the noise of agreement with the Dixie wenches sure points in that direction. [flag]
  17. magnus392

    magnus392 Field Marshall Mags Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Well Infedel, you said you survived the fall of the USSR... and that you live in Kalifornia, guess you didn't loose your beloved Communism after all.

    You live in a "Red" state, please refrain from lecturing free ppl about liberties and rights please. This is a game of wits you are to poorly armed to fight.

    As far as politicians go...99% of them should be removed from office never to "serve" again. Bush is not doing anything that his predicessors didn't do...he is just getting weaseled out about it. Our Government is corrupt, we know this...but for the moment they seem to be focused on beating the shit out of other nations rather than rounding us up for roll call. Oil goes up, oil goes down, oil companies make billions reguardless, and for shit and giggles are cornholing the American ppl right now because they can. Bush doesn't care because he is making a fortune right now, as is Chenney. But what would Kerry or Gore do? Suck Iran off for it's oil, and give them the nuclear info they need to wrap of their "civilian power" program? Probably, then instead of high fuel prices, we would only have to worry about fucking glowing in the dark:)

    As for Kali girls...yeah you have some hot Bitches out there...but they are not biodegradable and should be disposed of properly. In Texas, we have Ladies...most of which (even at their petite size) could probably kick your ass, and out shoot you.

    Until next time, I personally reccommend that we drill 10 miles straight down all along the Kali state line and fill each hole full of nukes and blow that son of a bitch off the CONUS. Then sink the fuck with the Paciffic Fleet. Then I would be happy with my tax dollars at work. You guys can keep scientology, and HollyWierd, we don't need them.

    After that we will finish the fence along the border and line it will machineguns (.50's included) and patrol it with tanks and foot soliders. To pay for the fence we will sell wkend passes to citizens to man the machine gun nest and ride in the tanks.

    Thank You and God Bless

    Magnus '08 [boozingbuddies]
  18. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    I never trust men who have to apply make-up before speaking to me
  19. Valkman

    Valkman Knifemaker Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    You're damn right you're getting attacked - you want to talk bad about the President who is 1000 times the man you are. You will moan and complain and be indignant while guys like him get some shit done. He's done nothig to take any gun rights away from me but in 47 years the CA commie leaders sure did. I'm sick of hearing how people didn't vote yet rag his ass all the time - yet you also have no solutions do you? Just whine whine whine and keep repeating BS arguments someone else thought up.

    Ann Coulter is right.
  20. Galactus

    Galactus Monkey+++ Founding Member

    If you through mud at shit just what has been accomplished?
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