I agree with ya VisuTrac... thing is the schools now do their best to avoid teaching this kinda thing... IMHO if our young folks knew about the meaning of the Declaration of Independence... the Bill of Rights... and the Constitution... we would not be in the current situation with antifa and the destruction of the 1st and 2nd Amendments...
@VisuTrac Sad. That's all I can say about it. Actually, hard to believe...maybe because I don't want to believe. Sad. On another note, I do think genetic engineering and even enhancement will occur whether the U.S. wants it or not. The fact that a child can be born without any inherited defects or future disease, with perfect vision, hearing, etc. will ensure this happens by the wealthy and powerful elites. Frankly, I see genetic engineering as mankind's next great leap which will far surpass the industrial and Information revolutions. Where will it go? Who knows but obviously there will be military aspects and great interest. Tie this with the advances in robotics and prosthetics...Who truly knows? Again, whether the U.S. thinks it right or wrong is of no matter as it will happen and whatever country embraces it will be the leader much as the U.S. is in computer technology.
Why train army to fight in mega cities? Isn't that what we train S.W.A.T. for? and they can operate domestically.
I say the way subdue a MegaCity is surround it Cut off the water, and Food Supply... Wait a week or so..... Then drop a few of those C-5A Galaxy 20Ton FAE Pallet Bombs on city centers... Then KILL everyone who tries to leave, afterwards..... Roast Toasty.....
Nah, fence it off, nothing goes in or comes out! Wait about a year. Send in an armed force to clean up. Most killed and ate each other, the troops kill whatever is left. If it breaths, it dies. Then strip it of anything useable, let the rest rot and go back to nature.