Disasters you have survived.......

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Rourke, Jun 5, 2010.

  1. Nailbender

    Nailbender Monkey+++

    Thanks... It has been awhile. I think I got things pretty well ironed out.
  2. SLugomist

    SLugomist Monkey++

    The patriot act
    US congress since the 80's
  3. SLugomist

    SLugomist Monkey++


    Yes I'm laughing at your pain.
  4. Castiel

    Castiel Monkey+

    Im a Pittsburgh boy, so the worst disaster I lived though was the Pirates seasons [own2]

    But seriously being only 20, I had to go through 2 weeks without power, which isn't a disaster...I actually loved it! No TV meant I was able to get LOTS of reading done.
  5. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Same here. I have a lot of respect for people who have had a Charlie sized cane drop past their head. I was clicking my heels like a fool!

    NOT Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Tracy

    Tracy Insatiably Curious Moderator Founding Member

  7. KAS

    KAS Monkey+++

    Hurricane Katrina .. no power for a months and the ole Lady was 8 months pregnant ... I told her we didnt need a generator and if she wanted one she could wait for 7 hours at home depot {and she did } and wen she got home and found me passed out drunk on the couch... the when the SHTF... now if she even hears about a bad thunderstorm she wants to get the hell outa dodge....
    only bad part is her bug out plan involves air planes!!!1
  8. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Monkey+++

    It started with a blizzard in the Midwest when I was a teen. Parents got stranded at the grade school when they walked over there to bring my youngest brother and little sister home. They didn't get back for a week. They told me to go to a neighbor's house and stay with them. They didn't have any food in the house. After 3 days, we walked 2 miles to the store, through 18" of snow (where it had not drifted deeper) only to find that there was no food to be bought. Plenty of paper towels, soap, and other stuff, just nothing edible. On the way home, I found a bread truck stuck in the middle of the road. The driver had opened his doors and left. I took two packages of dinner rolls. I became a 'monkey at that time!
    BTPost and Silversnake like this.
  9. Harbin

    Harbin Monkey+

    Various hurricanes affecting the golf coast of Florida, worst being Charlie and Andrew. We left ft Myers for the east coast, calling every hotel on the way and finally got through to one with vacancy. I paid over the phone with a card, yet when we got there mysteriously they have me a receipt to sign with a charge nearly double what i was told over the phone. Soon as i asked about it they said oops, we will fix that. Gotta love price gouging.

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  10. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

    Although it was not a national disaster, 15 years ago my wife made an amazing white chicken chili with a bunch of great northern beans as its base. It was so good I think I had 3 big helpings.

    I am not going to go into the details, but it was a very long, windy night on the couch and i was banned from ever having my mouth go anywhere near a white chicken chili or northern bean ever again.
    Dawg23 and tulianr like this.
  11. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    All of the east coast hurricanes that hit NC including Bonnie, Isabel, Charlye, Hugo, Franceses, and Floyd where we were an Island for over a week, with water and food being helo lifted in to the area.... a 7 1/2 foot diameter Oak tree through my house ( 1913 victorian ) and 77 feet of three course flemish bonded brick wall in the yard... took 27 dump truck to clean it up... and of course the Obama reign of terror....;)
  12. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    Im a novice at disasters. I was the on duty sgt for my department 1989 Loma Preata quake, 1991 Oakland hills fire, A couple of riots, 1996 flood sw Washington. 2006 windstorm (only 90 mph gusts) 2007 major flood 2008 flood.
  13. oth47

    oth47 Monkey+

    The big snow in '93..power went out,I went to my shop and brought in the little wood heater I had.Had several hundred 2x4 blocks of white pine for carving,plus scrap wood in the shop.I closed off the house except for the kitchen and 2 bathrooms,kept the temp around 70.Smoked several cans of Velvet pipe tobacco that I'd bought up,knowing they'd discontinue the cans.Ran out of beer several days in,but wasn't a big deal.We were out in the country,were snowed in for about a week.
  14. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Monkey+++

    I haven't mentioned the other stuff, tornadoes in the Midwest, floods and hurricanes in Texas, and forest fires in Oregon. The thing is, if you are prepared for power outages, or prepared to evacuate if necessary, you have alternate means of cooking, heating, and lighting, as well as some stored food and water, these things are inconvenient, not emergencies. We never lost electricity during the blizzard, but if we had, it would have been bad. Now I am prepared for that sort of thing because it has happened with some frequency over my life span.
  15. swinefornicator

    swinefornicator Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Divorced about 4yrs ago. Worse than Hurricanes Fran or Ivan, which I went through. Short story long, she got it all but the foundation and shell of the log cabin. My new home. Had to complete the home, recover emotionaly, financially and start a new life. Took 18 months before I got back on the grid and scored a well. Lived off craw dads and venison for a good spell. Boiled water from the stream (frickin' yuck!) Not sure why they didn't stick with female names for storms, worst crap storm I ever went through was a woman. May write a book about it one day. Survival? Been there done that!

    Second place was in Ohio back in the early 80's. Me and my Dad was driving up to Detroit, wind chill was 70 below. Diesels were stopped everywhere as the fuel jellied up. Our mini van ground to halt in the middle of BFE on I-75. Don't care what jacket you got, that kind of cold will eat you fast. We stayed in the van for a spell and lit candles, couldn't feel the heat unless you put your fingers in the flame. Hoofed it several hundred yards and opted for the windless van. Neat info: gas engines will get a frost build up at the intake. The residual heat off the motor will melt it and she will crank right back up. Was an awful day and could of been worse. Why was Ohio so windy? Cuz Detroit sucks!
  16. Turtle

    Turtle Monkey+

    Many many Canadian blizzards and summer thunder storms,The ice storm of 98 as well.Not to mention a few power outages at work.I work in a food processing facility so if you can't see where you are going nasty burns are a real danger...that's why i carry a flashlight on my belt.
  17. Pistolero

    Pistolero Monkey++

    When I was in my 20's you get to acting like you are bullet proof. then some thing happens that sets your mind straight. with me, it was surviving two sinkings at sea. the last one precipitated my career change, after escapeing to a raft after ship board fire in the middle of the night, (ship went down) fighting off sharks (skipper almost lost his thumb) and bled all over the raft the first night adrift which brought in the sharks. they stayed with us until we made it to a deserted island where the 5 of us survived off the land until picked up by a passing liner. But I did learn some good survival skills. The hard way.
  18. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

  19. megs

    megs Monkey

    2009 Victorian fire storm. Multiple floods since then . *shrugs* that's life.
  20. Turtle

    Turtle Monkey+

    Christmas lunch with my aunt .....she is a natural disaster lol
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