ISplatU, These pictures are not Reynolds Air Park / industrial Park !!! I was there today, this morning.
Thanks for correcting me. I still ain't apologizing to ISplatU, or taking any of it back. 250 Ford vans in plain sight in NC has nothing to do with this Thread "disaster movie shaping up in the gulf". I did miss his posted video on it ..... my bad. Also 250 vans is a far cry from the 7000 or so we saw that were previously down here in Florida. I guess I am getting a little fed up with this doom and gloom crap and conspiracy theories. I will believe it when it get's a whole lot closer to reality, and I have some eyes on it that I trust ...... not "intel hub".
Here's what I found about the Wilkesboro situation (with just a few google searches) Wilkesboro (proper) is about 35 miles away from Jefferson which is the home of AEV AEV makes this little number: Ambulance Model: Ford E350 2K TraumaHawk Which is exactly the type of vehicles seen in the pictures. It wouldn't be out of the question for a company to rent storage 35 miles away. Now as far as the FL situation: It is suspicious being that it's ~7000 SUVs (not vans) on a known CI Agency facility. But don't these agencies rent out their services to other agencies / entities at times? I suppose that the UN would have to order new vans at some point in time right? I can see GM/Ford getting the bid and the UN renting the space as a staging point. Or maybe I'm wrong and they'll be swarming New Orleans next month - who knows? But I'll say this: The vehicles are not well suited for evacuation. If UN vehicles started patrolling US cities what would the repercussions be to this already unpopular president? If it goes down, it will likely be the National Guard or Army taking the reigns. I'd like an explanation, because this govt. does way too much cr*p behind our backs, but I'm not losing sleep at this point (over this at least
Thanks to Fortunateson, this story is officially Debunked. (as far as I am concerned) UN and foreign troops already have their assets in place, and white vans are not it. Additionally, folks should really begin to pay more attention to the trains, tent cities, and reconstructed concentration camps, er...closed military facilities.
Crap comming Censored Gulf evacuation news: Aid for Americans fleeing chemical rape « LABVIRUS.COM A part from this link... According to Smith, government officials from various departments based along the Gulf Coast, all requiring anonymity due to suppression and subsequent persecution if they are named, have stated that forced evacuations will occur. This concurs with insider information Wayne Madsen provided related to the plans for all Gulf States to be evacuated, a matter withheld from the public in strictest national security secrecy mode. Smith said that numerous government workers, doctors, scientists and other agency workers from “all over the spectrum” have said that they hear that there will be forced evacuations. This is part of the Gulf military operation toward “Full Spectrum Dominance.” (See: Gassed in the Gulf: Toward Full Spectrum Dominance, Dupre, Examiner, June 15, 2010) “The problem these people are talking about is the the evacuation planned is not friendly. It is forced evacuation,” Smith stated. “They are going to do a 4-5 state evacuation with FEMA in control.” The UN buses in various locations along the Gulf Coast are worrying Smith according to his report. “Corecit is lethal. It is killing you if you’re living here. Its like being in a giant gas chamber. About 10% is landing on the oil and the rest is in the air.”