I don't think so. Everyone is voting for Trump. Even DeSantis. Just wait and see. Don't mistake that comment as support for Trump. I still think it is very possible he and Joe are on the same team.
Don't get me wrong, I have been wondering for a long time why Trump still supports the vaxx. The info has been out long enough and he is pretty much the only one left. He is supposed to be smart and a good business man and playing 4D chess and all these other things but why is he still pushing CV and the shots? Some thing doesn't add up. Even Fauci is RUNNING away from that game.
OK if Biden isn't dead then why does he need a cheat sheet everywhere he goes??? Its obviously an actor trying to remember his lines. Duh. Photos: Biden’s Weird Written Instructions From Handlers
God help us if the Republicans split into 3 camps. The only way to defeat the demoRATS is to unify. Ya gotta hand it to the DemoRATS no matter who they run(dead, live, demented,) they all sing the same tune. There should be no debate on a Trump/DeSantis ticket, all republicans should support. Trump serves one term and Desantis runs for president in 2028.
Piglosi is baling on the speaker of the house, Bidumb is praising her for all she has done ----yea to destroy the country. Hopefully the demoRATS will have in house fighting ------------the extreme radical left with the radical left. The new house must start investigating them all and I would not be suprised to see them rat out fellow democrats to save their own skin-----------we can only hope
It is essential to rely on reliable sources and factual information. There is no evidence to support the claim that Joe Biden is being supported by computer animation or that the "deep state" is involved. Regarding his recent speeches and videos, it is natural that public figures may have different mannerisms and behaviors. Instead of speculating about Biden's health and conspiracies, we should focus on the Democratic presidential primary at https://www.politiq.net/US_President_Democratic_Party_Primary_Election_2024. It is essential to consider and evaluate political leaders based on their policies, views, and ability to effectively address the problems facing our society.
The old Joe died, during plastic surgery. Comparing his new face with the old is comical, not as bad as HorseFace Kerry or Hanoi Jane but…..(There might be a common theme here, Lol.)