[FONT="]Y’all asked so here’s the latest “global” mortality events, Thousands of turtle doves drop dead from the sky in Italy in latest bizarre mass animal deaths - mirror.co.uk, CBC News - Montreal - Dead birds litter Quebec farm, Hundreds of snapper wash up on beaches - national | Stuff.co.nz, and 100 Tons of Dead Fish Wash Ashore in Brazil Following Massive Arkansas Fishkill - Associated Content from Yahoo! - associatedcontent.com. At least one of those appears to be a set-up to demand financial aid for a “developing” nation but what do I know. The US Geological Service’s site lists about 90 mortality events in 2010 for us up through the middle of December. They list out 5 events of at least 1k birds with the largest in MN where parasite infestations killed around 4k water birds last fall. These events aren’t uncommon. I found where ProMed’s got a discussion or two on the birds if anyone’s really interested, Main ProMED-mail:::::. If it were me…. I’d just read their discussion without replying because your e-mail address will be broadcast to the “global” community if you join with the intent of replying. Here’s one of the comments, “In 1999, several thousand grackles fell from the sky and staggered about before dying in north Louisiana. It took five months to get the diagnosis: an E. coli infection of the air sacs in their skulls.” I’m pretty sure accidental or deliberate poisoning’s been ruled out for Arkansas. Pesticides used for “nuisance” bird control of species like the European Starling are known and generally have two effects. First being pesticides that only kill a fraction of the flock soon after feeding causing the remaining birds to behave in such a way that alarms the flock resulting in evacuation of the area… which is a desirable effect since thousands move on to become another community’s public health issue. Second kills the majority of the birds over a 2 to 3 day period of time with most dropping at or near the roosting site… which tends to outrage the public (think of the “mess” and their outdoor fluffies and spots ingesting poisoned birds) and can negatively impact non-target species not to mention higher order predators. That being said…. I did run across something that made me giggle, Magnetic Pole Shift Causing Chaos & Death | World News Insight, “A magnetic pole shift has happened recently and rapidly, causing chaos and may have been the cause of thousands of death of birds across the globe, according to a variety of online sources.” I just don’t know why anyone bothers with necropsies when nobody waits for results….there really was a magnetic pole shift and ”online” sources are Johnny on the spot…. as usual. Sensationalism sells. [/FONT] Seacowboys> "Just my .02 worth; birds falling out of the sky and fish floating to the surface is just wrong." Industrialized agricultural practices that include but aren't limited to the use of Monsanto's GM plants dependent on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides do take their toll. These mortality events fly in under the radar for many reasons... corruption at the highest levels comes to mind. As far as hosing grackles.... we should be routinely hosing introduced pigeons, European starlings, and English house sparrows but then... PETA and HSUS would be breathing down our backs on behalf of their "feathered" friends. These organizations don't care about the very real threats these species pose to public health....
Well, I don't know what it is that killed those birds, the fish, and whatever else. I am open to ideas, and I currently favor anything not supported by an alphabet agency. Typically, that has proven to be an excellent compass for truth. In any case, even if it were another harmless mass die-off caused by natural, unrelated events -you won't hear me complaining. I believe the whole argument between Al and I earlier started when Al misinterpreted a link I posted for reference as my own opinion, and then he assumed I made a contradiction and that I have an IQ of the average soldier of around 75. But, that's all water under the bridge.
To each situation is brought a new set of variables and that's without factoring in tipping points. God throws lots of curve balls you know. FWIW.... I love your posts...you've got a good "sniffer" on you. I really need to get to my laundry.... it's pretty backed up from me screwing around with produce all morning while running back and forth to the computer. Be well.... take care of that sniffer of yours.... it's a keeper IMHO.
It's about time we began doing something about European starlings. They're feathered rats..... they pose a serious threat to human health that's well documented and scientifically irrefutable. Right now when they're roosting in high numbers is the best time to target them with minimal risk to non-target species. European starlings and English house sparrows are afforded absolutely positively NO protection by the migratory bird treaty act for good reason.
From the story: Unrelated. Also, it isn't related. Additionally, it isn't related at all. Finally, it has no relation to the mass bird die-offs.
My thoughts are that there, for whatever reasons, are pockets of possibly hydrogen gass or some other lighter element traveling in the thermals and birds fly through them, sufficate and/or are no longer able to provide lift with their wings due to lighter specific gravity and fall to their deaths; ie: blunt-trauma.
Not for that mortality event. DRC 1339 is 3-chloro-p-toluidine hydrochloride. That's a Starlicide... it's a slow acting poison I described previously, "[FONT="]Pesticides used for “nuisance” bird control of species like the European Starling are known and generally have two effects. First being pesticides that only kill a fraction of the flock soon after feeding causing the remaining birds to behave in such a way that alarms the flock resulting in evacuation of the area… which is a desirable effect since thousands move on to become another community’s public health issue. Second kills the majority of the birds over a 2 to 3 day period of time with most dropping at or near the roosting site… which tends to outrage the public (think of the “mess” and their outdoor fluffies and spots ingesting poisoned birds) and can negatively impact non-target species not to mention higher order predators.[/FONT]" DRC 1339 is preferred because it's "safer" around domestic animals running at large.... off-leash dogs and outdoor cats.
We killed some of the birds, but not all of the birds. Yeah, that's the ticket. And we killed the Honey Bees too, but that was an accident - yeah, an accident. We didn't know they'd die, honest. We're just protecting our phony baloney jobs. We're not responsible.
No Drumbo.... not exactly. They finally did something in the best interests of public health when they poisoned those starlings and their timing was impeccable.... they didn't kill birds per se.... they killed a highly invasive species introduced to this continent by humans in love with the idea of introducing Americans to the birds of Shakespeare.... mainly the European Starling and the English House Sparrow. These birds do not belong on this continent, they wreak havoc in the fragile ecosystems you and I depend upon for our very survival and their sheer numbers place our farmers who feed the "huddled masses" at a disadvantage. A flock of starlings can pick a field clean of seed in the blink of an eye. Additionally.... that very same flock of starlings can poop out weed seeds in ready made fertlizer packs that will necessitate the spraying of even more herbicides to ensure crop yields remain level. This is without addressing communicable diseases crossing the species barrier which concerns me more. These species of birds truly are feathered rats. Regarding bee decline.... you would be correct. Our self-imposed monarchy is protecting its "stakeholders".... those folk we put in office are protecting BigAg... BigChem and....BigPharma because we let them and... the World Bank and the likes of Goldman Sachs do nothing but rake in the cash for their "stakeholders".
I understand the problem of the "pest" birds. What I don't understand is how they target the starlings and limit unintended consequences to (for example) turtle doves. I'm not a scientist and I don't play one on the Internet but, neither do I trust all "official" statements that say "move along - nothing to see here". Supposedly they can develop a toxic pesticide that euthanizes only blackbirds, starlings, cowbirds and grakles and is safe for all other birds (nearly ten thousand species) "primarily using pesticides that the government says are not harmful to pets or humans." Primarily? Primarily not harmful to pets or humans? What does that mean? Can they develop a toxin that kills only redheaded Irishmen, but has no effect on hispanics, asians, etc.? I admit I don't understand it. I'm ignorant, I just found the timing of the article and the government denials to be interesting and perhaps suspicious enough to add 2¢ to a tin foil topic I've been lurking in. I read so much stuff here in this forum and I say very little because I just don't know what I'm talking about. If its unrelated, so be it. The noob is a dope. I know that bird kills and fish kills are not rare. I know they happen every year. I know that many are unexplained. I had pretty much witten the whole thing off as much ado about nothing - just another distraction by the media. It's just that after the Honeybee discussion I wonder what the hell is really going on?
Right on, brother. Some people can never be convinced that we live on borrowed time until after the fact has presented itself and the human race is slated on the endangered list. We have had to deal with so much double-think, that even wise men become fools and we are left with what resembles bumbling idiots, regurgitating the party line credo. I also wonder what is going on, and for the most part, I do not make assumptions. I understand what we are really dealing with, and that reality cannot be side-stepped. That said, not everything is always what it seems. It is usually the radical religious crowd and those fervently devoted to extremist views who make others, like myself look bad. This is an unfortunate example of how terribly wrong our society has become; when common sense eludes so many due to their own fear and indifference, we stand on the precipice of change, alone -- as the timid lay comfortable in their central air with NBC hypnotists reassuring them all will be fine in the world. Who knows what killed those birds? What makes me more upset is the fact that the bio-research lab is being moved from the shores of NJ to midland, USA. H1N1 and swine flu? What about bubonic plague? Anthrax from our own Delaware research labs used in terrorist plots? Maybe it's the flu vaccines Bill Gates and other globalists are heralding as the cure for all their problems? Don't worry, thimerosal may cause Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility...fluoride and lithium in the tap water and nobody is concerned, I wonder why? H1N1 Children Sing Ring Around the Rosie « Ahrcanum "Hello, I'm Tom Brokaw! This is NBC nightly news..." *you are now getting sleepy* Zombies believe anything. The "crazy conspiracy theorists" are the ones pushing the evidence and braving the storms. And these folks stand to gain...exactly...nothing, except their freedom. But as we have recently witnessed, even a bird which flies so freely can suddenly fall from grace.
Drumbo> "I'm not a scientist and I don't play one on the Internet but, neither do I trust all "official" statements that say "move along - nothing to see here"." You're a wise man. No one needs to be a scientist. I'm pretty sure we're going to "discover" a new class of insecticides known as neonicotinoids is responsible for many native bird and honey bee deaths. Pull those off the shelves as other countries have done and "stakeholders".... won't be happy. Common sense like what broker said is all one needs when reading most press releases while keeping in mind that they're constantly trying to sell us on their interpretation of what's ecologically responsible and what isn't based on their peer reviewed "science". "The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule." - H. L. Mencken Broker> "H1N1 and swine flu? What about bubonic plague? Anthrax....Don't worry, thimerosal may cause Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility...fluoride and lithium in the tap water and nobody is concerned, I wonder why?" Witch Doctor addressed most of this quite well... post #2, http://www.survivalmonkey.com/forum...-question-about-living-shelter-full-time.html. Did you know that during the Bush administration a President's Cancer Panel was directed to address your concerns? I'm pretty sure this may shed some light on our predicament, http://deainfo.nci.nih.gov/advisory/pcp/annualReports/pcp08-09rpt/PCP_Report_08-09_508.pdf To jumpstart this national effort, the President’s Cancer Panel (the Panel) dedicated its 2008–2009 activities to examining the impact of environmental factors on cancer risk. The Panel considered industrial, occupational, and agricultural exposures as well as exposures related to medical practice, military activities, modern lifestyles, and natural sources. In addition, key regulatory, political, industrial, and cultural barriers to understanding and reducing environmental and occupational carcinogenic exposures were identified. The attached report presents the Panel’s recommendations to mitigate or eliminate these barriers." Unfortunately.... our current administration doesn't appear to be interested in pursuing the recommendations of the report in favor of pursuing all things "globally warm" these days. That being said.... our National Science Foundation is focused on funding CO² reducing technologies capable of "fueling" carbon markets to the exclusion of all other "sciences" so.... there just isn't enough money to pursue any of the "recommendations" from the panel anyway and besides which.... to do so would surely compromise relationships with their "stakeholders" and they couldn't allow that now could they. "The terrible immoralities are the cunning ones hiding behind masks of morality, such as exploiting people while pretending to help them"
That's ok.... no worries.... in my opinion it boils down to common sense just like you said and you've got it. Trust your instincts. I've read your posts.... you've got a good "sniffer" on you for corruption. I've no doubt you'll be able to continue spotting it without it slapping you in the face. We'd be in a lot better shape if more Americans started listening to their little voices as opposed to ignoring or downplaying them. Hey.... I know italics and I found bold.... I know how to add photos and send a private message....what more is there>>>? Just kidding but the last time I tried screwing around with all the buttons I lost a post I'd been typing. My broccoli's ready to come out of the dehydrator.... Nighty night.
haha, well BBcode is fun once you get the hang of it. [ ] with the word quote inside the brackets starts a quote, and [ ] with /quote is to close the quote and goes at the end. If you wanted to include a person's name, just type [ ] quote="name" (inside the brackets). Of course, nothing is easier than clicking the QUOTE button, but...then a little editing is in order if you don't want all the info inside the quote. Most folks can't really read that tiny italicized font, and I usually skip over it. But, maybe I am just being too picky.
In case you missed it on the Back To Basics forum - I think we already have: Wik-Bee Leaks: EPA Document Shows It Knowingly Allowed Pesticide That Kills Honey Bees Read more SurvivalMonkey.com: http://www.survivalmonkey.com/forum/back-basics/10757-emergency-food-honey.html#ixzz1CFYHi0my Related: Timeline of a Bee Massacre: EPA Still Allowing Hive-Killing Pesticide Beekeeper Who Leaked EPA Documents: "I Don't Think We Can Survive This Winter" The EPA: Killing Honey Bees and Keeping Silent on Colony Collapse Disorder EPA Defends Approval of Bayer's Bee-Killing Pesticide | Sustainable Food
I have been reading this thread in hopes to find some more good information. The information is fractured at best...and I found this video which seems to make at least an attempt at plausible theories about many of these things going on. Explanations about HAARP Antennas, dead birds and fish en masse (locations correlating to HAARP Antennas), weather modification...the new madrid fault...etc. Most of the article pasted here. This certainly qualifies for News Underground. This video is quite disturbing. It also appears to be "way out there" because normal people in America do not pay attention to such things. Considering that recently birds fell dead out of the sky in great numbers and fish ended up dead in rivers in great numbers, at least someone is trying to make sense of such things. Do you have an explanation? Perhaps one that was not spoon fed to you by the media machine? To add to the oddity of dead birds and dead fish in America, these types of events are happening all over the world. This Youtuber equates these events with HAARP projects and weather modification projects and chem-trailing. He does so for good reason. Connecting the dots. Also, this seems to oddly tie into earthquakes and fault zones all over the planet. But he specifically focuses on the New Madrid fault zone. That would sound crazy if you just hear it on the surface...but the Department of Homeland Security is making plans for an event of catastrophic proportions, and looking for large companies who can supply pre-packaged foods, blankets, and other disaster related materials for the purpose of supplying seven million people with 2 meals a day and 14 million blankets for a specific scenario based on the New Madrid fault. The Department of Homeland Security wants to know if these companies can distribute the requested goods to CONUS distribution facilities. It all gets kind of weird and unbelievable...the level of coordination that is being put into something that has not happened yet. Not to mention that the Gulf oil spill disaster took place quite near the New Madrid fault. Look at the video...suspend your suspicions just for a bit before you bring judgement on this fellow. Very interesting indeed. Whatever we have coming down the pike...know that God is still on the throne and you should be preparing your soul by getting closer to Jesus...no matter what.
The Mutant Zombie Apocalypse has begun Not Related: Missing vial of VX nerve agent locks down Dugway | The Salt Lake Tribune
Watchman220, unless you have significant, provable information, about some kind of bird or animal killoffs, IN Alaska, your HAARP thing is bogus. There is only ONE HAARP Location, and it is in Alaska, and is not yet, in full Operational Mode, as they are still building the Antenna Farm, and calibrating the emitters. Project funding has been cut back, but the project is still ongoing. .....