DEA wants to hassle Mormons or preppers...

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by CATO, May 21, 2012.

  1. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Once aga
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2016
    steeled likes this.
  2. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    Absolutes keep me and others out of trouble. Lawyers love wiggle room.
    gunbunny and larryinalabama like this.
  3. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    and I believe that absolutes get people into trouble.

    There is not a law of man or god that I am not will to break in the protection of my family. I will kill my enemy or slay my enemy as the situation dictates when the intent is to kill or slay me or my family. If your God sends me directly into the bowels of hell, so be it. It is a consequence I am willing to risk.
    chelloveck and tulianr like this.
  4. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    You are not my enemy. I shall pray for you and trust The Father to show you the same mercy he has shown me (a most unrighteous person).

    larryinalabama likes this.
  5. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    At least one translation of the Greek (or Aramaic, not sure) indicates that "Thou shalt not murder" was the original text. You can see the difference in application.
    chelloveck, jungatheart and tulianr like this.
  6. Bluenote

    Bluenote Monkey

    So everyone of an athiest/Agnostic bent or from a religious system that has no specific Deity is immoral?

    Interesting , highly judgemental but interesting.

    A coupla verses...........

    " Judge not lest ye be judged."

    " Remove the log from thy own eye brother , before worrying about the mote in another's."

    Perhaps you forgot those verses?
    Tracy likes this.
  7. Bluenote

    Bluenote Monkey

    You're crawfishing. Tell me would you call Ted Haggard " Moral"? Hows about Fred Phelps and his clown circus? Is he a moral man?

    I understand though , making a claim that a significant portion of the world has no morals because they don't believe as you do is a rather hard position to support.
    Quigley_Sharps and tulianr like this.
  8. Tracy

    Tracy Insatiably Curious Moderator Founding Member

    Interesting. I don't see mention of Mormons or preppers in the article at all. Just freeway-drivers.

    How did you derive that they were picking on those two groups?
  9. Bluenote

    Bluenote Monkey

    Sheer hypocrisy , nope not the enemy , just not " worthy ".......and how is it that the Bible says to treat the unbeliever?

    Would you care to support your position from doctrine? Not that you'll be able to , of course.

    This isn't quite fair though , I know *exactly* where you're coming from , so lets give you a little perspective on where *I* am coming from.

    I'm living proof that longterm exposure to aberrant Christianity , it's tenets and doctrine , it's educational system and it's adherents can eventually produce an Agnostic/Athiest.

    And bluntly , until Christianity cleans up it's own house then it's adherents have no business passing judgements on others "morals".

    In point of actual *FACT* , much of Christendom is no longer anything but **institutional religion** geared towards perpetuation of the given denomination and control of the individual believer to continue to perpetuate the denomination.

    Likewise FACT , the Mosaic Laws as derived from Leviticus that certain denominations would have forced upon folks bear little difference in application from Sharia Law.

    And both groups seek political power.

    Furthermore , the division into denominations , all caterwauling that they " Have The Truth " is divisive to the Body of Christ , i.e. Believers in toto , and antithetical to the Biblical model of Christianity.

    Never mind that the Mosaic Laws never applied to Gentiles in the first place.

    Shall we discuss what Flavius Josephus stated as regards " blind adherence to the law " and it's consequences?

    Or perhaps the probable early *tribal* origin of the basic moral code? Prior to religion ever popping into Mankind's pointy little heads.
    chelloveck, steeled and tulianr like this.
  10. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    Had you listened and thought about what I said you'd know it wasn't me making the decision, but God. I have no say in the matter, but perhaps you can address Him and get more satisfaction.
    larryinalabama likes this.
  11. Bluenote

    Bluenote Monkey

    That *is* an interesting question. Though FedGov is a bit at odds in some ways with Mormon culture. Though that is more correctly with the non mainstream sects.

    Seems more like a way to keep an eye on everybody to me.
  12. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Please continue the religious debate in the Faith and Religion subforum. This thread has drifted off topic. We'll keep it open for other thinking on the OP, at least for now.
    Mountainman likes this.
  13. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    Well Tracy, they're just not going to come out and tell you they're hassling people for their beliefs. I was making a leap of course...with a little bit of tin-foil hat for good measure. always, I am prone to hyperbole. [stirpot]

    I just don't see the southern area of Utah to be the hotbed of criminal activity that they say...relative to other areas. Top that with "I don't believe in coincidental occurrences."

    The stretch:

    Utah is full of Mormons...Romney is a Mormon --> perhaps someone in Washington gave a wink and a nod, then someone else turned up the heat on them just to be dicks.

    Utah is also full of people who are not dependent on the govt. (for whatever reason). Generally, these people are more likely to fit the FBI's watchlist of domestic terrorists than the real, this is just another annoyance for those people.

    A better place to use this technology would be I-95 if you were actually looking for drugs, but this whole thing really doesn't make any sense. And by that, I mean their argument is specious--it sounds good to the sheep, but, if you really think about it, it just doesn't serve any purpose other just another step closer to a police state.
    steeled and Quigley_Sharps like this.
  14. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Last edited: Jun 28, 2016
  15. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    I'll send you a PM on this.
  16. Bluenote

    Bluenote Monkey

    Uh HUH. Translation , you are ill-equipped to discuss the issue and so will avoid it with the standard " party line ".........

    Satisfaction? Do us all a favor please and dispense with the " talking down to the great Unwashed " tone , please? I'm asking that VERY politely here.

    This may be taken for conceit by you , it is however NOT. If you are so ill-equipped as to avoid a simple question with a yes or no answer then you are most *certainly* not equipped to debate with *me* as regards this subject or issue.

    What would give me " satisfaction " would be Believers such as yourself dispensing with the moral judgements of others and to exercise the common respect for others that they themselves demand.

    Now if you'd like a crash course in aberrant Christendom , all the way from Mo Berg and C.O.G ( google flirty fishing for some "moral" behavior , to Aimee Semple MacPherson " walking out of the desert " to the oft semi covered SDA-Shepherd's Rod-Davidian-Branch Davidian connection , well we can do that one in spades there bud , and then we can start going back through history , right back to items such as the Waldensian Inquistions and the like.

    All ya gotta do for that is to talk down to me one more time.

    On the OTHER hand , a civil discussion *could* be had as regards these subjects , differences in doctrine etc.etc.

    Personally I give folks free room to breathe and believe , proselytisers who won't let up and won't give me the same , well I tend to GET the room to breathe.
    tulianr likes this.
  17. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Dude, give it a rest already. Not everybody likes religion shoved down their throat.
    chelloveck, steeled and tulianr like this.
  18. Bluenote

    Bluenote Monkey

    PM's from you will be *ignored* , common tactic from those in your position. There will be *no* " he said , "No he said" within the context of this.

    And stop with the standard regurgitated party line , along with answering IN the quoted text , that's transparent.

    Interesting tactic :" prove my doctrine WRONG" , you already have. Judgementalism is an error , you're judgemental to the NTH degree.

    " The Bible is From God".........inspired Word written down by a " Prophet" is the Quoran , ask any Islamic adherent.

    Hey want to examine a few denominations classed as **CULTS** ( see Hoekema ) , all from roughly the same section of the country and same period of time , most having connections to the " Great Disappointment of 1849 "?

    Present an arguement please , something besides the preprogrammed propaganda you're regurgitating in an effort ( in vain I might add) at basic obfuscation.

    Oh and when ya get to it , "proof texting" won't do you any good whatsoever.
  19. Bluenote

    Bluenote Monkey

    Will do , hopefully without offending other religious adherents present there.

    Will edit/remove posts herein if necessary.
    steeled and Quigley_Sharps like this.
  20. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    We have heard this bull **** before, can anyone say instacheck [wannamesswitme]

    Whats the significant s of saving it for two years??? things that make you go huuum.
    steeled and ghrit like this.
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