David Rockefeller Dead

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mindgrinder, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Mark Zuckerberg is his grandson. Not only is he next, but IMO has already done more evil than is late grand pappy and we have only seen the beginning.
    Yard Dart and Dunerunner like this.
  2. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    I don't think Ill shed a tear if say someone with the last name of Rockefeller, Clinton, Sores, Pelosi Etc. Etc.
    Goes to room temperature and next stop is a dance with the Devil, Somehow they have strived to entertain the Demons of Hades
    Yard Dart and Mountainman like this.
  3. Mindgrinder

    Mindgrinder Karma Pirate Ninja|RIP 12-25-2017

    Sorry ghrit. You've been duped by MSM.

    The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics
    Eugenics would have been so much bizarre parlor talk had it not been for extensive financing by corporate philanthropies, specifically the Carnegie Institution, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Harriman railroad fortune. They were all in league with some of America's most respected scientists hailing from such prestigious universities as Stamford, Yale, Harvard, and Princeton. These academicians espoused race theory and race science, and then faked and twisted data to serve eugenics' racist aims.
    "We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."
    He went on to explain:
    "It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."
    -- David Rockefeller, Speaking at the June, 1991 Bilderberger meeting in Baden, Germany (a meeting also attended by then-Governor Bill Clinton and by Dan Quayle

    Theres much more where that came from but i'll not pester you with a long rant.
    3M-TA3 and Brokor like this.
  4. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    You can be quite sure I've been to the carny. Well enough, I could be duped but not by the MSM. I still fail to see how an obvious capitalist can be equated to a commie or any one of the other lesser philosophies. To say, those that promote a NWO nearly MUST be capitalistic to establish and maintain mastery.

    To add, your link puts emphasis on Carnegies, Rockefellers, and Harrimans (wasn't there a demodummy by that name?) contributions to studying eugenics (really!!) which may have proven advantageous to Hilter and his minions in some way, but something (I'll leave it to the student to figure out what) derailed that social experiment in the radical right.

    So Davey lauded the specific pubs for supporting the NWO cause, and specifically mentions the moral superiority of the rich, white "intellectuals" that are supposedly most suited for responsible governance. That is an entirely different matter than being left leaning, tho' is certainly points to interpretive articles in those pubs, to say editorials, than to reporting news.

    FWIW, I cannot fault pub owners for editorializing, as long as the editorials are clearly opinion. When some effing reporter deals out an opinion as fact, I get, um, annoyed, the moreso because there's nothing useful I can to do counter it beyond speaking up and out, and contributing to the "right" organizations.
    Mindgrinder likes this.
  5. Mindgrinder

    Mindgrinder Karma Pirate Ninja|RIP 12-25-2017

    It's generally a good indicator of support for the NWO agenda when you see "capitalists" and "philanthropists" conspiring together at events such as Bilderberg, UN, CFR etc. The vertical integration that is generally applied by winning capitalists is oxymoronic to mix with social welfare, social justice and communist ideology. Where the convergence is, you'll find the people who want to tax you into changing your lifestyle to comply with their preferences and profit margins. At the extreme, this is slavery by consent. At the best, making smoking so expensive that you quit only works if you actually quit before you give "them" all your money.
    Hence - left is to right what right is to left.

    Hope that makes sense...
    Mountainman and Brokor like this.
  6. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Not complete a-holes...but:

    The Rockefeller Foundation is a private foundation based at 420 Fifth Avenue, New York City. It was established by the six-generation Rockefeller family. The Foundation was started by Standard Oil owner John D. Rockefeller ("Senior"), along with his son John D. Rockefeller Jr. ("Junior"), and Senior's principal oil and gas business and philanthropic advisor, Frederick Taylor Gates, in New York State on May 14, 1913, when its charter was formally accepted by the New York State Legislature. Its stated mission is "promoting the well-being of humanity throughout the world."

    Its positive activities have included:
    Some of its infamous activities include:
    As of 2015, the Foundation was ranked as the 39th largest U.S. foundation by total giving.By year-end 2008 assets were tallied at $3.1 billion from $4.6 billion in 2007, with annual grants of $137 million.
    ghrit likes this.
  7. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Fearing Kek??? More a case of abhorring the kakka that comes from "Kek's" twitter account.

    Feeling comfy about calling for his death?....no....that would be too easy, and would only make him a martyr. The abject humiliation of impeachment, and being told to the whole of the USA, resoundingly and unequivocally..."Your Fired" (Donald) would be far more satisfying. Of course, the other carbuncle will only take Donald's place...but at least Pence has a more convincing claim to be considered a Christian than Donald....Ye gods....Barry is a better Christian than Donald...and everyone knows that Barry's a Muslim!
  8. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    It's easy to be heralded as a great philanthropist when you've inherited a fiefdom from a family directly tied to the private banking cartel which owns two-thirds of the planet. I suppose it's par for course with these types --the Freemasons also routinely involve themselves with charity and community services, and yet they are led by the B'nai B'rith Zionists who couldn't care less if every last Goyim meets a slow, painful, cancerous demise. BUT I DIGRESS.

    Keep promoting Rockefeller medicine, that ought to serve you well in the end.
  9. Mindgrinder

    Mindgrinder Karma Pirate Ninja|RIP 12-25-2017

  10. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Oh boy! I was waiting for this. Thank you James Corbett.
    Everything you need to know about David Rockefeller.

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