Your assuming a Combat Zone... Libya wasn't considered a Combat Zone... At the time of the incident.. Different ROIs... Especially considering with the image Obummer's was trying to portray....
The AC-130s are there to protect assets in a rapid response role. To respond rapidly, the crew is near the aircraft and it is ready to go. In that mode, the ROE would be get in the air and wait for clearance to engage; its just the way the military handles it. 2. Reports also indicate a Specter gunship, probably an AC-130, was in the area for backup. The gunship could have swooped in and not only leveled the playing field in the match between 50 attackers vs a handful of security personnel, it could have thrown the attack decisively in favor of the security personnel. 'Stand Down': U.S. Had Two Drones, AC-130 Gunship, and Targets Painted in Benghazi Someone told the military to stand down or they would have responded; not taken off, but been on station to respond. Neither 0bama or Panetta's excuses work. The CIC made the choice not to protect the assets; in this case CIC expands to coward in chief.
The fact that two flag rank officers immediately got called on the carpet for trying to do their jobs tells me that some one WAY up the pay scale turned coward or worse treasonous still brings up bile in my mouth. POTUS says the buck stops with him. I agree.
Obama should be held responsible, but same as fast and furious he will avoid it. Already both the race and gender cards have been played for Rice. All the systems reacted and then stood down. Good men were relieved of command by a coward.