I had the same thought @Brokor you can change the elevation to 400ft (122m) on the map without a subscriptionby looking up location then at the top change the elevation (there is a box above the map)
You know I think you're great and everything, but might I ask why on Earth you linked me? Or whatever that's called. Instant rage. I think you meant to linky mention somebody else...
my bad i thought you said you couldnt change the elevation without being a member... perhaps i misread and instant rage me thinks you need a vacation
The only way a Geomagnetic Storm could possibly effect an UnderSea Fiber Cable is if the Landing Equipment on both ends were not in Shielded Buildings... Seawater is a great buffer to that kind of thing, as well as the depth of the cable...
The fiber is sheathed in a solid copper 'tube'. This is used to carry power to the amplifiers in line, The 'ground' side is seawater. So, it is 1000s of miles of ungrounded copper. wire. The seawater has no effect on geomagnetic processes - IOW shielding no got. like this
The solar micronova just grew legs. That's a chunk of cohesive plasma blasting away from the sun. The impossible concept of plasma that sticks together as its blasted away from the sun just got confirmed.