Community- Then, Now, and Post SHTF

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by TheJackBull, Aug 16, 2021.

  1. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    TheJackBull and Gator 45/70 like this.
  2. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Bona-fided veteran of many a hurricane and knee deep in your house flooding.
    Men cook outside and drink beer, The women do the fixings on the side and everyone helps watch the kids.
    Night watch is set up for looters and believe me, One doesn't want to get caught looting around here.
    After the looter is beaten down a deputy on patrol may or may-not drive by and simply ask if there's anything he needs to know about?
    Strange car drives down your street? Men pick up those old duck guns and ask, Can I help you?
    What that really means is if you don't have real business on the street then it's best you carry that ass on back where you came from.
    Last one Laura neighbors new generator quit running on him,3 guys were gathered around it while one was tracing the wiring to the kill switch, I told him to disconnect the low oil level shut-down wire, The owner was like Why? It's full of oil.
    Me, Just do it,The biggest reason for unexplained generator shut-downs and won't crank is the low oil level switch or sensor.
    They did and it fired right up 1st pull.
  3. TheJackBull

    TheJackBull Monkey+++

    @Gator 45/70 that is a good point, beyond the security and childcare that was offered, problem solving is key. You knew something your neighbor did not. How greatly was his life improved that day because you were willing to step up and share your knowledge with the community? I'll remember that trick as well. thank you
    chelloveck and Gator 45/70 like this.
  4. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @TheJackBull Your comments did give me an idea of a pre-made, pre-planned community that is national in scale and do actively assist each other.

    Their planning and preparation amazes - no - astounds me! I speak about the LDS community (Latter Day Saints). I got into a conversation with a section leader here (I guess that is what you would call them) and he was telling me about the stored fuel, trucks to deliver food and fuel and etc., how they had enough stored to feed not only their own but a large portion of other folk for quite a while. How they have firearm training, radio networks setup with constant check-ins to include daily check-in with their main church in another state (think it is Utah). While I don't remember the specifics or every detail, I do remember my jaw hitting my chest I was so astounded at the scope and detailed planning.

    I also remember thinking that if the SHTF in a very bad way then these guys would without a doubt be in charge given their level of preparation and planning and even though they are very nice people it sort of scared me to be honest.
    GOG and Gator 45/70 like this.
  5. TheJackBull

    TheJackBull Monkey+++

    @Bandit99 Yes the LDS community is well prepared and willing to work together to help others. It may be why I'm partial to the "community theory" is that I have been a part of that particular community my entire life. No matter where I lived, big or small, that community was there. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail, right? So why not plan for and practice community centric responses to aid in resolving issues like natural disasters, pandemics, civil unrest, or economic hardships? It only makes sense to me to continue to grow communities post TSHTF. If they didnt work, or we didnt realize the benifits of community, then why do the VAST majorities of people all over the world continue to flock to or create themselves a community. I stongly believe the postives outweigh the negitives. I'll be honest, not everyone in the LDS faith is in the same frame of mind. We dont all agree on everything. We, like any group of people have a vast array of differing opinions. I am part of a large LDS community (over 16 million is more of a society), but not everyone in said community will be a part of my smaller "sub" community, if you will. I think the word Community scares some people, I feel that they think it must be some large group when in fact, its the opposite. Community is the smaller groups that exist inside a larger society. Why just prepare to survive, when you could prepare to THRIVE!

    Thats one reason to discuss this topic, why not "prep" people along with supplies? Why cant we teach and train before; support and aid eachother after, a catastrophic event? I do appreaciate all the points of views especially those that contradict my way of thinking, that is how I learn and helps me form, change, or solidify my stance/opinion. I believe that we can thrive in a post TSHTF (short term and long term) much more effectively in numbers, be it great numbers or small numbers. "We" catch more fish, harvest more game, carry more water, secure a larger perimeter, and erect walls much faster than the lone man. I can do all of these alone, but the efficiency is greatly diminished.
    TinyDreams, GOG, BTPost and 1 other person like this.
  6. GOG

    GOG Free American Monkey

    It's a great topic and one I've contemplated often. Thanks @TheJackBull for putting it out there.
  7. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    "Lights Out" by Ted Koppel is a book mostly about the frailty of the power grid, but it has a few chapters about preppers and especially the Mormons. The Mormons produce, process, store and distribute a truly vast amount of food each year, and are prepared to do so even in a real life, honest to God SHTF situation. Think FEMA, only bigger and way more efficient!
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  8. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    don't even a gun to confront the majority of these punk azz trash - they don't like it when they have been seen & observed - LET IT BE KNOWN

    caught a porch pirate or burglary gang frontman the other week >> live in a "dead-end" neighborhood - only one reason to be there from the outside - this azzhole was driving up & down the streets obviously checking things out - caught him in an intersection and he took off for good - 2 nites later there was an attempted car theft/burglary .....
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  9. TheJackBull

    TheJackBull Monkey+++

    @Wildbilly Ive heard of this book a few times. I need to find me a copy. Do we have a Monkey support Amazon link for it?
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  10. Navyair

    Navyair Monkey++

  11. TheJackBull

    TheJackBull Monkey+++

    Sweet just purchased thanks.
  12. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    We used to have “community “ but have now been flooded with rich retired Kalis, and Easterners. The town has doubled in size during the last year, and a bunch of locals are selling and moving elsewhere, resulting in a mess here. It will be far worse when the SHTF.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  13. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Well there you go, Just keep you're head down and if asked any questions about prep's just tell them they need a Priest, some beads and holy water.
    Or don't be a ''D'' like me and make ice cold margaritas and stand in the driveway after Katrina passed waving at the new neighbors say'n How ya doing?
    jim2, SB21 and CraftyMofo like this.
  14. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    The LDS 'community' (theocracy) exists owing to the shared memory of being hunted down and shot like dogs - it is ingrained in their mythology. (It did happen - Han's Mill is but one example)

    With that background, they, mostly as a group, do a very good job of being ready to go it alone - as a group. This is one reason in my World of the Chernyi series, I have the intermountain west / Wasach Front as the first area in the US to react, recover and later, prosper.

    My take on 'community' is one of self-interest of like-minded individuals associating voluntarily for their own specific reasons - as noted, like a radio or Jeep club.

    A 'society' on the other hand is living with others within a set of agreed upon rules When those rules - written or by custom, are regularly violated, then that 'society' disintegrates. Welcome to America - we are at the End of Empire stage of being. The future will be interesting, to say the least.
    jim2 and Gator 45/70 like this.
  15. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Who makes the rules?
    the guy with the most toys?
    the biggest guns?
    the property owner?
    A select group of individuals?
    All that have donated X amount?
    the greatest skilled?
    the highest educated?
    Will there even be a vote?

    I had thought this over years ago when it was discussed and as much as I think what might work, it's idealistic.
    My proposal works in stages of natural progression seeing the events we have come through and how people respect rule of law.NOT.
    Never the less without rule of law mob rule can backfire so easily.
    In the beginning there needs to be some what of a socialist order in order to survive initially. All having a vote and those that do not participate get one ration a day, to share with those that cannot perform reliable service to the community.
    Those that cannot perform reliable service to the community have no vote, and depend on those willing to share their portion.
    Some one new has no vote, no portion until they are excepted by all.
    Children can participate thus earning their own portion.
    One can save part of their portion for the future or give part of their portion to others in barter for goods and services.
    Behaviors that may tend to jeopardize the group may face severe consequences. Not expulsion, due to the fact members have security access, all are armed and trained. A jail as it were, but he only eats if some one is sharing their portion with him.
    If there is a disagreement, every one is invited to hear the evidence and participate if necessary. NO one is exempt from this open examination.
    If accusations are false the accuser is further examined and the reputation noted.
    A holding area would contain the newcomers and be under constant surveillance to determine their honesty and ability to fit in.
    Some one claiming to be a doctor must prove it, the same with any other profession, Not merely by words but with actual performance. and again these don't eat unless some one is sharing their portion with them.
    There are likely to be lots of children, both likely to be spies sent to find us out and inside intel, and others that are genuinely on their own and behave well enough to be trusted. Still as well must only get food form those that are willing to share with them.
    There is no guilt pressure to feed them, being unproven. We know the con games they are capable of.
    As things progress and people develop skills that enhance the community barter can continue and the community is strengthened.
    Security teams are supported and parts of their agenda are to watch the camp and patrol the inner and outer perimeter and explore the fringe areas for useful materials and those also that might be of value to the community. and deal with threats as well.
    My own thoughts.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  16. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    I do indeed keep my head down. When I arrived here on 06' there was a sizable community of preppers in the town and even way out in the country. General Pop 3,500. I still see a few of them at the rifle range now and again, but many have passed on, moved, or whatever.
    My Pastor (now passed away) had said that God showed him this would be a refuge town. With the Pakistani realtors boasting of building 1,000 houses, this is going to be a lot of peopl as it is. I am guessing we will break 10K before it is all said and done.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
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