Communications White Paper... MonkeyNet is here....

Discussion in 'Survival Communications' started by BTPost, Nov 7, 2011.

  1. paraclete

    paraclete Monkey

    SO I read WP1 and I like the system. What is the best way to initiate setting up the system.
  2. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    @paraclete Get the Software, Load it into a windows Computer, and start Playing with it.... Then ask questions....
  3. Qwertyportne

    Qwertyportne Monkey

    Wow, I am impressed with this plan to keep connected in a SHTF situation. I read the pdf file but understand very little of what it says. I currently have a 2M tech license, but it's been years since I hooked up with any of the local stations where I live. Is there a way to get a basic guide to understanding what the pdf file is telling me to do? My wife and I live in a condo where external antennas are not allowed. So, I'm limited to my hand-held transmitter/receiver. That makes me think I need to find out which stations in my area are hooked up with other stations here in SoCal?
  4. Qwertyportne

    Qwertyportne Monkey

    Hmm... no answers yet. Last response was 2016. Maybe it's a dead issue. Or I asked a stupid question. Wouldn't be the first time.
  5. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Not a “Dead Issue” until I am dead, and gone… There a few other Longtime Monkeys, still around, that can get anyone who is interested in the Technology, a copy of the software…

    We came up with this over a decade ago, but it is still viable, today…
    VisuTrac likes this.
  6. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I really should update OnePad and Stego.
    I see the application is dated 2011.
    Probably still runs on the latest version of windows.
    I am pretty sure the source code is one of the encrypted drives I've got in cold storage.

    I'd uploaded it to mega upload and possible to google drive but it's been years since I used that account. It may be closed.
  7. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I do see that there is a download link to the DVD that I use to send to site supporters way back when.
    That link saved me a bunch of money on postage and shipping supplies.
  8. scpn

    scpn Monkey+++

    I read through this again for the first time in years because Qwertyportne's post generated an email notice. I never did follow through on the part of it as I have no way to contact y'all anyway. I have Windows 10 now, so I should be able to install and run the apps now, although I would need to get the download(s) again. But, I think some new/alternate ideas would be worth considering for some of us. The people I would hope to communicate with will not attempt anything this daunting. We need something like a remedial Comms for Dummies plan (but call it something else!). But even that would depend on some sort of radio use, which is a no-go for too many relatives or friends, but at least not a impasse for HAMs.

    @Qwertyportne "in a condo" "in Southern California" - forget elaborate comms until you improve your location (get out of So. Cal. and in a rural area and in a single family house).
    Qwertyportne likes this.
  9. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    The ONE PAD System is as simple, and Secure, as anything on earth, for conveying information between two points… the Security only depends on keeping the PADS secure on each end, and nothing else. Using a “Phrase PAD” is the Simplest and Best Encryption ever invented to date, on this planet. It can be taught to anyone ten years old, and older, in about an hour.. This system is TOTAL TRANSPORT Layer independent, which means how the message gets communicated from one end to the other is TOTALLY IRRELEVANT to the information in the message, itself, and the SECURITY only depends on the SECURITY of the PAD, PERIOD… Morse Code, Smoke Signals, Hand Carried Paper, Digital Files, Radio, or any other Transport System, it makes NO DIFFERENCE… And it works with just a pencil, and paper if needed…
  10. scpn

    scpn Monkey+++

    I do understand one time pad - I've made a bunch of them. I have however never known a single soul in real life that wanted to use that or anything like it. But encoding is just one part of a comm plan; I guess the rest of the plan has to be worked out separately by each group.
    Qwertyportne likes this.
  11. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    When AlaskaChick was deployed in SubSahara Africa, with MDs w/o Boarders for 3 months on each deployment, we used a ONE TIME Phrase PAD, for our Family and Private Comms… The actual PAD was programmed in her LapTop, with a backup Paper Copy, plus an AlphaNumeric PAD on the back, plasticized, and hidden in the lining of her Travel Bag…Over three separate deployments, in as many years, it proved to be easy to use, and very secure.. We also used updated PADs when she was on Teaching Deployments, when traveling to major Teaching Hospitals, with her Team, thru out Canada and the USA. This was all before End to End Encrypted Messaging Apps were around, and GPG eMail was bleeding edge Secure Comms… As technology has improved and been replaced, we have also updated our Encrypted Comms, but always kept our Family PADs, as our Ultimate Backup Encrypted Comms System… Our System, YMMV…
    3M-TA3 likes this.
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