Close Call

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tempstar, Jul 27, 2019.

  1. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Worst day of my life was after building fence for a week I started to shoot a Rattler with my super reliable, no safety, dependable Revolver and discovered West Texas Dust had found its way into the smaller machinery of the Pistola. Yup when you find you are out gunned then time to back away.

    Ain't nothin' break proof.
    Meat, Yard Dart, oldawg and 3 others like this.
  2. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    I was trained the same way 60 years ago. But that was with my uncles 1911. It worked because the King of all firearm designers, the most hallowed J.M.Browning put what he considered the most important of the three safeties in the place he did and operated the way it does. Since then I have handled and used many firearms and some of those caused me GREAT concern with their idea of what is"safe"in carrying cocked and a round chambered locked or not. Reading the constant times of people unintentionally shooting their selves when drawing leads me to believe that if your pistol has shot you more often than it's shot the bad guys you might need a different pistol or better and more training. Mostly why I still carry a 1911 browning design. I'm not as likely to shoot myself as with some others I own but maybe I'm just clumsy. [dunno]
    Meat, Gator 45/70 and HK_User like this.
  3. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Of Cory Hamasaki and Trolls.
    Cory Hamasaki ran a Email List back in the early 2000s, on occasion we would have folks who thought they were slick a$$ Trolls. As such I thought Cory was all too polite and I told him so.

    About the time Cory considered the possibility to ban me for life I suggested that if I could prove that a Troll in particular was putting out Bum Dope about investments, Farming, Prepping and Live Stock, not to mention bashing the USA at every step of the way. From the Space age to The Sand Box, As well he took pleasure in knocking the US and any bad luck we might have in the US was just fond reports to the Troll's way of posting. He was a phony that even bragged about how much better the Grid was in Western Canada. Not to mention he bragged about having thousands of acres of crops he tended. He did this while bashing the results of a storm in the Eastern US and broken power poles and how efficient Canadians were in their Upkeep of Rural Electrification. No concern for deaths as a result of the storm or lost income and damaged homes just a glibness and pompous post.

    Good old Cory made a deal and I had 30 days to perform or be gone.

    We'll call this person Gerry and we will suggest he tried to cover his trail but his ego was just too big and He hand was weak and his pair of deuces was drawing to my Royal Flush.

    We are a pretty spread out family group due to a wander lust, wars and failed economies but many years ago an Auntie started a Family Tree. In this tree was a family line that had a child that was the half sister to my Dad. Sure enough that Canadian connection was in my email list.

    A simple email and we found out the Troll was little more than a scammer living in a small town in Western Canada. He pawned himself off as an economist and a man of the world in the Oil Bidness. His greatest business expense was his Post Office Box rent.

    This all played out like a B western as the Half sister's family was actually in the Oil Fields of Western Canada as well as West Texas.

    So I suggest those who want to scam others and just cause discontent are not folks I care for.

    Did I ever mention that I had an Uncle who was a US Sub Sailor who spent time in Australia?

    Cory RIP
    View Cory Hamasaki's Obituary and express your condolences

    Cory Kiyoshi Hamasaki

    HAMASAKI , Cory Kiyoshi On June 5, 2010, Cory Kiyoshi Hamasaki , 63, passed away quietly and peacefully in the Critical Care Intensive Care Unit of the Anne Arundel Medical Center in Annapolis, Maryland. Mr Hamasaki was born in Honolulu, Hawaii and was a 1964 graduate of the Iolani School. As a software engineer with advanced degrees in Chemistry and Computer Sciences from George Washington University, Cory Hamasaki worked in and around the Washington. D.C. metro area for many government agencies and private companies for almost 40 years. In the late 1990s, he founded the DC Weather Report which predicted the economic unwinding and troubled times that followed the stock market crash on January 14, 2000. The W-RP Yahoo discussion group is an adjunct to the Weather Report which offers people discussions on life, the economy, the world and technical issues. Suitable topics included preparedness, community, sharing news items, suggestions for surviving and prospering during the economic unwinding, as well as issues concerning computer programming, consulting, contracting, and preparing for exceptional events. Cory's commentaries were noted for their humor, insight, irony, parody, and information on all aspects of life and self sufficiency. Cory Hamasaki had a passionate and patriotic love for his country and the principles of the free enterprise system upon which our country was founded. He was a member of the Foundation for Amateur Radio - MD, D.C, VA Chapter. and enjoyed attending local Hamfests. His other interests included the joy of comic books, science fiction, history, dinosaurs, hand-craftsmanship, and the beauty of nature. Cory Hamasaki was best known for his generous heart, kind and gentle compassion for all, positive outlook on life, and his belief that we all have a responsibility to "pay-it-forward". A celebration memorial of his life will be held within 49 days of his passing. The family requests that in lieu of flowers that offerings of gratitude in the name of Cory Hamasaki be made payable and sent to: Lama Phurbu Tashi, 1220F Gemini Dr, Annapolis, MD 21403. Or through the website of the Buddhist Gampopa Center at via paypal. Please note on the paypal link that the gratitude offering is in the name of Cory Hamasaki. Cory Hamasaki was the very beloved husband of Nancy Jones Hoyt of Severna Park, Maryland, father of Chloe Kiyo Hamasaki, step-father to Ayn Hoyt of Fredrica, DE, Eve Hoyt of Glenside, PA, and step-grandfather to Ani Rose and Celia Grace Varady of Glenside PA. He was the son of the late Harold Hamasaki of Honolulu, Hawaii.
    The family wishes to express their gratitude and appreciation to all those who offered prayers for Cory in accordance with their own faith at the time of his passing.Online Condolences may be made at:

    Published in Baltimore Sun on June 13, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2019
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  4. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    What would your personal CC piece be? Semi or perhaps a wheel gun?
    HK_User likes this.
  5. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    DA/SA Auto with hammer drop safety.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  6. I just purchased a PPK/s for E.D.C., hammer drop safety (very stiff), D.a. first pull, S.a. for the next seven. Lots of new ammo out there for the .380.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  7. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    The Wife and I carry Glocks. No safety issues, and after the beating my old 17 took and the many times I saw it function dirty, I have no reliability concerns. However, both of our carry pieces get monthly strip and cleaning, and a mag put through them before return to service.
    Surprising to me was that Sparky was a gun lover and target shooter and he had a jammed magazine. Also of note, his 14 year old son died in 2016 from an injury sustained when a rifle he was cleaning discharged into his chest. 3 generations killed by a bullet.
    Yard Dart and HK_User like this.
  8. Andy the Aussie

    Andy the Aussie Monkey+++ Founding Member

    ..... FFS if you have an issue with Chello aim it at him, I do not at all dislike you, but your blanket retorts and insults about my nation are tiresome and show a lack of education about us here and this nation - how much time have you spent here ?? You take his bait each time (though in this case he just makes a point and not a specific attack), that actually shows HE IS PLAYING YOU and you are allowing it.
    Yard Dart, Motomom34, Ganado and 5 others like this.
  9. Andy the Aussie

    Andy the Aussie Monkey+++ Founding Member

    .....can't speak for him but I have always been partial to 3inch K Frame S&Ws. I have carried Gen 3 S&Ws (6906 and 4506) as well as Glocks and at one point a .380 S&W Sigma (in another life almost). The choice of firearm is, to me, much less important than the time dedicated to training in it's use and proper tactics for dealing with critical situations. Being well versed in an immediate action drill may have changed the outcome for the well meaning soul in this case.

    Tempstar - I am truly glad your wife is physically unharmed. Keep and eye on her as other issues may present in time.
  10. oldman11

    oldman11 Monkey+++

    Andy, I apologize,I had no right saying what I did. I just get tired of hearing about how bad America is. We have a lot of problems I know,but after awhile it gets old hearing it all the time. Again I’m sorry and apologize. Please have no hard feelings towards me,please. This is the best forum there is and I don’t want to damage it in any way. I will try to keep my feelings in check from now on. Australia is a great country and has always went to bat for our country for that I’m grateful. Thank you for calling me out on this,I needed it. Have a good day.
  11. Andy the Aussie

    Andy the Aussie Monkey+++ Founding Member

    I have no hard feeling toward you mate, I point it out for two reasons, I don’t like seeing blanket statements about anyone’s home and I don’t like seeing you get wound up needlessly. Yes there is LOTS wrong in the US (as you may be aware I have spent lots of time on your side of the pond across much of the country) and also here in my own country. I do not judge the US on the worst of your nation (I base it on what I have seen with my own eyes and the wonderful people I have met and made lifelong friends with there) nor should you on mine.

    I have said it before, Chello (on forums at least - perhaps not in person) lives for conflict and being “the opposing voice” I don’t necessarily agree with his approach but there are two things I do support, him being able to voice a view and we/us listening to an opposing view on ANY subject. None of us are right 100% of the time no matter what the subject. If I were Chello I would have refrained from the, albeit mild, “point scoring” in a thread which for the OP is quite fresh and raw.


  12. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    A friend I had was similar but after a while we had nothing in common to discuss.
    Capt. Tyree and Gator 45/70 like this.
  13. AD1

    AD1 Monkey+++

    I solved that right after I joined by blocking him. I dont have to read that drivel and I watch others respond knowing I am not missing anything[AH]
    TXKajun, HK_User, DKR and 1 other person like this.
  14. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    AD1 likes this.
  15. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I am truly sorry to hear that lives were lost but glad that your wife came home to you safe and unharmed other then the terror she was feeling. Good for her that she knew what to do and did it. One can practice over and over but they sometimes even the best prepared freezes.

    From looking at the picture, it looks like your wife backed in. I have been trying to do that more and more so that if needed, I can quickly get out and away. Nothing worse than trying to get out in a crowd and trying to back into traffic.
    oldawg, Gator 45/70 and HK_User like this.
  16. oldman11

    oldman11 Monkey+++

    There are a lot of crazy people that need dealt with. Parents are not raising their children right and then blaming it on drugs and guns. Crazy world we live in. Do not let the idiots take away our guns. It should be the death penalty for using any gun in any crime,that would make our country a daft place to live.
    [flag] Make America safe again. [flag]
    Yard Dart, Gator 45/70 and HK_User like this.
  17. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    The problem is , how do you make a law that only effects the criminal with out disabling the good ?
    The only clear answer is to arm and train the public .
    If almost every one has the capacity and train of a cop to arm and respond, what perp is going to walk into that?
    And if they do, their chance of survival is radically diminished.
    It use to be that in Switzerland every one had to serve and train and practice and guns and ammo were government issued.
    Though they have liberals there, some still have their government issued guns .
    Those that do not appreciate what freedom cost are against guns ,and make it a theme of their life this fear of guns due to what the media tells them, a pathetic culture to be sure.
    They will say we are not at war and have an army to do that work ,but during the first world war very few knew how to use a gun and had to start them off with BB guns just to begin training , 1 . for the lack of armory and second for the ignorance of the masses.
    Some after word were deployed with out a gun and used what they could find ,there are pictures of American soldiers with Mohsen Nagant 762x54 in Paris .
    If there is another world war and the battle is taken to our shores again what will be the outcome ?
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  18. oldman11

    oldman11 Monkey+++

    Bring back the draft for all eighteen year old boys and girls for four years. Make men out of them instead of the babies they are now. You would stop all of this killing and drug use also our country would have strong men running our country instead of the crooks you have now. I mean every boy and girl would have to serve four years no ifs ands or buts,four years. Fix it so mommy and daddy would have no say so wether they served or not. After four years the gov would pay for their college or job training,win,win,win.
    [flag] U.S.A. [flag]
    oldawg, Gator 45/70 and magicfingers like this.
  19. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    This is a thread about a members wife. She had a close call. Things could have gotten real bad and this thread could be a condolence thread but the bad guy fled and Mrs. @Tempstar acted quickly and smartly to get to safety. I applaud her actions. Sad that this member lost acquaintances. I wonder now that days have pased if Mrs @Tempstar has lessons learned and things she would have done differently, though IMO she did right. I wonder if the Bingo hall will re-open and if folks will feel comfortable to go back there. The aftermath is lasting when one has been in a situation like this. This close call was a reminder to stay alert, one never knows.

    As for the others that are turning this thread into attacking a SM member, the nation of Australia and parents/children, why don't you take it to another thread. Instead of pointing fingers down the line, look at yourselves. The new generations are a decedents of your generations. Assume it.
    AD1, chelloveck and Gator 45/70 like this.
  20. oldman11

    oldman11 Monkey+++

    Yes,just pass it on let someone else worry about it,the american way. Let’s do away with guns,they kill people don’t they? This killing is going to keep on as long as we let it. I’ve raised two boys,seven grandchildren,and five great grandchildren,none have ever been in jail.All of them were raised in the church and are good productive taxpaying citizens. None are on welfare and pay their old way If you don’t have the money do without.My family was raised to make their own way and not beg for help for anything .Can you say the same thing? I know I made a mistake when I lost my cool with chelloveck and should never have said the things I did. I apologized to Andy and tried to make things right as I was really sorry I said the things I did. If nobody points and says something is wrong does that make it right? I’m not getting back in your face I’m 76 and have seen this country go from first class to almost a third world country in my lifetime. Our country is in deep trouble and if we do not step up and start pointing out the wrongs and saying something we are history. And I will quote your own words for you to think about ”the new generations are a decedents of your generations.Assume it” We all can do better if we tried don’t you think? Have a nice day
    [flag] [flag]
    Capt. Tyree and Gator 45/70 like this.
  1. Hanzo
  2. Motomom34
  3. Pax Mentis
  4. Brokor
  5. lonewolf88
  6. Yard Dart
  7. Witch Doctor 01
  8. Yard Dart
  9. melbo
  10. RightHand
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