If you are going state something as a fact, then please provide a historical / factual reference. For instance, if you claim that claimancy is seizure, provide an example where the .gov didn't reimburse a company for items claimed for a time of emergency. If you can't, its simply speculation and conjecture. IE, if you say I am sugar coating claimancy, I say you are **** coating it. The bottomline is that these EOs have been used so little over the years that its hard to find occurances. That's why I call the bluff. I'd like to see real, hard references- not theories on these EOs based on CT opinion. On command, NRF was revised after Hurricane Katrina because the command structure wasn't clear during Katrina. Major improvmeents to response were made after that. the doctrine is clear. As for command during Katrina: No Fed was ever in charge at Katrina. Fed troops (Title 10) peaked at 22,000, but the local Incident Commander, the Mayor in this case, was in command the whole time. Source: http://www.cgsc.edu/carl/download/csipubs/wombwell.pdf Accepting the theory of how it *could* work in contradiction with how it *actually*, legally, and historically works doesn't really make sense. From the NRF: Source: http://www.fema.gov/pdf/emergency/nrf/nrf-core.pdf I'm not sure how to make it any clearer. The role of the Fed Gov't: With the Feds, its about supporting the local agency / commander. http://www.fema.gov/pdf/emergency/nrf/nrf-core.pdf More on Command from the National Incident Command System (NIMS): To understand what I mean about claimancy, you need to read and understand these: http://www.fema.gov/pdf/emergency/nrf/nrf-esf-07.pdf http://www.fema.gov/pdf/emergency/nrf/nrf-support-fin.pdf GSA first, local vendors next... they do get paid.
Here ya go. Enjoy your crow. Even the SCOTUS agreed.Truman got tagged for unlawful seizure of steel. The Use and Abuse of Executive Orders and Other Presidential Directives
You proved my point: That's why I say factual evidence that some "FEMA goons" or equivalent are sitting around planning a diabolical scheme to start concentration camps. This is a great example of how EOs don't work when they are used for unconstitutional reasons. (On a side note, the steel workers were striking during a time of war... deadly consequences in terms of logistics for our forces. Something to think about. The dam* steel unions weren't thinking about the repercussions, that's for sure.)
Wow. I sure hate to interrupt a good argument. But I have some first hand knowledge many may not be aware of that may offer a little . . . um, hope. To start with, I'd like to throw this out there: Oath Keepers. For now just hold onto that thought . . . next, FEMA uses contractors extensively. For instance, and this is the nature of my first hand knowledge; security. Military/Law enforcement security services are only available to FEMA (direct employee) personnel. For instance, say there is a crew filling sand bags comprised of soldiers doing the shoveling, and a contractor running a backhoe. Military/law enforcement protection is available to the guys in the ditch NOT the backhoe or the backhoe operator. Private security contractors are used for that role. Take a building inspector inspecting buildings after a hurricane. That inspector is a FEMA contractor. That means his security is provided by private security contractors - NOT active duty law enforcement or military personnel. Are you beginning to see the implication(s) here? I hope so. 'cause I can't say much more without saying it outright.
SURVEY SAYS? BZZZZZZZZ - awwwwwwww - wrong answer. I have proved my point and you reinforced it. I was speaking about Presidential Directives and Executive Orders. This is factual evidence PDDs and EOs have been used and abused. Seizure is seizure. Regardless of the premise, war time or not. Something to think about hmm? In fact you yourself could be considered a FEMA goon if given a direct order by an individual acting under the powers granted in the aforementioned EOs and under the PDD - and you followed said orders, knowingly or unkowingly violating every statue and legal Constitutional law on the books. There is no formal "FEMA Goon" it is a label for simplification purposes. Apparently not simple enough. The PDD I referenced and have given full text links to - fully disables the powers of Congress and the Judicial branch and place those powers in the hands of the President and only the President. In fact, Under PDD 51, full illegal and unconstitutional application of the aforementioned EOs can go into effect and there is not a single branch of Government that can stop it from happening, short of military mutiny. No SOTUS, No Congress, No Senate. Nothing. You should reread the PDD 51 AKA NSPD 51 full text and absorb the real implications of that document. So...um what part do you not understand? Edit: putting this into laymans terms: Translated into layman's terms, when the president determines a national emergency has occurred, the president can declare to the office of the presidency powers usually assumed by dictators to direct any and all government and business activities until the emergency is declared over.
Yeah. That is right. But it comes with a catch; What he does had better be in accordance with the United States Constitution as written or a significant number of those "goons" are going to turn around and bite his . . . . rear end. All of them? Absolutely not. But bear in mind that only approximately 3% of Americans actively participated in kicking the - undisputed - most powerful army in the world's butt back a few years. I'm betting this will not be foreign to many of you . . . Granted, some folks are stupid enough to follow ANY order. Some are stupid enough to do that AND think they swore to serve and protect THE PRESIDENT. But really. One has to ask themself, who would you least like to get in a fight with - them, or the folks smart enough to understand the oath they took . . . . Seems like a no-brainer to me.
That was my point. Thanks Opinionated for clarifying it. The system, in the case of Truman and the steel workers, worked. It worked perfectly and shows that unconstitutional EOs won't be enforced or work. One could lump me in as a "FEMA goon" if you want to. If that is the label I have to wear in order to help out during emergencies such as the Nashville flood, the tornadoes that went through my neighborhood or the ice storms that come through every 5 years, so be it. I'm not one to sit on the sidelines while others need help, never have been. To date, I haven't so much as heard of a single instance of over-bearing power by authorities during those events... and that is from my work side and the victim side. People seem to forget that people involved in emergency management usually have a stake in the community- ie I live here and so does my whole family. Its not a far stretch to think about how I want my family treated. ^ This is also pointed out in Opinionated's post with the Oath Keepers promise. the golden rule doth apply. Another unnecessary line drawn like so often around here. Its usually Police Officers. I guess this is a bit of a change. If one was to read the FEMA site, for example, the mentality is the EXACT same as the prepper mentality here. In fact, the gov is quick to point out that preparedness begins at the individual level. (Disclaimer: I don't work for FEMA. I am a contract employee.) This is my last post here. I don't want to get into a pi$$ing match. My only intent was to show the other side of the coin.
Looks to me like it was already a pi$$ing match ,and facts are facts and conjecture are just that . I don't believe that anyone can prove that the EO's are not true so in fact they are on the books and we have to be made aware of them so we can do our best to see they are not put in place. JMHO
The problem with EO's or anything that has been written recently is that there is enough wiggle room to fly the space shuttle through them at orbiting speed if they want to. It all comes down to interpretation. Every one of us could read the EO and decide it means X or Y or Z. Then the government man comes along with his gaggle of lawyers in tow, and declares 'This means 'A'. Sure as hell, if you read it they way they say it does, it does say that but then we get into the Intent and actual Implementation. We the people could probably dispute their interpretation but how long is that going to take to make it to the SCOTUS ? Do we have that amount of time? Lots of crap can happen in 180 days my friends. So prepare, be skeptical, and question authority where it necessary. If asked as to what I believe, I say the government weasels will screw the little guy every freaking chance he gets. And if caught they will claim ignorance and forgiveness. Gotta love it when a plan comes together. rape, kill and steal lands from the Native Inhabitants round them up and put them in Ghettos, oops, concentration camps, oops Reservations. Kidnap, abuse and brainwash their children (Indian boarding schools, in the US,Stolen Generation in Australia through the 1960's, in Canada Indian Residential Schools through the mid-1960s) give them just enough money to drink and induce a diabetic coma Problem solved. Oh wait, Nazi Germany Rounded up polish Kids to Germanize them. oh, How about the Ottoman Empire, didn't they round up children to be raised up to serve in their armies? Oh, how about what is going on in Africa now where children are forced to be come child soldiers in Uganda, Sudan, Somalia, Cote d'Ivoire, Chad, Congo, Liberia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, ...etc. Damn i almost forgot about the Japanese Americans we rounded up, stole their property from and stuck them in 'Camps' for their own protection. Those that forget history are doomed to repeat it. and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely
Looks like I'm a little late to the conversation here... But, and this is just my fears and opinions.. If there is enough room for interpretation in these EO's to get you guys arguing back and forth over them, then what about the uneducated populous ? AKA the sheeple.. It has been proven throughout history time and again how easily that written words can coerce the uneducated, and educated alike for that matter.. Not all of Hitlers SS were willing participants, were they? There are many many examples.. The Jim Jones Jonestown incident comes to mind.. In 3 or 4 years ( if it's even that long ) after the hunger and starvation of the coming Super Depression have really bitten into the people, FEMA comes along and offers a job to some 18 year old kid who knows nothing of the history of the world, let alone the history of this Country. His family is gone. All dead from starvation or disease.. All he has to do is be a guard at a prison, carry out a few dozen executions per shift, and he will be given good food and a warm rack to sleep in.. Speaking as a person who at 18 went through USMC boot camp, I can tell you without a doubt in my mind, that especially at that age, people can be convinced to do terrible things to other people - without blinking an eye or having a second thought about it - until many years later.. -- These will be your FEMA goons.. And on an unrelated note: After reading into a few articles about mind control and brainwashing, I now know why there is still a Democratic Party.. Here is a link for your consideration: » Sheeple Part 1 :: Obedience
Well, what do you know...a write up about the Camps with supporting documentation: Articles: New Nationwide FEMA Camps Should Raise Eyebrows
We had significant flooding up here last fall. Many thousands of folks were driven from their homes by some pretty nasty storms and high water. FEMA built a trailer park (using local contractors and talent) complete with trailers, in 29 days, a pretty good performance, I'd say. EXCEPT that construction wasn't even started for about 4 months. The folks that have moved in are allowed 18 months to get themselves relocated. I don't know if the park is full or not, but I'd guess not, simply because most of the displaced residents (including a couple of very good friends) already took care of themselves. 4 months? 18 months? Things that make you go HMM.
18 months will turn into 5 years. Katrina folks are still living on the public dole, ghrit, in my area. The thing that made me go hmm is many of the "camps" are already built, several in Texas have been reported on. Manning an already constructed facility, adding to the "security" (securing "off limits areas") etc. takes little time, and is what made me take pause.
I call dibs on the mini gun once they get the guard towers set up... mini guns are fun fun fun... BTW I'll be driving right past a FEMA camp on my way home today... was set up right after the tornado hit Joplin... still there... still not a lot of rebuilding going on but it looks like all the debris has been cleared away
You know way back in the wee dim and misty of this thread I mentioned the NDAA specifically. Back then it was just legislation. Now it is law. The puzzle pieces are falling into place. Couple that with SB 1698, along with everything else discussed, we are in some deep dookie boys and girls. EDIT: SB 1698 amends the following: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode08/usc_sec_08_00001481----000-.html
I noticed that no where in that article is Alaska listed as a FEMA Camp site.... Hmmmmm, Maybe Ya'll ought to move up here....... ....
Living on an Island has its advantages Living on an Island has its advantages, but it also has its disadvantages. Some advantages are that random refugees can't get to an Island refuge by walking to it (that is it unless they can walk on water....but it doesn't seem to deter asylum seekers wanting to come to Australia). Plenty of Islands have been put to use as penal settlements (Devil's Island, Alcatraz, St Helena Island Morton Bay, and Pinchgut (Fort Denison-Sydney) Simply because they're not so easy to escape from. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Denison Devil's Island - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Alcatraz Island - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia St Helena Island National Park - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Saint Helena - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ok, so I'm new to this forum and all, so please don't shun me for asking, where can I find some good info on these camps, some of the videos posted on YouTube just don't look believable.