Bad news - they could only fix 2 of the three detached tendons in Mark's arm, and are telling him he'll lose 33% of the strength in that arm. In this day and age it sounds weird that they can't fix it! One of our anonymous donors (THANKS BEAR!) gave extra money so I've assigned numbers for Mark as CJ. He could win the money and the knife - thanks Bear!
Bad news today - our fellow member Cousin Jack has surgery to repair the three tendons torn off his shoulder but they were only able to re-attach 2 of them. I guess one ripped off of muscle and they cannot repair that so they removed it. Only 7 spots left on the raffle - win a knife made by me and help out a member of SM.
Um, we are now! Seven more people got on the raffle, although they don't know it yet. A bag of money fell on my head and it said to give the last spots to them so here it is. Tomorrow the wife and I will make 30 pieces of paper and draw the winner!
No - I have 4 large knives and 2 smaller ones ground and heat treated. The winner can choose the options like handle material, blade size, pin material and etched or not. That's why they call 'em "custom" - you'll get it the way YOU want it
very cool. If I don't win, I'll be wanting a large and a small anyway... I was talking to Clyde, aka, a.non (shhh or he'll be banned) and phishi last night about your blades. Clyde and I want one but phishi and his father are knife aficionado's.... phishi's Dad has an estimated 10,000 knives collected over the last 30ish yrs... anyway, we all thought your design was really a good one. phishi's dad saw some pics from the knife thread and we are going to pool and get him one of your's one of these days... Great stuff and you've come a long way in a very short time. I'd love to grab an early model..[wink] melbo
Man - 10k knives in a collection? Wow! I'll tell you, I've gotten some compliments that have really meant alot to me. Those keep me motivated, but in the end only one thing matters - getting better. I want to change the style of the large knife some, maybe just the very end of the handle for now. I have 2 goals - getting into the Knifemakers Guild and Blade Magazine. The Guild only takes makers who make really good stuff so that's my aim. I also hope to do it in another year, believe it or not. BTW, let me know if you don't need a sheath and the price will go down some.
This is what I love about the internet - people coming together - tons of money getting dumped on somebody's head and viola! A good dead happening. Life is good!
OK all - the drawing will be at 3pm my time, so 19 minutes to go! The numbers are in the hat and ready, but the wife wanted to add drama by waiting for a certain time.
The winner is #27, Minuteman! Congrats and and huge THANKS for everyone for helping our bro Cousin Jack! Minuteman, let's get together and see what we come up with!
There was more than $300 raised due to the unbelievable generosity of a couple of members. What I'm going to do is Paypal $515 to Cousin Jack so that he gets $500 after fees are taken out. We didn't raise that much but I'll make up the difference, no problem.
We have others who gave more than me - Bear for one. The other "super giver" is anonymous but if it wasn't for them we wouldn't have this much! Everyone made this work by contributing the base $300, which is what I thought this would raise. The rest is just gravy! Hmmm, gravy....