Yeah. Did you see where there have been threats that DOD approved drone strikes at Bundy's ranch? Seems it is splintering some of the freedom watchers. As they said, if they can be broken this easily by threats, what chance they will stand against real force?
But, but Holder told Congress, there would NEVER be Armed Drone Strikes on US Soil...... How can this be???? Holder was "Under Oath".... Did he Lie, Under Oath, or are the Threats just Conspiracy Imagination BS???? Just Ask'en..... YMMV.....
Yesterday I ran into a major Dem. I try to be open to all but sometimes it is just real hard to like some people. Anyways, this person was talking about the Bundy ranch and according to them the gov't should have rolled in tanks and every piece of fire power they had. The thinking was that the gov't was owed a debt and since the wackos threatened violence (exercised their right to protect themselves and theirs), that gov't should have used more force to take what was owed. I heard the words wackos, extremists and was told that I all I knew was a bunch of lies and that the gov't had every right. This person was encouraging and wanting the gov't to go in like they did at Waco. Conversations like that I just can't shake. They haunt me. This person is wanting the gov't to hurt/ kill if necessary American citizens. I don't understand that thinking. I can't help but wonder how many other citizens believe that the gov't is always correct and that they should use deadly force to take what is owed.
"Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither." -- KEVIN CRAIG - "Liberty Under God" Beginning in Missouri's 7th Congressional District
All the bottom feeders who live off the taxpayer and resent the hell out of him for working, those will want the government to steal more things to give to them. And there will be politicians, that for a vote or for a buck, will do just that
Twitter was blowing up with people calling for drone strikes and tank raids. The keyboard spawns bravado, but the attitude would still be there without social media keeping them faceless. When Waco was playing out, I was in college, and not a liberal one either. A redneck rodeo college with the bulk of students in for either criminal justice or agriculture related degrees, and on the rodeo team. I remember the footage from Waco on the TV in my dorm lobby and how people were talking about the crazy nuts in the compound and the cops should just burn them out/shoot it up/ blow them up. I confess I was one of them. We thought they were just stupid cult members with mountains of guns and a leader who molested children. We believed everything the media told us... back then you couldn't get info anywhere else unless you actually showed up on the scene. Looking back I easily see now how we were played. The govt turned it's enemy into something we'd abhor no matter what side of the fence we stood on... cultists and child abusers... and we practically cheered the jackboots on. We reacted the same as twelve year olds on the playground, cheering the bully on as he beats the class misfit up. Except now the bully is our government, the misfits are the majority of non-urban dwellers, and the new boogyman is racist white people. And there will always be people to cheer them on.
"What is the opposite of "LIBERTY?" The answer is: SLAVERY" The opposite of LIBERTY is LIBERTY. Its a trick question since Liberty is defined as a measure of the absolute freedom you enjoy. Slavery is the opposite of freedom. Nice try for a (potential) Congressman but you can see their lack of education is what allows them to be exploited. The best of intentions though. The reason they can be broken is because there is none among them with actual combat training or a true leader. We can only hope that actual combat experienced leaders will show up like in the movie "the Patriot". I had a talk with a very interesting guy yesterday... He said the only way to defeat the NWO or elite or whatever you want to call them is by religious faith. Normally I would have thought he was just another bible thumper trying to get a convert but he said something interesting, he said those who run the world from behind the scenes are Satan worshipers. Think about that. They own places like Bohemian Grove, the Vatican, the Queen, etc. but they are devil worshipers. How do you defeat devil worshipers? They believe in Satan which means they also believe in God. This is a huge tool for us to use. They believe in black magic and if you look at the results they have had can you blame them? Maybe a little different than you would think but they have enslaved a nation with TV, media, mind control. They can write laws on paper and when they read them the entire population follows them. Is this not exactly what black magic is about? Just because they changed the face to "technology" instead of fantasy magic doesn't mean it isn't doing exactly the same thing. We are all thinking that magic is Harry Potter and David Blane but its right in front of us. Name something that fantasy black magic can do that we can't do today in real life. I'm having a really hard time thinking of anything. Then he referenced similar historical events with Rome and how they overthrew the corruption in their own government. I think our research should be along those lines.
It's interesting you bring this up. For all we can claim to "know" about the elite on this subject, we must recognize that it comes from sources outside the inner sphere. That is to say, only the perceived thoughts of those who are looking from the outside. Naturally, to the uninitiated these powerful people may seen "evil". The fact is, good and evil are merely concepts, illusions much like control and safety. To a devout Christian, an act which appears sinister is automatically labeled evil. I wonder, how many have stopped to figure out they are actually being played by fear? The Masons and Freemasons are expected to hold a belief in "God", in particular the Christian God as a requirement for entry. Upon reaching the highest levels, some of the previously held knowledge is actually reversed. Can God actually be Satan all along? Is there truly an evil, fallen angel -or has it all been a method to control the masses? What are the true origins of the SUN of God, is it Egypt, Ancient Greece? Why are there so many secrets, is immortality real? What happens to us when we die? Some bits of knowledge have been known to corrupt mankind. Throughout our history, we have only ever shown that we are not ready for full enlightenment. Therefore, the keepers of hidden knowledge, those within the occult, are charged with maintaining order. Or is it all about control? You see, some of you may be wishing it were only as simple as God vs. Satan, evil vs. good. Maybe ignorance truly is bliss, after all. When Alex Jones recorded his uninvited attendance secretly at the Bohemian Grove, the audience got a small taste of ancient Druidism and occult activity. Of course, even a naysayer could claim it was all in fun, and dressing in hooded cloaks chanting at a 40 foot stone owl while in the company of male prostitutes is a perfect political venue to attend. The thing is, most people just don't understand the deeper connection or real significance. It's just "evil" because we do not understand... There are some brilliant minds at work in the halls of the elite. They may illicit the help of any number of people, agencies, corporations and affiliates at their choosing. Sometimes, it is best to use the most appropriate tool for the job. What I am getting at is, there can be bad people everywhere, and at any level of society. We certainly do not know everything about those we call the elite, and the goals and mindset of every party involved with globalism certainly are not Satanic. In fact, I would challenge anybody to invest some time to find out what Satanism really is. Much like Anarchism, there are various types. And no, it's not always about worshiping Satan. Start with Egoism and go from there. As for "Dark Magic", or Magick --well, it depends on the flavor, too. If we are talking about HooDoo/VooDoo or Shamanism, it rarely is anything else. As for Wicca and Pagan practice, it's more of a religion. There are rules which must be followed, and doing harm to others is always considered dark. If it is High Magick, which is really just the enlightened and true form of Pagan practice, then the same rules apply. Of course, the peasants have their version, and the royals had their own. The same basic, fundamental truths pertaining to what crossed the line is remarkably similar. Throughout all of these, some good can be done, and sometimes only good can be done. The worship of nature and a Goddess are not evil, not today anyway. The knowledge of herbal medicines and science are no longer considered evil, but there once was a time it was. And so, this is our world changing, ever so slowly. In time, we may even have no further need for religion at all. But, that's going quite far into the future. Let's just settle for hoping we can have a future where we no longer have religious organizations, persecute or wage war. We must deserve this knowledge, if it is to be bestowed upon us. We must earn our destiny through experience and not lose hope.
Yes I agree with much you have said and while we have no need for religion, we do have need for spirituality. I think putting some understanding into what spirituality is may prove very beneficial. I consider myself a neutralist. I have seen evil come from the best of intentions and good come from the worst of evil deeds. A quick example being that a corrupt government forces people to wake up when they would otherwise sleep... or feeding the poor encourages them to not learn how to fish. Can you be neutral and yet spiritual? I believe so. Maybe more spiritual than any good or evil beings. Most see good on the far side opposite of evil and the extreme other side, but I think that the scale is not a line, it is circular and the more extreme you are the closer you come to your enemies. In such a case as that, the opposite of neutrality would be both the extreme evil doers and good doers, since they are both zealots trying to force their views on us all. And yes, the elite are very secretive and all we have are outside glimpses into their world. That being said, the clues point in the directions indicated. The point I was getting at is not that we should become religious but rather that there is a weakness with them that can be explored and possibly used against them. It is a completely irrational direction to come from and sometimes the best answers are out of left field.
Oh, absolutely. Just like the Bundy Ranch instance, this serves as a reminder of the separation between the people and the establishment. The independent media makes headway and gains support with every jackboot response by the men in black. I also agree that the spiritual side of this discussion is important to ponder. However, I do not think that the elite hold a core set of religious beliefs at the pinnacle. I think it is more like advanced scientific processes shrouded in mythology and symbolic imagery to fool the uninitiated. But, I can only guess at that one, really. I was going to make a chart to explain some of my findings, explaining the various levels of (somewhat complex) belief systems and how they serve a purpose, but it's just too ridiculous. I wouldn't want to add to the quagmire which is already inundating the web, often based on empty conjecture and theories concerning the elusive elite. My only point to stress is the role that every religious system has, and the importance in separating fact from fiction concerning mythology and belief systems in general. Most folks may have excellent, virtuous intentions. But, if they are always blinded by their passions and operating wholly within the narrow perspective their belief system offers, then they are missing the big picture.
@Brokor If you look at the control system in place it all makes perfect sense. They control the good people through church and they control the "evil" people through secret societies, organizations, and what ever the opposite of church is. This is why they don't care what religion you are just so long as you believe in one, including Satan worship. Neutrality is not controlled by the system of authority because by its very nature there is no authority figure and chain of command. In their world everything is structured like a pyramid no matter if its Military, Government, rich/poor, Police, Business, Drug dealers, etc. That is the requirement because it allows some to be at the top while a whole lot more are at the bottom. Vampires live off of their victims. Today winning is getting out of the bottom most level of the pyramid. The only real way to win is to not play at all. If you created a poll asking how many would be willing to dedicate their lives to either good/god or evil/Satan I'm guessing the numbers would be about 99.9%. That is what we need to fix.
EXACTLY. Far too often we see options in this life, but few rarely step back to consider the true implications. They say, "choose" but only offer the choices which lead you down the path of controlled outcome. How many people actually dare to see beyond the veil and challenge traditional authority? There's always another option, another choice. We can always choose to not take part, to walk away, to not play this game. Of course, is this really a choice at all? I am fairly certain you and I would agree that it is a valid choice, but the opposing argument does also have its merit. We live in a society, like it or not, and we do have certain responsibilities. These two facets of our lives alone demand certain obligations --choices to be made. Society and responsibility to this society do not factor into the equation if we live alone on a deserted island, and since we are not in this situation, we are inescapably held to account by the same philosophies and beliefs which grant solidity to society. However, there is still something to be said about the manner in which we arrive at our conclusion to withdraw any support for a corrupted society. If the ship is sinking, do we continue to play along with the delusions of the Captain and his crew when they claim the ship has never been more sturdy and efficient? The ship will still succumb to the will of nature and arrive at the bottom of the sea regardless of belief or policy. Our position is therefore remarkably unique, because we are at a location in time when we are faced with a paradox of our own making. And what does this say about the game itself? If we choose to "opt-out", will this alone save the ship from calamity? No, it will not. But it is a step in the right direction. Once we have identified the problem and chosen not to support those who have brought about the impending disaster, we may then find a solution and make a choice to escape the series of events which will lead to our demise. Not much is certain here, but to complete this metaphor, let's say we salvaged enough scrap wood to fashion a raft and set off on a course of our own choosing, leaving the Captain and the rest of his crew to their fate. I suppose our lives may be similar in that we could find a solution to an impending monetary collapse and global fascist takeover. Perhaps we do have a chance to survive, if only we could find a new course to take us to our destination. Perhaps. Much like those taking a stand at the Bundy Ranch, who have decided to boldly take a stand and chose not to support a sinking ship, we are also fated to come to a crossroads and either follow the deluded down their path or separate ourselves from the pack.
Oh? Like the captain and crew of that cruiseliner that ran aground? You remember, the one where the captain was nowhere to be found while the ship was in danger? No one at the helm, and the rest left to die? Wouldn't make any difference to the ship, but would make a difference as too how many make it out alive.