I liked the clip, it was funny and flustered the hosts quite a bit. He did their jobs better than they did.
I tend to be blunt and am not at all politically correct. I call them as I see them. I grew up with some black neighbors that I adored. The dad got up, packed his lunch, took his lunch pail, and got in his old truck and headed off to work, just like my dad. He was a good man, like my dad. I never really looked at him much as being black, because he was just like my dad. Good people. Most of our neighbors were Americans of Mexican descent. They did the same. It wasn't till I got north, to New Jersey, that I was exposed to racism. I grew up in the 60's. I have seen the dream turn into a nightmare because so many think they are owed something. I have learned, if you help someone, they achieve. If you pay them off, they fail.
Bundy wasn't being racist. The MSM made him seem so. Bundy believes everyone can work and succeed. But he has no real knowledge how the MSM will manipulate his words and make him seem to be a racist. I get so tired of the term, as few are racist but many are branded.
Years back we had some international military students over at our home for New Years. We had run across them while celebrating new years at Ft Huachuca. During one of the discussions a Saudi officer asked why we didn't take the money we were giving to Israel for F15's and give it to our poor. I asked him, if I had $1500 and gave it to you, no strings attached, what would you spend it on. He mentioned several luxury items he would buy. I asked him what he would spend $1500 on if he had to earn it. Basics, like home, food, clothing were the reply. I told him, same thing happens if you give money to people and they don't work for it. There is no pride in getting the money, so no importance it attached to it. It gets wasted. If a person earns his wages, he spends them accordingly.
A cynical American (not me) might then ask why the US is paying reparations for someone killing Jews and their predecessors from that far back?
I admire your optimism, my friend. We are living in a time of great conflict; this is a war being waged within our hearts and minds as well as on land and sea. The corporations have grown and expanded control far beyond the realm of imagination ever perceived before. They control every monetary system, every aspect of communications and technology, and every arm of logistics and entertainment. Corporations exist everywhere, at every level of "government", be it Federal, State or Local. Even the fictitious representation of ourselves is a corporate entity, governed by merchant law. Literally speaking, Pandoras Box has been opened. At the end of the day, the people will still be a peasant working class protesting their chosen grievance against the ruling establishment. Until they fully realize the true depth of their slavery, victory for the people will remain only a dream. Disinformation isn't really disinformation if it is "official". It becomes popular rhetoric, public opinion, a topic for debate, and a point to argue. The paradigm shift has already occurred, as most people do not even understand their own sovereignty. How many still absent-mindedly refer to the 'President' as their "leader"? He is often referred to as the "most powerful leader of the free world", and "Democracy" being the chosen form of government. Virtually everything is fake, surreal and utterly wrong. Of course, you already know this. I know this. More and more people are awakening every day...and it's still not enough. Not yet.
Reid must be kicked out, then held for treason and tried by a jury of his peers (us) for crimes against Americans
I don't like the man either, and I want him gone, but only after PROOF of wrong doing is found. Where is the smoking gun? It looks bad, but I require more to condemn a man for treason. I believe treason mandates a death sentence.
His failure to bring bills to vote, basically refusing to allow the other half of the aisle to be a part of the legislative agenda. That, to me, is not doing the bidding of the people. The man is ..... can't say bad things in here, but he's a slug
The man is the one the people of Nevada keep electing, and being a long term politician I highly doubt he'll ever face charges of any kind. Short of being caught running guns like that CA guy, or in an airport bathroom with another dude, he's pretty much untouchable until Nevada voters decide to remove him from office.
According to the code of the west; Whiskey's for drinking and water's for fightin'. Was true long ago and still to this day. The whole dang gubbermints gone crazy and needs replacing, IMHO.
The secret of all of this is that they control nothing but our minds. Think about that for a minute. At this point, as it stands, they only control our minds... albeit to levels that I think would even amaze you and I, but that is the one thing we need to take back to win. I have been traveling extensively around this country for the past 2 years and of all the places I have been there are people just like you and me ready for evolution or revolution or what ever change comes in numbers much larger than I previously thought. People who are awake, ready to fight back, to stand up at the Bundy Ranch, Indian reservation, or homestead regardless of the outcome. There are writers like Chad Howse and the Art of Manliness who dwell upon the ideas of live free or die trying. What ever the cause it seems that we are on the event horizon of something quite massive. My thoughts are that war is upon us whether we want it or not and you know as well as I that when the time comes I will be on the front lines leading as a true leader does and can only hope to have men like you doing the same. We do what's right because there is no other option as men. Cowards ask for laws to protect them. Men protect themselves and their family because that is what real men do. I only hope that the idea persists. There is an idea out there, barely a whisper and it has yet to take root but it seems we are on the verge of a massive change in the nature of people. You can trace this through science and human anatomy. The human mind and body is meant to be upgraded and I can see what is waiting for us, so close and yet so far. The idea is that all men can be free once and for all in all aspects but it is more than that. It can't be put into words quite yet because it is still amorphus. It is starting out small and if you speak of it above a whisper it vanishes but once it takes root it will spread like wild fire. First we became aware of religious slavery and fought and overcame it, then we became aware of physical slavery and fought and overcame it, next is mental slavery. We have yet to recognize this and overcome it. Once people start to realize what it is and how to get past it the cycle will be complete. I know there are still slaves of all three types in the world. They exist in the spots where the fires of freedom cannot reach. I get that but for the fires to spread they must be ignited with a spark and that is what we are seeing now. The smallest of sparks has landed in NV. It may be extinguished but that is no big deal. Living in CA you notice there are a lot of wild fires. These blazes get to massive sizes because of one very important reason: because the smaller fires are put out rapidly by very efficient firemen, allowing the overgrowth to keep growing and get very very massive. This overgrowth, once large enough, creates the fuel for unstoppable fires. Once the smallest of sparks takes hold its all over. The important thing to know is that when the new plants start to grow we can let them be wild or spread the seeds of freedom and let those take root... I have a few ideas about that and I know you do too.
Yeah he really put them to shame. The big thing I wanted to show was how much effort they put into social media. They are no dummies and they know exactly how important it is even at this late point in the game... or maybe because of it.
Ron Paul Rewind: A Warning Against Arming the BLM...in 1997 | Constitutional Rights PAC Way late now , But it was foreseen