I tried making some cbi loaded 147gr FMJs. Looks like cbi is unsustainable for 147gr 9x19. But it's great for 115gr 9x19.
I've still got plenty of Unique from the pre-Obama era. I don't think CBI would suit me, but there's got to be more out there.
124gr and cbi seems acceptable. Works great in 357mag pistol, 38spl, 45aarp and probably 44spl,44mag and 45cult too. Problem with 9mm is there isn't a lot of case capacity. I got a new keg of unique, from 2018 when they were almost paying you to take them. As I still haven't used up my 1994 keg of unique. If anyone lives near by I could let some of the new unique go.
When I was an Ammo OEM, years ago, I loaded all my small (9mm and smaller) with Herco Bullseye Powder.. Most of my Customers were SWAT/Triple Gun competitors, and had a preference for little or NO Muzzle Flash, and that powder is so fast, that it was totally burned by the time the Projectiles left the Barrel… To get the repeatability of each shot, I had to measure the Power to .001 Grains, and Projectiles to .01 Grains, and case volumes to .001ml… Very time consuming, but my customers were very satisfied by the results…
CBI is back over on cdvs dot us and the price is almost back to preplandemic level. Meanwhile every commercial powder is double or more what it was 2 years ago if you can find it.
I tested CBI, unique, HP38, WST for my high performance HP silencer load. WST made the best silencer load if 700 fps is acceptable. For full Metal jackets yes. For hollow points that you want to open up, no. HP38 won that one.
Now I'm accuracy testing CBI in 9mm. Got a cz75, 3.6 inch bbl, aluminum frame, primers are cci standard small pistol. Brass is new PPU. I loaded up 15 at 4.6gr, as I don't expect them to lock the slide back. Kind just curious to see how bad they shoot, I remember 4.5gr and less being pretty terrible. 20 at 4.8gr because I think it's better, the standard deviation sucks. At leat 20 at 5gr, because 5 and up was where it was at last time. 25 at 5.2gr I'm expecting this to do well, SD was 20 to 30fps. Last 25 at 5.4gr, also 5.4gr fills the case, going up to None at 5.5gr as the powder is above the mouth of the case and is trying to spill. Reloaded WW and fed brass will hold 5.5gr no problem. Hand weighted the charges, I checked them against a rcbs auto chargers scales, found a bit of a span error in my old Redding scales when going to the high range, the low range is dead on. I'm about to go burn them up at the indoor range.
Well, the cz75 hates or likes everything. 5gr had the most failures to feed, 4.8 and 4.6 also failed to feed. If I had to pick one I would say the 5.4gr shots did the best. I would say load 5.1gr and hotter.
Did some 45acp cbi testing. My best 230gr fmj unique load vs 230gr fmj cbi load. The unique shot a little better but not by much.
I shot CBI and unique loaded 45acp rounds this week and CBI is definitely cleaner. And CBI is back on the menu at cdvs dot us.
Unique isn't dirty in 45aarp if it's loaded full power to +P. If you're a grain under max it will run dirty as shit. I loaded up cbi light enough it wouldn't cycle my 1911 and I got a clean burn.