Building with Hugelkultur

Discussion in 'The Green Patch' started by Quigley_Sharps, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. KAS

    KAS Monkey+++

    funyy u say that ... i learned this today from some texas boys
    Use cedar post 2bucks each ... alota cheaper then t post
    and u only put the corner post in the ground the other post just help hold the fence up!!!!
    Sorry for getting off topic ...
    PS if u must use t post got to the local scrap yard i get them there for 25 cents a pound
    BTPost likes this.
  2. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    An example of unintentional / accidental Hugelkultur ....but it shows the productive potential of such a method. Hugelkultur is a good method in dry-land areas where rainfall can be unpredictable. The holding capacity of a Hugelkultur bed is such that the water released to plant uptake will enable plants to thrive and complete their growing cycle when times are dry.
    tulianr likes this.
  3. permacamo

    permacamo Monkey

    chelloveck likes this.
  4. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

  5. tulianr

    tulianr Don Quixote de la Monkey

    I tried a very small hugelkultur experiment a few weeks ago, transplanting some Hopi Red Amaranth onto a spot of barren ground on which even weeds would not grow. I dug a hole about a foot and a half deep, filled it with alternating layers of of leaves and twigs, and the dirt from the hole. So far, it's a resounding success. The Amaranth seems to be thriving.

    Now that my baby steps have proven successful, I'll try a bit more ambitious venture in the near future. It seems to be a good way to reclaim otherwise unusable soil for horticultural endeavors.
    kellory and chelloveck like this.
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