Bug Out Bag: Is your BOB an anchor?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by C.T.Horner, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. tulianr

    tulianr Don Quixote de la Monkey

    Everyone on here has at one time or another rubbed someone the wrong way with a post. I certainly have. And while no one on here knows everything about everything, everyone knows a little about most of the subjects we converse about, some folks know next to everything about a subject or two; and everyone has an opinion. Where we most often tend to transgress is when we give the impression, intentionally nor not, that our opinion is superior to that of another. Maybe we can all try to ensure that our opinion is presented as just that, and nothing more; and to remember (as I was counseled to do by a wise moderator on this site) to attack the post, not the poster. Just my two cents. Let's have a beer and move on. [beer]
  2. cdnboy66

    cdnboy66 Monkey++

    did someone say beer???

    [touchdown] [boozingbuddies]
  3. JABECmfg

    JABECmfg multi-useless

    Nowthat's something everyone can agree on! I like the way you think!

    Allow me to be the first to admit that I've never differentiated between a BOB and a GHB. As several here have pointed out, they are not the same thing. (Thank you @BTPost and @PaxMentis and anyone else who said this). After digesting this for a while, I've realized that a BOB and a GHB are pretty much the same thing for me, however, because of what my situation dictates - I never thought about a need for 2 different bags for 2 different purposes, and knowing myself and my situation, I'm OK with that - because that works for me. (I suppose I should consider myself lucky, that such is my situation. It simplifies things for me.) But, as they say, YMMV - in this case greatly, depending on your situation - which seems to be something we can all agree on. (In addition to beer.) ;)
  4. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    You probably won't much like my opinion, but I actually I think where things got snaky was the tone you used from word one...which was that everyone was full of BS and you had the answer for everyone. Had you been around a bit first, we might have all known that was just your manner and maybe kidded you a little (as a few do me when I get pissier than usual).

    To be honest, it looks to me like it was post #7 before you showed any sign of possibly backing off on the assholery and after that some bits of reason snuck in here and there and and it became a LITTLE more like a discussion and less pronouncements from the mount.

    It appears at this point you might have some good points to make, and I hope you can put away the idea that you are so much smarter than those of us who have been around here a few weeks...believe it or not, you might actually learn a few things also, I know I have.
    Sapper John and ghrit like this.
  5. C.T.Horner

    C.T.Horner Monkey

    My intent was to create a debate, in doing so I intentionally came off rather strong. What I didn’t count on was Ad Homonym attacks. But my skin is thick so no hard feelings. As for being smarter than anybody else. Not even a consideration I will be the first to admit I don’t know squat, and with the passing of every day I realize I know less and less. I suspect by the time I am ninety I will be a babbling idiot. It is my understanding like most forums this is a place for others to debate topics they are interested in. I chose the BOB for the simple fact that it is one of the most confusing and misunderstood in prepper societies. Just look at this thread, and the number of replies and the passion of the responses. Now I am sure you as a seasoned prepper have no doubt about your BOB, but I will submit there are plenty of people that can learn from your experience. Go ahead and type BOB in the search box and see what you get. And ask yourself if I was confused already about my BOB will this help me?
    Am I claiming to be an expert on a BOB. NO NOT AT ALL. I have just pointed out what I discovered as a novice to the interwebs. Yah I came on strongly but the desired result sans Ad Homonym was achieved.
    tulianr likes this.
  6. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member


    And yes, Mr. Horner, at SM we specialize in going off topic, even to the extent of forensic analysis of where threads go off track. We have to be very careful of ad hominem arguments, tho' ---. That includes all of us.

    I think pax is right, you have something to contribute. (That, too, includes all of us.)
  7. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    One day soon I am going to go off on a patented Pax Rant on the misuse of the "ad hominem" tag...

    For now suffice to say that "Your argument is invalid because you are an idiot." is an ad hominem fallacy...

    "You are an idiot because your arguments are stupid." is not an ad hominem argument...possibly over-generalization but not an ad hominem fallacy.
    Brokor and Silversnake like this.
  8. Silversnake

    Silversnake Silverback

    No, no, no, that's a red herring! Or is it a straw-man? Wait, wait, non-sequitur! Right? I always laugh when they ignorantly use those terms, usually because they are idiots.
  9. tulianr

    tulianr Don Quixote de la Monkey

    Another beer anyone? [boozingbuddies]
    cdnboy66, JABECmfg and kellory like this.
  10. JABECmfg

    JABECmfg multi-useless

    Only if it will help me figure out what an ad hominem attack is, because that sounds like a SHTF event that I am not prepared for...
  11. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Ahem... Let me see if it might even be possible to steer this thread back on course and avoid the iceberg ahead.

    BOB. What goes in it depends on who you are, what your needs are, where your going.

    Camouflage. The very definition is to blend in. Whether woodland camo in wooded areas, desert for desert climes. In my area, in the woods, we found that tiger stripe works the best with the prevalent ceder trees with horizontal branches. (plus they look cool). The "urban" camo is, IMHO. a joke, or a misnomer;) . You wear that in downtown (insert major metropolitan area) and you would stick out like a redneck at an AME church service.

    Proper camouflage for urban environments would be A. A business suit B. Casual clothes C. A hoodie and baggy pants.
    I think what C.T. says is a very valid point and one shared by many. Read Vin Suprynowicz's book "Grey Man".

    Grey Man

    A man who can blend in to any scene or situation without standing out , hiding his skills and qualities .

    A person walking down a street in Detroit or Dallas during a SHTF event, dressed in camo and carrying a big Alice pack and web belt is not going to make it far. They will either be confronted by authorities (if there are any, most likely military) or they will be attacked by roving gangs of thugs. And if you think that you can be Rambo and take them on. Think again. Superior numbers always have the advantage. I don't care what armament you have, how much training you received, how good a shot you are, numbers will win out. Read the book or watch the movie "Blackhawk Down". A bunch of ragtag doped up Somali's overwhelmed some of the best fighters in the world.

    The best way to win a conflict is to avoid one.

    We can all probably agree that in a SHTF world the prepared will be the minority. The hungry hordes will be the majority. We will start out and continue to be vastly out numbered.

    The best defense is a good offense. Blending in is a great offense when you are outnumbered.

    I really like the idea of trimming down your BOB, GHB, to bare essentials. Like I said before I have been to peoples homes who were showing me their BOB and taking out all these neato gizmos and proudly displaying their latest acquisition. All the while I'm thinking, yep, all that will be laying beside the trail when you start humping that thing.

    Remember the stories of the western migration in the 1800's. People would leave Missouri with wagons loaded down with furniture, pianos and all kinds of useless things. They ended up scattered along the trails all the way from St. Louis to Seattle.
  12. cdnboy66

    cdnboy66 Monkey++

    Lovely idea!! I'm on the des chutes brewery pale ale. Ice cold and awesome.
    Think I may put a few cases in my BOB


    And, nice job at a conciliatory tone for all of you..
    tulianr, JABECmfg and kellory like this.
  13. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Brokor and tulianr like this.
  14. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    I think a lot has to do with location and the location of you BOL which the camouflage you will need at your BOL can be stored at BOL. A thought for some of you guys in the urban areas is what we call our class B uniforms 511 tactical makes some great clothing to blend into everyday life pants, shirts, vests and jackets. Plus they are mil spec a lot of pockets, special pockets for ccw very tough clothing. I wear them 95% of the time on duty and can chase someone through the woods, attend court no problem or can wear off duty to the movies or anywhere with no problem and they don't draw any unwanted attention. I do agree rolling out in a down town NY in full woodland camo will draw unwanted attention but something like 511's or another would be a better option. Then in rural areas camo clothing wouldn't even be looked because of hunters. The one thing I think is important for all areas is the clothing needs to be well made and functional for that environment because it could be a while before you have the chance to change out. So you will be sleeping in, working in and fighting in. If you have to wear a suit and tie there are several companies that make tactical forms of them and most of the time cost is the same to what you would pay for name brand. Also choose colors that blend with your surroundings in case you need to hide, fight from a covered position or just when you are taking down time.
  15. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    I trained in grey man tactics in the Militia. To not stand out (IS) to camo ones self. That could, as has been stated be jeans and a tee, hoodies and baggies, all the way to Gilli suit and sniper rifle. We have the right camo for all situations here at the BOL. White blends for winter, greens and browns, Greys and blacks. Im a deer hunter and its all good out here in the woods. Knowing my surrounding 5 miles like the back of my hand is however my best defense. If I am to be invaded I will know long before anyone ever sets eyes on my place or my lake association. Good defense starts away from where you sleep,eat and keep your things. You want to stop someone from ever seeing and wanting what you have.
    The series Jericho season one and two really touched a nerve in me and I took a lot home from that story. Having a small fire team aka patrol force aka defense force is one of our best Ideas taken from that series. Im watching Under the Dome now which is a little bizarre but has shown several Ideas already. KF
    VisuTrac and JABECmfg like this.
  16. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I like the Lady at the Radio Station..... Seems to know her stuff in the Comms World...
  17. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    As some have pointed out this subject is one of great debate. My travel bag is light purple, I have chosen not to do camo because to me it is not me and would look odd if I was ever hiking it down the road.

    @BTPost is correct there is a difference between BOB and GHB. My need is a proper GHB. Once there then things change. I just read a book and saw comments on the weight of and how it could be unrealistic. Angry American's trilogy - "Going Home" "Surviving Home" and "Escaping Home" | Page 2 It struck me that most sites I have been to address the BOB & GHB from a male perspective. What about the women? I spend much time shuttling children and often have extra kids in the car. I know you can't plan for everything but what about all those Mom's that need to pack a GHB but need to account for maybe extras. I am a little person and cannot carry large weights for long periods.

    I have been thinking that to be safe I should get a few waist pouches and put those in the trunk. Inside the waist pouches I can have a poncho, spork, light stick, water bottle lanyard, plus the whistle/compass combo thing. But having said that does the sight of a Mom (with pack) and a group of kids with pouches look like a target? I think @Kingfish touched on this with his post. Some people and children cannot go long distances in a short time. It seems that 99% of all the BOB/GHB lists are made by people that are healthy, strong and able to go the distance. But I bet most that make up these lists have wives and children but never seem to think how far can they go and what do they need?
    tulianr and Yard Dart like this.
  18. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    @Motomom34 , you would look like a Cub Scout pack, out for a hike. Boy Scouts start out with "Den Mothers", and with a few uniforms (hats and scarfs would do) no one could tell the difference. ;)
    tulianr and Motomom34 like this.
  19. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    LOL! good suggestion. Yup and boy scouts are always prepared. Boy scout is better, I got thrown out of Brownies so I don't think much of those girls clubs.
  20. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    You know you can be thrown out of the Boy Scouts for eating a Brownie?:rolleyes:[sarca]
    Yard Dart and oldawg like this.
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