Breeds of guard/watch dogs

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CATO, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    BTW ours are original mt. currs.
  2. SemperFiSkye

    SemperFiSkye Monkey+

    Just for the never heard of factor, and not at CATO specifically...
    Can't argue with any of those breeds. Every one of them is not only well qualified as a guard dog for home/property, but also for livestock (German shepherd, kuvasz, Komondor, puli, ridgeback, boerboel, Rottweiler)...but.

    I am a large breed fancier, and prefer monster sized dogs (not because they're better, but because I consider them more generally patient and laid back as a family member and child guardian (**NOT SAYING THIS IS EXCLUSIVE TO LARGE BREEDS; I have owned many small dogs that were not only excellent family members but superb watchdogs)).

    My original point was the puli. I have never heard of a puli biting without warning; I have actually always heard that they were cheerful animals, with good dispositions and non-aggressive (unless threatened, an if threatened, still not likely to bite. A bark/growler, in other words) overall. Besides that, this is a 20-35 lb. 17 1/2 in tall at the most dog, and, really, the most intimidating thing is found in Google images for puli (I don't have the seniority to attach photos yet). If I watched a mop come to life, my ticker might respond too.

    Other breeds y'all might be interested in are Anatolian shepherd, Fila brasileiro (if you don't know what ojeriza means, and what it means for a Fila to decide it's a Fila, don't touch this), presa canario, cane corso, any kind of mastiff, akbash, Pyrenees, Belgian shepherd, catahoula leopard dog, briard, bouvier des Flanders, dogue de Bordeaux, etc. A good starting point if you just want a guard dog is to research the word molosser; it's a name for all kinds of huge, mastiff-type dogs used for livestock guarding, bear/bull/lion baiting, guarding land, fighting, boar/bear/lion/stampede-of-elephant hunting, etc.

    Now, I've had a thought. Be back with more shortly.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2014
  3. SemperFiSkye

    SemperFiSkye Monkey+

    Ok, couldn't find a general "prepper dog" thread, and this is off topic to this thread, so I'm going to post the thought to share and would appreciate/demand (lol) any lengthy thoughts, responses, etc. made to what I post be directed to a personal message so that this thread doesn't continue to be off topic. With that said. Ahem.

    A prepper dog. Meaning you did your homework and chose the perfect breed for you, your lifestyle, and SHTF. But how?

    Personal choice? Labrador retriever. Don't laugh. In my experience with them, you couldn't ask for a better dog.
    A lab (like many other breeds, don't get me wrong) can be trained for anything. And they are, constantly, and in every service we use dogs in, whether military, SAR, therapy, special needs assistance, etc.

    Labs will retrieve anything you train them to. Including food stuffs, animals, etc.

    Labs don't mind any kind of weather occurrence, be it cold, snow, ice, heat, etc.-and they'll swim in it too.

    Guard dog. Again, don't laugh. I once knew a yellow lab, English build, close to 100 lb, that was in a yard surrounded by 7' wooden fence. If you came too close, you thought he was coming through the fence. Tried to pet him once-we won't talk about that. One day, a little girl came out of the back door of the house, about 3 yrs old by the looks of things, and the snarling, snapping, attempted biting beast swung around, galloped towards his kid, and kept her from getting any closer to the tops of the stairs. His name was Monster.

    There's a lot of things I could list, but really, labs are not just great family pets. They attach themselves to a unit and will do nothing but ensure the success of that unit.

    The WORST lab i've ever had was one I never trained. I put zero amount of effort and work into him. I have him now, with our Ovcharkas. He only sits if you're holding chow, and any other basic obedience is down the drain. But when a litter of puppies went missing, he took us to them three miles deep in the woods. When the neighborhood dogs formed a pack and ate up some horses, he showed us where the dogs had a carcass. And when he tried to guard us from those dogs, 5 miles from home, and I told him to go home, when I got there two hours later he was waiting on the front porch. And now that I'm 7 months pregnant, and having never worn a harness, I can throw a harness on him to pull myself up on or he can stand above a creek bed while I hold onto him to get down, even though he hasn't the foggiest what stay means.

    But this is any breed. Get a puppy, and raise it to prep just like you would a kid, and put the training in. You'll have the best sidekick imaginable, and almost any breed will guard it's people, home, and livestock. JUST TRAIN 'EM, DAMMIT.
    Tully Mars, Georgia_Boy and BTPost like this.
  4. Georgia_Boy

    Georgia_Boy Monkey+++

    I'm kinda get'nup in years but for decades I have raised/trained many large breeds. Loved them all especially the white/light grey Siberian husky. Fast forward many years and my beautiful sister in law is dying (at 43) and her death bed wish is for us to take her two ankle biters (an inbred Maltese,- 5lbs, and a 7 lb. Shi-Tzu 7 lb runt) back to our boat which was in Trinidad at the time. I got to love those two little critters. After we swallowed the anchor, now back on land we have 3 Shi-tzus. Great watch dogs!
    tulianr, SemperFiSkye and Yard Dart like this.
  5. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    R.I.P. Ranger!!!!
    Witch Doctor 01, KAS, tulianr and 4 others like this.
  6. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I'm so sorry to hear that news YD. I have enjoyed hearing about him through the years and I know there will be empty place in your home and in your heart. Yes, R.I.P. Ranger
    Tully Mars, Yard Dart and Gator 45/70 like this.
  7. vonslob

    vonslob Monkey++

    I grew up with labs so they will always have a place in my heart. I look for mutts and have had good luck with them. I take my dogs everywhere, they are trained and know what to do. I found a little one outside of telluride ten or so years ago, never had a small dog, would not trade her for anything. She had been burnt with cigarettes ( according to the vet), first four months i had her she was the most polite dog ever. After she became comfortable she turned into the demanding little monster she is today. She bosses the other dogs, she runs the house. Great with kids, and will not leave my moms side when i am out of town. Loves to go fishing and has my back when i go gold panning. Great watch dog, we call her miss 10 footer, because she is ready to face a challenge as long as the big dogs are ten feet behind her. She is at my feet right now.
    Motomom34 and Yard Dart like this.
  8. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Thank you RH!!!!
    It is a tough day around here....he was our first as a couple...our love child. He is sadly missed!!
    kellory and Gator 45/70 like this.
  9. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    So sorry YD...there really isn't much more to say.

    R.I.P. Ranger...what a distinguished looking fellow you are.
    Yard Dart and kellory like this.
  10. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    YD, I am so very sorry that Ranger passed. It will be hard to come home from work, not have him there to greet you but cherish the memories of those dog kisses, the times he put his head on you wanting a pat. He wasn't just a pet, he wasn't just man's best friend, he is and always will be a member of your family. Please know you and yours will be in my thoughts.
    Yard Dart likes this.
  11. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Yard, some animals are just pets, some are family. Sorry for your loss.
    Yard Dart likes this.
  12. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    Sorry to hear it YD. It's never easy but know that HE knew he was loved.
    Yard Dart likes this.
  13. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    So sorry to hear that YD :(
    Yard Dart likes this.
  14. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Thank you everyone for your condolences!!!! It is hard to loose a Great Dane.... and we have lost two in the last 9 months. They are truly family, we loved them and they will be missed!!!! Ranger was our first and the best dog I have ever had!! At 203 lbs he was an excellent buddy, guard dog, friend, and companion!!! He did not like long walks, but he was a heck of a guy to nap with, his favorite time was a good dog bed and family nearby.

    That is all we can hope in life to have, family nearby, good buddies, loyal friends, and someone to love!!
  15. fmhuff

    fmhuff Monkey+++

    Geese are in fact a good at alerting you to strangers. As for them coming after you. It's happened to me a few times. That's where I believe the game of soccer came from ;-)

    More of an energetic push with the side of the foot than a hard strike with the toe. If that doesn't work just grab them around the neck near the had. But keep them low and away from your face.
    natshare and Yard Dart like this.
  16. We currently have 3 year old Dobies but probably the most natural guard dogs I have ever seen are the french beauceron. There are a few breaders in the US but the breed is not all that common.
  17. madmax

    madmax Far right. Bipolar. Veteran. Don't push me.

    Love this thread. Growing up we always had multiple dogs of various breeds. But we always had a few Great Danes. Back then leash laws weren't quite as common and nobody messed with us kids when they were along. Dad and Mom had to lock them in the bathroom to spank us or even yell at us. I went for a long dog dry spell until my wife was hiking in NC and this tick ridden, skinny red heeler came screaming out of the bush. She thought it was a rabid fox. He slid on his back at her feet. In 5 years he has seldom been out of line of sight from one or both of us. We had him fixed which I regret (I want a clone of him), but he wouldn't be the same dog if I hadn't. I trained him as a companion, not a guard dog. He is toddler approved as I discovered when my friend's rug rat chased him around the backyard beating him with a wiffle ball bat.

    But... in camp he is a very light sleeper. We spent a lot of time in the dirt. He doesn't tolerate the perimeter being invaded by anything. And I have eaten furry intruders and have their pelts that I didn't shoot.

    So guard dog for 2 legged critters. No, and that's alright. I got that duty. Watch dog. You betcha.

    Now let's see if I can get some pics up.

    hmm. sumting isn't right. Hope I can come back and edit with some pics.

    Max on gator watch.

    Last edited: Feb 11, 2015
  18. BigAggie06

    BigAggie06 Monkey+

    The greatest dog I ever had was a Shelty/Border Collie mix. He was a natural at commands and took very little if any training.

    At his prime I had to drag him off a chow that out weighed him by 20lbs. The chow was owned by our low life neighbors who could barely take care of themselves let alone a dog.

    The chow had gotten out and was chasing me on my bike, as I ran in the door Brutus dashed out and broad sided him. The next thing I know I hear yelping in pain. I turn around thinking I am going to have to save my dog only to see him with a death grip on the chows neck.

    He had a natural instinct to herd and protect. He would run the premier of our yard and roam the house at night. He would sleep at the foot of my bed but would not come in until about 2 hours after everyone went to sleep and would get up and roam periodically throughout the night.

    When he was a pup he learned from our black lab how to chase unsavory people out of our yard and did it on three separate occasions.

    We had a family friend who taught him to rough house, we would get him riled up and have him snarling and then I would put my hand or wrist in his mouth and he would freeze and wait for me to resume the playing. The friend who initially taught him how to rough house learned quickly how protective Brutus was when the guy smacked my leg trying to get Brutus to growl (which he would do to anyone who aggressively came at my mother or me..but not my sister who was never nice to him) well he hit me a little too hard in Brutus' mind and ended up with three stitches where he got his hand tore open.

    He was the sweetest dog and my best fried , I got him when I was 2 and had to put him down when I was 20. It still pains me but it was the right thing. The dog who loved to run and play ball couldn't stand or walk very far though he always would hobble to meet me when I came home from college. Such a good dog, he was my best friend and brother and really reinforced for me that dogs are part of my family and not just dumb animals. That feeling has persisted to this day with my 3 dogs who are as important to me as my wife and son. If you visit my house you watch your manners with my dogs, remember they live here and you do not and chances are I like them more than you.
  19. Elessar

    Elessar Monkey+++

    We love our dogs. We've had many since living on the farm and we've been blessed to call them members of our family. Too many have left us way too soon and I feel for YD's loss. My wife has a picture of one of our babies in a frame that states; "Dogs leave paw prints on our heart."

    Since we've moved to town, we've adopted four small breed dogs from the "pound" and we love them as our city dogs: two toy poodles (smartest dogs we've ever had) and two chihuahuas (prolly the dumbest dogs we've ever owned). I've agonized about a prepper/survival dog and know that those that we have now would not survive anything except bugging in. The other problem that I've wrestled with is having a dog "on the road" or in the woods that won't listen and runs off or starts barking at an inopportune moment that could get you killed.

    I've read that some dogs are very intuitive and perceive threats and recognize the need to be quiet and stealthy. I've known Anatolian and Blue Heelers but I have been enchanted by German Sheperd as the best all around dog. I'd prefer something somewhat smaller like a Blue Heeler that can run, work in the cold, and jump as needed, functioning independently.

    There's been lots of recommendations but I'd be interested in a discussion about whether or not you should have a dog at all. Then, what breed can be relied upon to be stealthy, quiet, and helpful without endangering my survival by being too doggy.
    Yard Dart likes this.
  20. madmax

    madmax Far right. Bipolar. Veteran. Don't push me.

    Lotsa trainable breeds. If you have the time. Time. You and them. Bonds. Pack. Alpha male. They want to belong.
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