The Clintons, OBummer , and the Bidumbs will never serve a day in jail even though they are as corrupt as any Mafia boss. We have two levels of justice in this country one for us serfs and one for the ruling class. The founding fathers we owe you an apology you gave us freedom and a excellent form of government. Unfortunately we have allowed the dishonest liars and thieves to govern us
Well, Biden gets it. He knows he is finished politically, and his son is finished also so what does Biden have to lose by pardoning him - nothing. Now, the Democrats will probably hate his decision, but I doubt they will state it, at least, not very loudly. Besides, Biden is finished with the Democrats as they are finished with him.
Bidumb crime syndicate walks away having grifted millions of dollars stabbing the American people in the back
I am convinced that Biden and his cronies and most of the Democrat party have made hundreds of millions on the Ukraine-Russian war. They don't care spit about Ukraine. Ever notice how they howl like wolves when anyone like Rand Paul mentions that evil word - 'accountability'. Yeah, I am pro Ukraine but that doesn't mean I am for these crooks to skim money from the taxpayer. I figure if there was no war, our corrupt government would find some other way to skim billions; nevertheless, that doesn't make it right. Money is almost impossible to track during any war...which is one of the reasons the Democrats like getting us involved in overseas conflicts and keeping us involved doing policing and 'nation building' (what BS!) even when there is no reason for us to be there.
I think this guy is a bit too optimistic as he certainly forgot that it's a one-way street for these anti-gunners, leftist, commie scum, for what is good for he is not good for thee...
Hunter was never the primary target anyway. This wasn't a win for the Democrats or the Biden crime family.
I was thinking the same thing. Somebody got a phone call demanding a sacrificial goat. The problem for the Bidens is that probably wasn't a leader on the Trump team asking for it. If Trump is planning on ripping the budgets and overreach from the Federal Government and destroying the Woke culture of America, smashing the Bidens isn't a big deal in the scope. Cooperation with a bunch of State level AGs over the Epstien list will pull a lot of teeth out of the opposition across both party's politicians and the entertainment industry. I have no doubt that the people behind the curtain will get off only weakened after sacrificing the public figures. Notice that Trump platform has Government waste and overreach is the focus instead of nasty evil people in power.
BIden pardoning his convicted felon son does incredible damage to the premise of the government being "of, by, and for the People". Hunter was a facilitator for his family, selling access to his father.... the damn POTUS Biden was for sale. "10% for the Big Guy???" From Politifact. A convoluted maze of financial records released by House Republicans largely supports House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s claim that Biden family members and associates received almost $20 million in payments from sources with ties to foreign countries. Most of the payments went to Biden family "associates." About $5 million went to Hunter Biden and other Biden family members. The bank records show neither evidence that foreign payments went to President Joe Biden nor evidence of wrongdoing by the president. The claim that the payments were funneled through "shell companies" is less clear cut. It appears that many of the companies had tangible business and investment purposes, and therefore would not fit what experts said is the commonly used definition of shell companies. Biden pardoned Hunter to protect himself and his family from prosecution .. not to protect Hunter from his conviction... They all need to be tried for treason.... be convicted... then hung.
Joe forgot one important detail, though, His own presidential immunity ONLY protects him, during the past almost 4 years, while he was president. Guess it's time to get serious about investigating the allegations of his influence peddling, while he was VP, and during Trump's first tenure. He's NOT immune to charges from that time.
Thank You! I been saying this all along, not only that, if he gets caught lying at any point during said investigations, that is a new crime that is not covered by this pardon. However I don't believe anyone has the political or testicular fortitude to go this route anyway.. to bad -JW
Making a false statement to a federal agent, a financial institution or a government entity is a crime all alone. If convicted of 18 U.S.C. § 1001, you are facing five or eight years in federal prison, depending on specific facts of the offense. Yet: Bidumb repeatedly lied concerning no pardon to We the People ( he works for us and we pay his lavish salary and perks) and we have no recourse something is rotten here. If you lie to federal agency you have committed a crime(they work for us we pay their salary) My view any politician in office who lies to we the people should also have criminal charges brought against them removed from office. Politician are no different than us damn it. All politicians lie justification bull shit--- this crap has to stop
@Steverino nailed it. And I don't think this should be about Hunter at all. This is clearly about much more, a ring of criminals extending throughout Washington, and the Bidens are just the tip of the iceberg. What the pardon really does is forever tarnish the process -a President just pardoned his criminal Son. You literally cannot make this up. Not one bit of this helps the Democrats.
THe real question here is: how much does this damage the Dempcrap party, and I would say the damage is quite extensive! They cannot push anti 2nd any longer, all the right has to do is point to the double standard, a DEMOCRAP broke a FED Firearms Law, and was NOT punished for it, making ALL firearms laws unenforceable. The Dems now cannot push ANYTHING without serious pushback, especially when it comes to budgets and spending, You guys grifted BILLIONS and BILLIONS for your own selfish gains and to enrich your party allies, NOPE, NO ZOOP FOR YOU! They really have no idea the damage Ol Pdeo Joe just did, and it's going to be YEARS and YEARS for them to to recover any amount of public trust! 8 years of flat out lies, lies against Trump, lies against Russia, Lies against We the People, Lies about the Coof, Lies and Lies, LIE'S all around! We the People had enough, we voted the Democraps OUT and put Trump in, and it looks like he is going to Kick Serious Ass on the Dems, and they flat out deserve it! This was NEVER about Hunter, never really about the Bidens, though they will absolutely pay the price now, That Laptop ain't going nowhere, and it holds all sorts of tasty bites of useful data to use against that family and all the other big players involved, combined with the Epstine and now Diddy scandals, I expect to see Tarred Heads on Pikes infront of the Whitehouse!
I wasn't going to link this, most of us watch the podcast. I mentioned this in the Shoutbox. Mike Benz goes into detail for more than 2 1/2 hours uninterrupted about how the CIA, the "Deep State" essentially controls information in this technological age. It amounts to the blueprint for total control, if you know anything about how any of this works. Anyway, at one point, he mentions how Hunter was working for the CIA. And now you should know "why" most of these people, these criminals and their families are never held to account for their crimes. This isn't just about being above the law, it's about concealing the truth about CIA control through institutions world-wide, and especially domestically. Like I said before, it's not about Hunter. It's not about the Biden family. This is about the absolute power over society wielded by the radicals and the very thin veil which conceals their agenda from prying eyes. And you don't stop them by legal means... You have to destroy the whole society to rid yourselves of them.