The reason that President Biden spoke so late Monday night is that everyone else that spoke before him is more important!
The DNC was so magically effective it wiped out the bump they got from tossing Biden out on his azz and put the odds back to where they left off: Sunday: Harris 52%, Trump 47% This Morning: Trump 52%, Harris 47%. The. Day. After. The. DNC. The. RNC. Got. A. Boost. They should have never let Kamalatoe speak. Trump pulls ahead of Harris in betting market during Dem convention Also confirmed by Electoral College analysis by neutral sources
Something to consider about polls. Around 25 percent of Americans don't vote. Most of these people are Christian, many are Amish as well. As far as I'm aware, the only candidate to receive this vote from any Amish (who generally do not vote and get involved in politics) was and still is Trump. As for Christians, it's just one of those things...most candidates in recent decades are perceived as criminal, ungodly, and only grant lip service to any religion or to our Constitution. That's 25 percent of our country, if not more. So, let's say we're working with 75 percent, which is an extremely generous estimate. You sample at least 1,000 people at random for the poll. This is the gold standard, apparently. Essentially, we're expected to believe that 1,000 people grant us a good litmus test for the 75 percent of Americans, out of which often ends up being about 40 to 50 percent of anything. This is because the remaining 25 percent aren't ever polled. Ever. Like, not even Taylor Swift never ever. And I don't see the Amish (I live in Amish country) voting for a communist any damn time soon. I also never see a Christian voting for a Democrat. It could happen. Perhaps. How many Christians are there versus Left Wing crazies? It's nowhere near 50/50, folks. And this is why polls are only used to convince people to trust lies, or policies based on lies, or the illusion of the 50/50 battle being legitimate, which is also a lie.
That accent from Kamala, yikes! That alone is enough for me to vote Trump. Imagine people so stupid that would say they didn’t hear it, nor heard Sniffer Joe slurring for the last 6 plus years. God help us.