Don't be so hard on them nuns...they just thought you were was for your own good, really it was.
The one thing I have learned in this thread is, there sure are a lot of people, both left and right handed, who don't know which way to hang their clothes! So, they were just good judges of character? Could have been that.
You lefties have it so freaking easy - try being neither handed. Don't confuse neither handed with being ambidextrous, it means I am just as clumsy with my right hand as with my left. To make it worse I am the youngest of 7 kids - three were left handed and three were right. I never know which type of scissor when I picked one up, so I had to learn why they were different and how they really worked. Now I can use either type with either hand - just don't let someone neither handed like me around your hair! Almost forgot -the clothes in my closet face this way and that way - I'm just lucky none are hung upside down.
Oh look the sh**stirrer and his sidekick. I maybe a leftie but I can still..... oh shoot, Ghrit's watching.... You two are on the list!
As a mechanic one must learn to be ambidextrous , in order to get into equipment . And if you can't work with out seeing what your doing your out of the game . My son was initially a lefty but soon learned to be ambidextrous and is very creative like me.
By the way the clothes in my closet are faced both ways. shirts on the right, face left, and pants on the left faces right . They meet in the center and that's where I open it from.
I hang clothes up.... thinking how or why I do what I do is My shirts typically open to the right.... pants... who cares about pants. You pull them off and put them on. Starting to think that many lefties are way to OCD, trying to understand why the zipper is pointing left or right... I really need a drink at this point... so much stuff to think about.... and here I hated calculus......
@Yard Dart is just up set that we do not have a righty thread. He is one of those common core, everyone gets a trophy type guys.
I'm left handed. Also had trouble with those stupid dollar store type cheapo brooms. I prefer the ones that don't have the screw, that have actual natural material bristles just TIGHTLY wrapped around the broomstick. Or a vacuum. Mom was originally left-handed, but also was sent to Catholic school as a kid. Most annoying for me is when people try and teach me to do something by 'adjusting' how they're doing it so it's done left-handed. That crap makes it harder for me, I need those people to do just do it like they normally would, and I'll make my left hand do what their right hand is doing. Okay this is starting to sound nasty...
Ohhh the rum made me say that last night....bad monkey..... not even sure what the heck that meant.....
Shit, I thought I was the only guy that did that. I can't stand it when my closet gets messed with. Everything MUST have it's place. T-Shirts, button downs, pressed jeans, boots,ect.
I bought a new blender, a Ninja that blends and does the smoothie thing. I can't ever get the blender section on correctly because it one of those right handed things. It has to be in a certain position and clicks in place. I wish they made a left-handed version.