I don't remember telling my propane cylinder story at the Monkey. Let's just say that it was full, 20 ft away from me and landed about 150 feet away after bouncing off my forehead. A friend stripped me of my weapons before I hit the ground. I don't think alcohol was a factor.
I learned in Haz-Mat school the meaning of BLEVE : Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion. Once I got out into the field my boss had another more true definition that I hold dear to this day. BLEVE: Boiling Liquid Explosions Vaporizes Everything. Glad to hear you're ok. Been there with the fire and the burn thing. Got the scars and small graft to show for it. Yeah mine was a tad bit worse than yours. Take care Be safe Poacher. Especially you Melbo
I watched an old black and white film called BLEVE back in firefighters school. It always made me want to set a 20 gallon propane tank in a bonfire in the middle of the field, wait for the pressure release valve to pop open and then hit it with a .308 from a safe distance. Safe distance is the stumbling block. IIRC, a 500 gallon LP tank that is in BLEVE can take out a city block.
BLEVE not cool, almost had one when I was on the fire department, valve was blown off a 500# propane tank and it was now feeding the fire that was burning down the house, 3 of us were tasked with getting the leaking propane under control, of course there is no time as the whistle coming off the tank should have been enough to tell us to run, only good thing out of it was of the 3 of us 2 worked for a propane company so they at least had an idea of what to do or so I thought at the time all ended OK As posted before LET SOMEONE ELSE START THE GRILL IT'S MUCH SAFER (that's why I always send Mrs. Sheen out to start the grill)
Go BOOOOMMMM!!! lol Glad your Ok, but I think getting a couple hundred yards or better away with the rifle is a safer way to make a propane explosion than at the end of the arm with a lighter.