Basic Items to Survive the first 72 Hours after SHTF Moments

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by MattU94, May 8, 2024.

  1. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    You have a funky campsite, my friend.

    I'll bring a plate and harvest some with greens.
    Seawolf1090 likes this.
  2. sourdough145

    sourdough145 Holder of the M1 thumb award...

    Suturing materials are a must. Large deep cuts need to be cleaned and held in place to heal well... (ask me how I know...)
    I keep several gauges and materials. Small light sterile packets are easy to pack and can be used to mend your clothes or tent in a pinch. If you can get it any good liquid in the "caine" variety also helps when repairing a wound. Small packets of trisporic are something always in every GHB, first aid kit and auto glove compartment. I carry everything from small fabric band aid to Israeli GSW packets. Steri strips and vet superglue are good additions as well.

    One thing that I haven't heard often is trail marking. If you are out in the woods it's really a good idea to have something to allow someone to follow your trail. I use a bright survey tape (bright orange) with a black permanent ink marker. Include time, date, names, intended direction of travel (you do have a compass of course) radio frequency you are listening to and expected time of return. Post a little below eye level (people tend to look downward while walking on trail). Yes all that info is useful for SAR operations.

    I am having to replace my 72hr pack as it was stolen along with my truck a while back. So much that I had gathered over 12 years of being a SAR ground pounder on state wide call out had honed my pack to near perfection. Finding it expensive to replace to the quality of materials lost. Decided to downsize to a 24 hour quick care day bag. No more 13mm rope, carabiners, climbing belt, rescue eight, alcohol stove, sleeping bag etc. Instead it's a small tarp, paracord, space blanket, smaller first aid kit, food bars, flashlight, radio and an item of protection as a minimum. Of course there is many more little items and everyone will have their own take on what to bring. Rebuilding will be a good test of memory for any one.

    Enough of my babble. My hope is that whatever you happen to need, you will have on hand!
    Zimmy and chelloveck like this.
  3. Airtime

    Airtime Monkey+++

    You need to open them right. The seal generally has 3 or 4 tabs on the edge. Carefully lift the seal up with the tab taking care to not tear it. Once off, I put it back inside the lid and it generally seals just fine over and over. As for rodents, the plastic jar is far superior to the wrappers on snack bars, MREs, etc. I have several jars of PB I keep in my shop which has plenty of rodents running around. While they have gotten into other things, never made into the PB. I found some teeth marks on the lid once. Now they simply sit upside down on the shelf. Not a problem.
    3cyl and Zimmy like this.
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