You have to know where your towel is.. Put over your head and the critter can't hurt you... "As stated from the Hitch Hikers guide" Liked the trap in the box idea..
Like Airtime said, just use dog food for bait. Live trap to get them in, 22 to deal with it and your done.
Get an owl. Skunks and owls don't get along at all. An owl decoy and a hoot tape, skunks don't come around.
Everytime I read this I laugh. It reminds me of home As kid we had a family of skunks under the barn. Worst summer of my life. Now it's funny but then it was horrid. Everything smelled like skunk for months in hot summer. The Weimer (bird dog) got out and every time he got wet for a year he stank
OK two traps set and baited with sardines in oil. Last night's game cam turned up nothing, but no kills either. I think this guy also chewed up my new drip irrigation tubing for my orchard... I may have to get my driveway alarms set up, night vision goggles and 12 gauge at the ready.
You might try putting down Chalk Powder (UV Type) around some Bait, and then you can Track the little Bugger, even on dry and dusty ground. Might give some clue to where he hangs out during the daytime...
Hmmmm never heard of Chalk Powder, source? This may be a mute point, he/she stole bate from the large medium sized trap night before last but he/she found the smaller medium sized trap and was there this morning, I hope I shot he/her enough times, they are a bunch of fur, hard to get a good shot when you don't want to get sprayed, film at 11.
Shot a rat last night, brazen guy would be eating the cracked corn just 10' from me... 22LR Bird Shot at 10' Damm cats, get back on the job.