Bacon Grease- strain or love the chunks

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by Motomom34, Oct 29, 2018.

  1. Yes- keeps it fresh longer

    10 vote(s)
  2. No- love the bacon bits

    8 vote(s)
  3. Bacon grease? gross, throw it away

    0 vote(s)
  1. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I made a bacon & lettuce sandwich for dinner last night also. Still trying to process the smearing the grease on the bun. I know that is an old-fashion way but just can't imagine eating it.
  2. runswithdogs

    runswithdogs Monkey+++

    Sooooooo goooooooood:p

    Though to be fair... this is my idea of a snack.....

    Yes....yes that is butter on my bacon :D
    Thunder5Ranch likes this.
  3. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    Thought everyone buttered their bacon ;)
  4. runswithdogs

    runswithdogs Monkey+++

    Based on the horrified look that elected on my mil’s face, id guess not....:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    Motomom34 likes this.
  5. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

  6. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Lard was made from the leaf fat on a pig. The first couple of pours out of the pan are really good for baking and such. Later pourings had more flavor and were not as white. While you could make lard out of other fat parts of the hog, fatback for example, it had a more pork flavor. Used to have the bacon of course, but also made fat back, and salt pork out of it. Used in beans, cooking soups, breakfast, etc, and any other fat was rendered down for soap. Modern hogs are bred to have less fat as there is no great demand for it. In a survival situation you would want the fat. Rough numbers for calories in 1 pound, lard - 4,000, bacon cooked -2,400, pork chop-900, chicken breast-500, white fish-500, oily fish-800, wheat-1,500, rice -1,500, beans-1,500, so if you want 2,000 calories a day, a little fat goes a long way to supply it.
  7. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    If you could have seen the horrified look on my face. :LOL: My Mother spent years on weight watchers. I think that is where most of my eating habits come from and bacon slathered with butter was not o the WW plan.
  8. SoaySheep

    SoaySheep Monkey

    decant the hot fat and then take leftover rice and mashed potatoes, add spices and and egg for binder, form into patties and fry them to get those bits up

    no need to apologize. Puppies like treats too

    You have to get bacon grease solid which means a semi freeze. It's typically been heated enough times it won't hold its shape properly without it being very cold. It will also lend a slightly smoky aroma moreso than taste. It depends on the pie if that's good or not. (Great in a quiche) Over all Fresh Lard is preferable IMO

    use the whole strip, or do you trim off some of the fat?

    That's also exactly why it's hard to lose weight. You need a calorie deficit of 4K to lose one pound of fat and if you are an average sized man with moderate activity your caloric requirements are typically 2200-2500 per day. That means if you maintained your normal activities and only had water it would take almost 2 days of fasting to lose one pound
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2018
    Motomom34 likes this.
  9. runswithdogs

    runswithdogs Monkey+++

    Funny, since I lost about 35lbs eating well over my “offical recommended calories for maintnence “ (see the ketofoodporn thread for an idea what I eat)

    This is a really good breakdown of why calorie restriction dosent work the way people think it does.

  10. SoaySheep

    SoaySheep Monkey

    Actually he didn't break it down much at all. If it is offered in Med Schools, Nutrition is generally an elective not a requirement. I took that elective. He admitted that he didn't take it if it was even offered at his school. His entire 10 minute video can be reduced to, "Counting calories is stupid and watch your carbs." He at least did hint at how a calorie is not a calorie when comparing different types of food and intermittent fasting helps, but failed to explain why. His biggest problem is that he has assumed that all obesity has to do with pathology mostly endocrine pathology, when most of the time it doesn't. Most of the people wanting to lose 10-20, even 30% of their body weight to get to a healthy weight do not have endocrine issues. He has taken a subset of patients and tried to portray that as the norm. The part does not necessarily represent the whole. It's the same problem that Freud had where he assumed that psychiatric pathology was the norm.

    Calories, yes are a measurement used in physics and chemistry, however they are also a shorthand used in medicine, so it's not stupid, it's just a bit over simplified. The more complex a molecule is, the more energy it takes for the body to metabolize it. So, carbs are easier to digest and so generally people with a carb heavy diet are likely to gain more weight. Part of the issue is also that the data is old. The data about calories is based on studies before sugar enhanced genes were spliced into everything. It's from before soft drinks became a replacement for water. It's before excessive amounts of sugar was added to bread. It's before sugar water was used to spray vegetables in stores and salads in restaurants.

    He and the, "calories are everything," crowd are simply opposite ends of the spectrum. Both are wrong for the same reason, over simplification. The answer is in the middle and not exactly the same for everyone. There is no perfect diet for all. If you can run a mile without having to lie down and aren't gasping, or you can do two hours straight of heavy labor at a moderate pace and at your physical your doctor only said you should lose some weight, then watching your carb intake is a reasonable starting point. If you go out for burgers, get lettuce wraps instead of buns. Reduce your deserts to once a week. Don't put candy in your coffee (caramel etc) Fast for at least 12 hours a day having only water and if you can manage it, once a week fast longer, but if you get to the point of feeling dizzy, mildly nauseous, have tunnel vision, have trouble thinking or standing, then you may be getting clinically hypoglycemic and may need a snack that includes a small amount of simple sugars along with some protein and fat. Sugar alone will give you a quick peak but it will also bottom out quickly. A couple crackers with peanut butter is a simple solution.

    The reason for fasting has to do with the biochemistry. There's basically a switch in your liver that switches the metabolism from building fat to, "burning," fat and that switch has to do with your blood sugar. If you never get your blood sugar below that point, then when you are starving your body may burn muscle instead of fat. That blood sugar level is a little different for everyone. It isn't a magic number. Fasting for 12 hours a day for most people will allow them to flip that switch and so during the last few hours they will, "burn," fat. If you frequently snack, your blood sugar will be maintained by the food you are eating and will never require that switch to be flipped. The easiest is to include your normal sleep time in that 12 hours, so say, no food between 6PM and 6AM. Another thing that should be obvious is don't eat if you aren't hungry. Most Americans are chronically mildly dehydrated and can misinterpret thirst as hunger. Drink 12-16 oz water, wait 20 minutes and see if you are hungry
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2018
  11. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    SoaySheep likes this.
  12. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    I like crispy bacon with cheese dip. What is there not to like?
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